
Chapter 7

"WHAT" Izuku shouted.

"I said 'why are you are you here when your Dad's a villain?'"

Izuku was freaking out. He never really thought about it but what if the school found out his… origin (1). And the worst thing was that he could tell Bakugou was honestly curious, as if he shouldn't be at U.A.

"I mean" Izuku said with a straight face "how is my Dad a villain?"

"Don't play dumb. My Mum told me when you moved schools. Your real Dad's the villain Regen" Bakugou said slightly annoyed.

"That asshole is not my father!" Izuku said then he turned around and left Bakugou all the while thinking 'What happens now?'


Bakugou walked home from school. He was confused, his Mum told him that Deku's Dad was the villain Regen and while Deku was weird about it (2), he clearly didn't believe Regen was his Dad. Finally reaching his house he walked in and immediately yelled "You old hag, you lied to me!"

"What did you call me!" His mother (Mitsuki Bakugou) yelled back.

Running up stairs Bakugou said when he was face to face to his Mum "Your a liar. You told me that Deku's Dad was a villain but he said he wasn't!"

"What happened?" Mitsuki asked noticing her son's distort look.

"I… I thought we would be friends again now that his back…"

"And you thought it was a good idea to bring up his Dad when he wants to be a hero" she said with an unimpressed expression.

"Well… fine what should I do?" He asked (3)


Panicking Izuku called Toshinori, once he got away from Bakugou.

"Bakugou knows" he screamed into his phone.

"About One for All?!" The previous user also yelled.


"Then what could he know that has worked you up?" He asked his successor.

"He knows about Regen". This made Toshinori pause.

"Well it may cause your popularity to go down but it's not that big of a deal. I understand if you wanted it to be a secret but as a hero, let me tell you it is incredibly hard to try and keep secrets from the public" he said without noticing the irony of what he just said.

"What about U.A?"

"What about it?"

"The teachers will I get kicked out?"

"Izuku I'm sorry to tell you this but all the teachers know" the blonde horse says.


"Yes it's true. The only reason none of them has said anything because they don't know if YOU know" Toshinori explained.

"Why wouldn't I know?" Izuku asked.

"Did you know before you met me?" He replied.


"I would suggest to find out how young Bakugou knows"

"Ok. Thank you Toshinori"

"Your welcome" says Toshinori just before Izuku hangs up.


"Mum who knows about Regen?" Izuku asked (4).

"What?" Inko was Surprised this was the first time Izuku talked about Regen since he learned of him.

"Mum Bakugou knows about Regen." That simple statement immediately set her off.

"Areyougoingtobeok?WhataboutU.A,canyoukeepgoing?Whatdoyouneedmetodo?" Inko said at such a speed Izuku almost did hear.

"Yes, yes and I just need you to tell me who knows" Izuku said.

"Honey… I did tell Mitsuki but it's not that hard to find out"

"Huh" was all Izuku could manage. Others could know.


I hope that the last sentence was foreshadowing enough, please leave constructive criticism as I definitely need it. Also sorry for the short chapter, I wasn't sure how to keep going so I left it like it is.

(1)Izuku still hasn't come to terms with Regen. Which is normal/acceptable-ish if Bakugou wasn't screwing him over.

(2)Bakugou had never heard Izuku swear before.

(3)So what do you think with Izuku and Bakugou being friends. Also Izuku is called Deku in this because his quirk didn't use to work without someone/something to adapt to making him 'empty' (deku can mean empty)

(4)When Izuku learned the truth Hisashi told Inko that he knew.