

Melanie Arya Parker's life takes a dark turn when she is kidnapped and thrust into a high-stakes training program for secret agents. Given the new identity of Adelina Arya Costa, she undergoes scientific modifications to gain extraordinary abilities and endures intense training under the enigmatic Mr. Fernando. Adelina and her peers are tasked with infiltrating and destroying the Mafia system from within. As the trainees navigate this harsh reality, they form strong bonds and work together to strategize and survive. However, the twelve heads of the strongest Mafia families discover Mr. Fernando's plans and retaliate by attempting to eliminate Adelina's group. To sidetrack their enemies, Mr. Fernando offers the women as brides to the Mafia heads or their heirs. Adelina is married to the cold heir of the strongest Mafia family. Living apart from her husband initially, Adelina eventually reconciles with him, and they form a united front against common enemies. The birth of children to each of the mafia heads' strongest families, who inherit their mother's abilities, adds complexity to the women's struggle against the Mafia. Years later, Adelina faces a new challenge when her husband disappears, and she discovers she is pregnant. She uncovers the truth behind his mysterious absence and, with the help of her friends, flees with her children to protect them and herself. Upon her husband's return, he embarks on a mission to find his family, while Adelina faces the challenge of protecting them and staying true to her mission. Along the way, Adelina uncovers shocking revelations about her past and her parents' ties to the Mafia, fueling her determination to honor their memory. The story explores important themes such as abduction, human trafficking, child abuse/ exploitation, mental health, suicide, forgiveness and resilience in the face of trauma. Adelina's journey is one of empowerment and self-discovery as she confronts difficult choices, balancing loyalty to her mission with her devotion to her family. In a world where only the strongest survive, Adelina and her group must navigate a treacherous path to liberate themselves and others from the control of the Mafia system.

Leeloo · สมัยใหม่
38 Chs


Adelina stomped through the hall angrily.

"Adelina" André yelled out, walking after her briskly.

They had gotten back the next morning, ninety five percent of the agents were dead including the top gun,


Adelina had handled him by herself, escaping with a knife cut on her shoulder which had miraculously healed without leaving a mark.

She was furious with everyone that breathed as long as they weren't her friends.

Adelina was so upset, Lorelai had to talk her into taking out her anger on a punching bag in the gym so she wouldn't accidentally kill Mr Fernando during the confrontation.

Or Mr Fernando's son, André.

To her, she was handling the current situation well by just ignoring him.

"Adelina" He gasped, finally holding her arm after having to run up to her.

"Don't fucking touch me" She screamed as she shrugged her arm out of his grip.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked in a gentle tone.

She turned, stared at him blankly, then walked away,

He reached out grabbing her arm again, this time firmly, forcing her to look into the blue eyes she once liked.

All she could see was betrayal written on his face, in all the languages she could decipher.

Diane wouldn't be dead if he had just told her what he knew about that sick game.

She felt her anger choke her, like salt being thrown into the wound in her heart.

She couldn't stand the sight of him.

"Unhand me immediately, André" she growled.

"I won't, not until you tell me what's going on, you don't want to know how scared I was that you wouldn't make it" He whispered.

"I'm fine now André, your two eyes can see that so let me go" She whispered in the same tone as she struggled to peel his hand from her arm.

"There was something I wanted to tell you before you left but father..." He was saying,

"Be quick with it, I don't have all day" She snapped, cutting his sentence short.

"I love you Adelina" He whispered.

"I know... I love me too" She answered angrily.

He ignored her comment, dropping down on one knee.

He opened a little velvet box reveal a pretty diamond ring with rhinestones gracing it's splendor.

"It was my mom's but she would want you to have it, Adelina" He whispered, beaming with pride.

Adelina was in shock,

After all the pain and trauma his father had caused her.

It was the audacity of this little son of a bitch for her.

And her reaction came so fast,

She didn't even think it over,

Her hand met his face with a loud slap so heavy that it threw him off balance.

The velvet box fell to the floor and the ring danced out of it.

Spinning on it's bottom before laying on the floor.

"How dare you?" She gasped.

"Ade?" He whispered, tears forcing themselves into his eyes.

The sting of the slap still reverberating on his cheek.

It was then he had realized that she wasn't the same Adelina he fell in love with.

Something had definitely gone wrong.

"I'll never marry into your pathetic family, what sort of sick joke is that?" Adelina snarled before turning away, not sparing him another glance as she made her way to Mr Fernando's office.

Leaving him to gather the shattered pieces of his heart alone.

Adelina burst into the office.

Mr Fernando knew she was going to come and he dreaded the moment that had just arrived.

He wanted the ground to open up and swallow him alive.

Adelina might just be human but her strength was alien.

How would he explain that it was a miscommunication.

That L took eliminated to a whole other level.

And he had heard of his demise by Adelina's hands so there was no way he could offer to punish him since she had taken revenge,

Plus she really didn't look like someone who wanted to talk right now,

She picked up his desk with her two hands, tossing it aside.

It broke apart, also leaving cracks in the wall.

The sound alerted guards around and they stormed into the room armed with weaponry as Adelina had taken hold of him by the length of his tie, curled around her hand,

She looked back, eyeing the guards with contempt.

Mr Fernando raised up his hand dismissing them,

"Leave" He whispered to his men.

They hesitated.

"You heard him, leave" Adelina screamed before they scrambled out of the room,

Her eyes darted back to Mr Fernando, boring into his soul,

"Explain yourself, Nathan" She growled, pulling on his tie,

"I was going to explain Arya, just let my tie be" He pleaded,

"You're in no position to make demands" She growled,

"It was a misunderstanding" He muttered,

"Misunderstanding?" Adelina repeated, a look of disgust evident on her face,

"I never ordered for deaths, L mistook eliminated to mean killed" Mr Fernando explained,

"Do you think I believe your little sob story" Adelina growled angrily, voice rough enough to cut steel,

He gulped, threatened by her demeanor,

Nathan knew so well that his next words had to be chosen wisely.

Of course, he was the head of the Fernando house but this woman was to be respected,

By all.

She demanded everything more than respect and nothing less.

Adelina was capable of destroying all the heads of the mafia families.

One by one,


With a smile on her pretty face as she ended each one

"Spare me Adelina and I will do anything you ask of me" He gasped after calculating his chances of surviving.

This was his best bet.

Adelina's grip loosened.

And he felt air coming into his respiratory system again,

She let go of his tie hesitantly, staring him down like she was trying to see if he was speaking the truth.

"You will do anything I ask?" She asked again, just to be sure she heard well.

Many thoughts ran through her head,

She could ask for she and her friends to be freed or...

"Yes, I will stand by my word" Mr Fernando answered.