

In a land far away were a young boy and his friends dream of becoming the best of best beast tamer in Elglade.

Tigerhiddeningrass · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

The problem starts

Yei yei "were do we start".

Ancient one "well from what I heard from your grandfather that little girl you going up against so have you done any training".

Yei yei "yeah have but only with Zhen long and that was so training with element control and and some suppression train but besides that nothing else".

Ancient one "while that not what I was wanting but I guess that what I got well if it true that the girl your facing has a true dragon in this month time she probably be able to find beast of the same rarity or a even higher being that shall completely suppress all your beast but you have Zhen long with the true dragon bloodline but you also have your Jingtong who is close to a dragon but different your Jingtong has a very rare mutation that allows him to use both fire and water even though these two powerful force are alway against each other he was some how born with the ability to achieve a balance between them it take a normal beast even one as myself a whole life time just to be able to have those 2 elements in out bodies at the same time bit him he was born as a almost impossible being he defies the law of nature just by him be able to live for this long".

Yei yei "I have a chance at beating Abigail now right".

Ancient one "not exactly only slight possibility there are many factors to account for but with Jingtong it a higher possibility".

As Yei yei hears that he looks over at Jingtong who is just quietly training while wait for there conversation to end.

Ancient one "while since we have discussed over the opponent how about we do this we have 4 weeks to train so I shall personal train your pet beast a week each and the other shall be training with you the first week shall be Jingtong then Zhen long and then Wuya then Xie".

Yei yei "alright but when I train with my beast what kind of training should I do".

Ancient one "anything that could kill since that what me and your pet beast are going to do all week".

Yei yei "alright I shall start immediately thank you for your help Ancient one".

Ancient one "no need to thank me that what I'm here for".

As they say that they both head their own while Yie yie chose to go to a dark cave the ancient one went and flew off the tallest cliff and pushed Jingtong off.