

In a land far away were a young boy and his friends dream of becoming the best of best beast tamer in Elglade.

Tigerhiddeningrass · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

The end of the hunt

As the our heros finish collecting the materials from the

mad boar then as they head back to bear the trail sight they see all the classmates setting up camp and they all start setting up camp to and say hi to everyone and chat for a while after say there hello they cook up dinner finish it and head to bed it early next morning everyone one wake up and start packing away there gear and walk near the gate wait for it to open signific the end of the hunt and that they all become beast tamers.

Mr. Ryan "hello students it been a few day since I last saw you and jt look you all become real beast tamer now and can stand your own I am proud of everyone of you guy for making it through the 3 day without any help from us teachers good work all we will wait till everyone get back before we start the reward ceremony".

Everyone yes sir!

As they all sit and chat with each other showing off all there pet beast some start head out from the forest they did pay much attention because then knew it was another student so they just keep up with there conversations intill a pair of student a boy and girl one with short rough brown hair and the girl with beautiful long black hair walk in and they know who it is there school top 2 genius that alway take 1st and 2nd together and see as they just came back know they mist have traveled very far in the forest to get some rare pet beast as they wait more and more student show up and finally everyone return and now is the time they rate all the pet to see who has the rarest and strongest pet and get the chance at some rare beast eggs.

Mr. Ryan "everyone line up in a single file line and head in to the tent to get your beast checked and then go to the waiting area".

Everyone yes sir!

As they all do what there told they keep chasing with each other talk about what happened in this 3 day time period and all there crazy incounters that happened and who got lucky and who didn't as time went on the line got shorter and shorter surprisingly this year it only took about hour to rank and give everyone what rank they got.