
Across the Delta World

Amidst the shadows of a dimly-lit cavern, a young man awakens to a harrowing reality: his body ravaged by wounds, his mind clouded by amnesia. Desperate to unravel the mystery shrouding his past, he embarks on a perilous journey through a realm teeming with enigmatic beings and perilous adversaries. As he battles the unknown forces that assail him, he must unearth the truth of his identity before darkness of this world consumes him utterly until his last breath.

Blake117 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

In The Deep Dark

In this ever most black darkness of the long ending tunnels formed in these caves, If you listen keenly there are the echoing sounds of the movements of the many living creatures that brings life to these lonesome and empty cavern even at its seamlessly bottomless pits. 

Everything here follows an order here where if one life wishes to flourishes the other will meet its untimely end where it perishes, and at this moment a new life has unknowingly found itself introduced to this new environment in which its already on the brink of being extinguished.

What is currently lying on the cold damp floor of this cave cavern is a bruised and battered young man clinging to his ever so fleeting life. The many cuts and wounds that stain his make-shift bandage rags, that are made from the torn up parts of clothing on his body. His long blonde hair and parts of his body is now dyed in what can neither be identified now as his or somethings else's blood. The absence of clothing reveals the many small scars healed from battles before with a large angled deep cut across his chest protruding from within the opening.

At the moment it seems that there was no apparent life threatening wound that was affecting him at the moment besides dried blood that had spilled from his head. It seems that a very serious fall caused damage to his head will have some lasting effects. This was also the cause to his most serious problem at the moment, as he woke up he did not know or remember where he currently is at or how he is even this this state in the first place. All this is now coming to him as he slowly opened his eyes to a room that is dimly lit by packets of strange blue crystals.

" Wh..where am I?"

His mouth finally opens to reveal a raspy voice that barely makes a sound in the silence around him.

'My body feels like its on its very last leg, what in the world happened to me'. While he began calming himself down to his predicament, now having been awoken he could feel his body starving for any food and liquid.

In the time it took for him to recover off the injuries he wondered how long his body had gone not received anything to sustain it for who knows how long.

"Everything feels so strange..." he thought to himself as he took short breathes, ' Why does the air feel so weird, in all my life breathing it never felt like it was a struggle'.

Even with the amount of pain that emerged from the moving of his body, he had enough of the cold ground that he tried to slowly sit himself up with the little energy that was left inside of him to be able to have his back against the rigged stone cave wall.

'I should probably try to get myse-' shifting himself up there was a sharp pain that struck his side causing him to awaken the dark with a loud yell.

"Aahhh! damn it all!!". He was clenching his fists on the ground to be able to calm his nerves and took deep breathes.

There he seems to finally start to feel the suffering and the pain from his current bodies condition. Now left without the option to move around, he decides to think of his current circumstances and how is he even down here in the first place.

'What even is my name, who in the world am I?'

When he started thinking about it he realized that his recent memory was all non-existent and messed up. It was then something inside had clicked and things came rapidly back to form together.

At this time his consciousness sank into the first memory that had returned from the past, not cause it was the most special but because it was when he had lost everything that was ever important.


I had been on a trip to a vacation home we used every so often on the major holidays with most of my close family members, well mostly those I had cared for anyway. We had come to a remote area to camp in the nearby forest, now we were at the end of our time of stay and was all packed up .

In which I was making my way back to the homestead after going back to get my own things and what was left.

It was only because I came back for the rest of the meat we had smoked the morning, as that day before me and my brothers had hunted some forest animals . The gutting and cleaning of the animals we killed was not the issue, it was too large a hunt so it would have be done in batches for nothing to go to waste.

Making my way back with my own stuff and what was left, the day was just about coming to an end with the sun starting to set and the night begging to bring out the moon and its many stars. On the short trip back I was staring at the white full moon lost in my own thoughts when I felt strange, my body felt in what I could only describe as in a distorted state as I fell to my knees not even being able to make a sound as no sound came from my mouth until I eventually passed out.

It was only after a while that passed to which I had awaken from that awful experience, everything still seemed normal as I had my stuff with me and was still in a forest. It was when I had taken a look into the sky after rising that the shocking realization came to me as there was now two moons in the sky that night, one that was a soft light blue and the other of a shining purple. From there it gets foggy until there is nothing else.


Everything was coming back at a increasing rate from the knowledge and the memories of the life I had just experienced before that seemed like a minute ago causing me to nearly pass out from it.

"That was a little more enduring than I thought it would be..."

I had felt the worse mind splitting pain than no other sickness had cause me before.

"So I am not even on earth anymore, everything that I ever knew as normal is gone just like that ....huh..".

He began to think about everything that he had left behind.

"I may had been taught to not live in the past but this is just too much to take upfront now as the present, I don't even know if I should be mad or thankful to my father for teaching me how to control my emotions incase something terrible happened.."

I could only hung my head down as I mumbled.

"I can't even shed a tear for any of you now that your all gone".

Knowing that sulking would not o me any good I began to analyze my present situation.

"At least now I have some idea what happened to me, but there are somethings I still do not understand such as to what I did to deserve being hurt this badly".

Having recovered from the mental impact of having partially remembered who I was, looking at my side I found a large belt like equipment with small pouches attached to it and a sack not to far away out of reach.

After grabbing the large belt and looking into all of them various. I emptied the contents of the pouches on the floor.

"What the hell is all of this?, I do not remember seeing any of these things before?"

I said to myself, as say some of the laid out contents which are new things to my eyes.

"At least I can make out some familiar things"

As I picked up a gold coin with engravings of symbols, I wondered about their worth.

"Most possibly this is some currency or tokens?, I would guess its the former of the the two".

In each of the pouches there were something different ,there were 3 corked glass bottle with a dense watery purple liquid along with 3 others that instead contained a light blue substance.

Along with those were some dried fruits and nuts that I guessed based on their looks, then 5 crystals varying rainbow filled colors inside them and the last pouch filled with mostly the gold coins along with gray and green coins.

Even with my current body and mind being in a starved and dehydrated state there was still a slight hesitation about if these foods would affect me in anyway.

"I really hope the past me did not pick up anything that would negatively affect us"

I said to himself as he picked up a handful of nuts to eat

"At least it does not smell no type of way, well here goes nothing".

Incase it had a weird taste I decided to eat a good amount of it all at once.

'Well surprisingly it taste very bland without flavor, would really need some spices to fit my taste', I thought to himself as I finished eating the small amount.

"Since this seems to be safe so far I wonder about this?"

I thought as I picked up the purple glass.

"I used to enjoy grapes so I will go with this color first to quench my thirst".

After finishing the contents of the glass I breath a sigh of relief as I felt relieved of my parched throat.

"Man that hit the spo-*clank*"

The glass had fell right out of my hands as soon as I finished drinking all of it. As for me, my whole body began to tense up as my skin burned on the outside and my insides began to twist around causing immense pain to ensued after.