
Across Parallels

The story revolves around an astronaut named Kang Sung-jo who has been working in space for around 15 years for a private space program company named Xpwork Pvt. Ltd. And as one day while everything was going well & the crew was getting back to earth a day later suddenly the space station was approached by a cluster of asteroids because of this disaster the whole space station gets totally destroyed, then Kang Sung-jo ends up seperated by away by his crew during their evacuation process. And gets on an alien planet which is alike to planet Earth & is known as "Zarthix". Where he comes to know about a company which do illegal experiments over the people living over there without the knowledge of the government. Then he & his mates who he met up there in Zarthix together bring this problem in front of the media & law of Zarthix. Total number of episodes: 32 - TO KNOW FURTHER JUST READ THE STORY. Follow the author on Instagram @e_igh_t

E_igh_t · ไซไฟ
34 Chs

Chapter 8

Whereas, Kang Sung-jo who was flushed into the darkness of the space through the vent opening was not dead as expected by his crewmates. While Sung-jo was flushed out he had hit his body on the panels of the space station due to which he had come up with a displacement of right shoulder bones & fractured his left leg because of which he was able to experience an excess amount of pain through his body. And when the pain got on the peak of his tolerance level he started going into the state of half-consciousness for the time being & started to flow here & there in the dark space as if a person floating in nirvana. The temperature maintaining system in his spacesuit started to collapse as time went on. While he was in his unconscious state the space freezing started taking over his body. He was trying to get in touch with his crewmates to tell them that he was alive & he had damaged his body, hoping someone will come & save him from there, even in his half-consciousness.

Time went on but no help came he floated through space like a free rock which was amongst the dark deep space. Within this time the spacesuit's battery gone down, he was fully conscious & in that state he started to see a dream about his dad who motivated to follow his dreams. In that dream, Kang Sung-jo was a school student who was running towards his home because of the continues bullying he used to face in his school from his classmates. As he reaches home & opens the door he sees his dad, Mr Kang, in front of the entrance gate. Both of them looks at each other for a minute & suddenly Mr Kang starts to speak.

Mr Kang: Does running away made you happy?

Kang Sung-jo stood silent & facing his head down towards the floor. As Mr Kang sees that, Mr Kang asks again the same question again to Kang Sung-jo.

Mr Kang: Does running away made you happy?

Kang Sung-jo: Hmm.

Mr Kang: Sung-jo, listen up. In our life, there will be more difficult situations we have to face. If you start running from all those problems like that you did today you will not reach anywhere. So from now o,n you should not run away from any kind of difficult situation which you face in your life. Did you understand?

Kang Sung-jo: Okay, dad.

Mr Kang: That's my strong son.

Saying these words Mr Kang takes Kang Sung-jo with him outside the house. As Mr Kang opens the front door from where Sung-jo entered the house a few minutes ago, suddenly, Sung-jo witnesses a bright light because of the glare of that light Sung-jo covers his eyes with his arms. Mr Kang holds his hands & walks towards that light. As the glare got less Sang-jo removed his hands from his eyes & looked around him. And the visuals left him spellbound Sang-jo was able to see other planets from his home & the stars were shining like diamonds & the skies were purple in colour. Sang-jo asked his father.