
Across Parallels

The story revolves around an astronaut named Kang Sung-jo who has been working in space for around 15 years for a private space program company named Xpwork Pvt. Ltd. And as one day while everything was going well & the crew was getting back to earth a day later suddenly the space station was approached by a cluster of asteroids because of this disaster the whole space station gets totally destroyed, then Kang Sung-jo ends up seperated by away by his crew during their evacuation process. And gets on an alien planet which is alike to planet Earth & is known as "Zarthix". Where he comes to know about a company which do illegal experiments over the people living over there without the knowledge of the government. Then he & his mates who he met up there in Zarthix together bring this problem in front of the media & law of Zarthix. Total number of episodes: 32 - TO KNOW FURTHER JUST READ THE STORY. Follow the author on Instagram @e_igh_t

E_igh_t · ไซไฟ
34 Chs

Chapter 25

Next day, Assistant detective Park after doing continues work for day & night trying to collect all kinds of records & information about Kang Sung-jo & while he was taking a short rest by having a warm cup of coffee at a nearby café suddenly his smartphone started to ring & when he picked the call it was Detective Alex Lu on the call. In the call, Detective Alex Lu asked.

Alex Lu: So, Park! How's your work going? I asked you to be done soon.

Assistant Park: Sir, I have been looking at the things you told me but I haven't received any clue regarding Kang Sung-jo. It's like there is no such entity exist in this country.

Alex Lu: It's impossible. How can be that possible?

Assistant Park: Yes, sir. When I came to know this I also felt that. But it's the reality.

Alex Lu: Anyway, keep a close eye over him. In this world, there is no one who doesn't leave his/her trace behind living the entire life here. Just hold onto your senses & keep a look over him till we don't get some hint.

Assistant Park: Okay, sir.

Alex Lu: Park, did you get those CCTV footages around the accident-prone area?

Assistant Park: No, sir. In this hustle, I didn't get the chance to go to Xionic Co. Headquarters for that sir. I will go know itself.

Alex Lu: No…No…No… You can work on which you are currently working. I'll go & get those footages.

Assistant Park: Okay, sir.

Alex Lu: Okay, bye.

Alex Lu ends the call & says to himself sitting on his office chair looking at the spinning fan over the ceiling.

Alex Lu: Let's go to Xionic Co. now!

Then he stands up from his place & takes out his car keys from his drawer of the desk where he does his daily office works & walks out of the Police Station towards the car & sets up to Xionic Co. Headquarters. Within a few hours of drive when he got there & tried to walk inside the main building of Xionic Co., after parking the car in the parking lot. The security who was in black 'n' black guarding the entrance blocked him & said.

Security: Sir, outsiders are not allowed. Only employees & company officials are allowed.

Alex Lu: I'm a cop! (Taking his ID from his jacket's pocket & shows it to the security officer).

Security: Sir, I'm sorry. I can't allow you to get in. you will need special permission to get inside.

Alex Lu: I'm a cop! & I'm here as my part of the investigation!

Security: Then also you are not permitted, sir. It's against our company laws. So please cooperate.

Saying this the security slowly pushes away Alex Lu from entering the building. This attitude just pissed Alex Lu because of which he started a dispute at the place. At that time, the CEO & his manager were going out for some purpose & CEO Do Yu-gun noticed the situation & told his manager Kim Sun-wong to look over the situation. As per the CEO's order, Kim Sun-wong went to the security officer & asked about the issue going in the front lobby itself. After asking security & knowing all the issue Kim Sun-wong returned to the CEO & said.

Kim Sun-wong: Sir, he is a cop & he is here for an investigation about the Kim Young-so attack case.

Do Yo-gun: Don't you have done the necessary steps for keeping our image clean for the outside world.

Kim Sun-wong: Sir, the CCTV footages were not cleared. Other than that all is cleared.

As CEO. Do Yo-gun heard this response from Kim Sun-wong he gave a sharp look to Kim Sun-wong who was standing beside him & gave a hard punch over his gut. Ceo. Do Yo-gun said to Kim Sun-wong.

Do Yo-gun: Bastard! Why I'm keeping & feeding you? Even these silly jobs can't be done by you.

Kim Sun-wong: I'm sorry, sir. I'll not repeat it. Now itself I will clear it by contacting the security office. (Biting the pain of the punch inside himself).

Do Yo-gun: Hmm, that's good to hear (with an evil smile & patting over Kim Sun-wong's shoulder).

While Kim Sun-wong was contacting the security control room for the time being CEO. Do yo-gun walked towards the entrance gate where the security officer & Alex Lu were arguing between each other for the entry. As the security officer saw CEO. Do Yo-gun he suddenly went into an attention position & moved to the side. This behaviour of security officer woke the alert Alex Lu within, Do Yo-gun came out of the building & said to Alex Lu.

Do Yo-gun: My apologies, sir. For the inconvenience caused by my worker.

Alex Lu: Who are you?

Do Yo-gun: Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the CEO of this company & my name is Do Yo-gun.

Alex Lu: I'm Alex Lu. And I'm here with the purpose of my investigation.

Alex Lu then points out to the CCTV cameras which were installed over the company premises & say to CEO Do Yo-gun.

Alex Lu: Sir, I want the CCTV footages of events which happened in front of your companies a few days before. Can you help me with that?

Do Yo-gun: Why not? Just come with me. I will lead the way for you to our security office.

Then Do Yo-gun took Alex Lu with him to the Security Office of Xionic Co. When they both entered the office Kim Sun-wong was already present there regarding the deletion of proofs from their company systems. When Kim Sun-wong saw his boss has entered he nodded his head as a sign to say that all the matters were clear there as per CEO. Do Yo-gun orders.

Do Yo-gun: Please, sir. You can look whatever you want?

Alex Lu: Thank you Mr Yo-gun for your permission.

Alex Lu went to the main system & started to check the CCTV footages which were a very important proof for his investigation. After searching for a while he found out that the footages of events before the incident date & the particular date have not been recorded in the cameras. Alex Lu asked the CEO.

Alex Lu: Sir, the footages of the particular days which I'm looking for has not been recorded! Can you tell me the reason why?

Do Yo-gun: I don't know these matters actually. Let me ask my manager Kim Sun-wong.

Even before asking Kim Sun-wong said to Do Yo-gun.

Kim Sun-wong: Sir, those days our security systems crashed due to some reasons & it was under maintenance.

Do Yo-gun: Have you heard Mr Alex. It's the reason.

Alex Lu: Anyway, thank you for your cooperation Mr Yo-gun.

Do Yo-gun: It's okay. As a citizen of this country, it's my duty to help people.

Alex Lu: Okay, Mr Yo-gun. I have to go now.

Saying this as Alex Lu turned over towards the monitor of the system suddenly the footages of the day on which Seabird came started to play & he saw Seabird in the video & his luxurious space bus. As he saw that he said to CEO Do Yo-gun.

Alex Lu: Seriously! What a sexy space bus.

Then he left the Security Office & while he was walking out of the main building he saw the same luxurious space bus which he saw in the footage a few minutes ago entering the compound of Xionic Co. & he also met Seabird face to face. As he saw Seabird he told inside his head.

Alex Lu: Actually, rich people are enjoying life.

Saying this he leaves the spot. But Seabird who came there to meet Kim Sun-wong stood at the lobby itself & gave a call to Kim Sun-wong. As he got the call Kim Sun-wong came out of the main building in that meeting Seabird handed over all the weapons he needed to do the task Xionic Co. CEO gave it to him & he said.

Seabird: The consignment will be completed in 1-month duration.

Kim Sun-Wong: It should be done in 1-month duration. Otherwise, you know the consequences.

After the talk, Kim Sun-Wong went back to his boss & they went together to meet the current scientist of Xionic Co. Peter Wangard & his assistant Angela.