
Acquired Love (Oikawa X OC)

Kaya Moniwa finds her life changing all around her after her family's company "Date Tech" is purchased by "Seijoh Corp" and meeting her new boss Toru Oikawa. After a disastrous first meeting can these two find a way to work with one another?

HyungKimsMin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

26.) One Month Anniversary

Tuesday February 16th, 2021

Kaya sighs in front of Toru's front door, clutching a gift bag in her hand, she doesn't even finish knocking on the door before he opens it with a smile on his face. "Hello beautiful." He coos at her. "Hey." Kaya smiles back at him, seeing a soft glow coming from behind him. Toru opens the door the rest of the way to allow Kaya to walk in and helps her out of her coat.

"You have perfect timing. I just finished moving our food from the takeout containers they came in to plates and covered them up to keep them hot." He tells her happily, hanging her coat up for her before looking over her simple pink knee length dress with an appreciative nod. "Shall we?" He asks, holding his hand out for her.

Kaya let's out a little giggle that he's keeping up the big date façade, though it did take a lot of convincing on her part to get him to agree they shouldn't go out, but have an intimate evening in. Still wanting to surprise her he insisted they at least have this evening at his place so he could set it up, which Kaya thought just as well, still not loving being at her place for the most part after Kenji's last visit.

Kaya lets out a soft gasp when entering the main area of the apartment. He'd placed a white lace tablecloth on the table, the center having several tealights sitting on a flat round mirror. All around the entire space wherever he could place a flickering LED votive, there was one. The entire space looked surreal with the glow being cast, the soft classical music playing from a Bluetooth speaker only adding to the atmosphere.

The living room had the couch pushed back with a fort in front of it, the sheets being held up by string secured to the ceiling. On closer inspection Kaya found the space covered in blankets and pillows. "So we can watch a movie after dinner. I was thinking about a chick flick or something. Don't tell anyone, but I love chick flicks." He admits, a slight blush on his cheeks and watching her sit the gift bag on the couch.

Kaya chuckles softly at him and steps closer before pulling him in for a kiss. "I'm telling Hajime." She teases. "DON'T! I'll never hear the end of it. I'll tell him you're just teasing because you made me watch one and I was just really nice about it because I love you so much." He reasons, listening to Kaya laugh. "Don't worry, I would never betray your secrets. That would make me a terrible girlfriend." She tells him, kissing his chest before placing her head against it.

"We should eat before our dinner gets cold." Toru tells her gently, moving her so they can walk to the table together and pulling out her chair. Toru walks into the kitchen and brings out their plates, sitting Kaya's in front of hers. "I've never seen you eat much beef, so I got chicken instead." He tells her gently.

Kaya looks at her plate, the lemon pepper chicken, red potatoes, and asparagus seeming very tempting to her. "This looks amazing." She tells him, her mouthwatering. "I do eat beef by the way, just have to be in the mood for it." She tells him. "Noted. For curiosity's sake, how do you take your steak?" He asks, settling his eyes on her as he picks up his fork and knife.

Kaya watches him, trying to figure out if there's more to it than that, but sighs and answers anyway. "Medium. And before you ask, I tend to prefer the NY strip. What about you?" She asks before placing a piece of potato in her mouth and repressing a moan. "Medium rare, and I prefer ribeye, but NY strip is pretty good." He replies, smiling at the content look on her face as she eats.

After finishing dinner, Toru quickly gets up to clear away the plates. "Would you like to have dessert now or after the movie?" He asks, looking at her and hoping she says later as he was still nervous for his plan with the treat. "I don't think I can manage right now, so later would be better." She answers, making Toru give a mental high five at his good fortune to be able to wait.

Coming back into the dining room from the Kitchen, Toru stops in front of Kaya and hands her a small white box, which she raises a brow at. "I thought we agreed to enjoy our date then do gifts last." She scolds. "Oh little cutie, I had several gifts planned out for our original Valentine's date with specific times on when to give them to you. Don't worry, the main gift is being saved for later as agreed." He tells her with a smirk.

Kaya lets out a long sigh and accepts the box, lifting the lid to see a key shaped charm with 2021 written on it. "It's beautiful. Thank you." She tells him, taking her bracelet off her arm and adding the charm to the single one to commemorate their time at the Semi Eita concert. "I love it." She tells him, admiring the jewelry hanging on her wrist.

"Good, of all the valentine's charms they had, I thought this one seemed the most fitting. For years I had my heart locked up and hidden away. While it's true I'm coming back from being a complete asshole, you're the only one I'm willing to allow free access to it. So, I figured you should have the key." He grins, watching her with amusement in his eyes as she swings the key by moving her hand back and forth.

After a few minutes of going through Toru's secret chick flick stash, they settled on watching "A Walk in the Clouds." Toru liked the pick because it was one of his first chick flicks he'd used to watch with his mom and sister when he was little. Also having Kaya say she'd never seen it placed a fire under him as he told her that was a wrong that needed to be corrected and stating that Keanu Reeves is a national treasure.

Toru sits with his back against several pillows propped on the couch, and Kaya lays her head in his lap, wrapping her top arm over his knees and Toru running his hands over her soft curls. The two happily chat as they watch the movie, though not as much as when watching Harry Potter as Kaya had never seen the movie. She does however quickly express her dislike of Betty, which Toru quickly agrees with.

By the time the movie went off, Kaya was surprised by the whirlwind of emotions she'd experienced during it, saying how happy she was that Alberto came around and how smart Paul was with helping the family.

Toru told her how he always cries at the end of the movie, and he was glad she hadn't caught him silently sobbing above her. Kaya shakes her head and tells him she didn't notice because she was too busy trying not to cry herself.

Kaya excuses herself to the restroom and comes back to find Toru pulling out the last of the things they would need to make sundae's. "What's all this then?" She asks, a smile on her face. "Brownies, strawberries, vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, and cool whip." He tells her. Kaya looks over it all with a smile. "Oh wow, this looks so good." Kaya gushes, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Thank you." He replies.

Toru kisses her on top of the head then hands her a bowl with a brownie he'd already warmed up in it. "I suck at cooking, but I can at least follow the directions to make box brownies." He tells her braggingly, soliciting a deep laugh from her. "Good job." She cackles, holding her side with one hand and the bowl with the other. "You've wounded me." He pouts, giving Kaya puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry. I know it doesn't seem sincere with me laughing, you were just so proud and cute. I couldn't help it. Forgive me?" She asks, looking at him with a grin. Toru glares down at her before letting out a humph sound.

"I can't even be mad at you. What have you done to me, woman?" He teases, passing her some cut strawberries. "Treat you with basic human kindness." She retorts, leaving Toru to shrug at the accuracy of the statement.

They share one bowl, enjoying their treat in the blanket fort, feeding one another, and sharing quick chaste kisses and giggles. Toru takes the bowl into his hand when it's basically empty and scrapes up the last strawberry slice with some melted ice-cream and hot fudge then feeds it to Kaya with a large smile on his face before placing the bowl on a side table then sitting in front of her and taking her by her hands.

"I have something I wanted to wait until I sweetened you up a bit first to bring up and give to you." He tells her, furrowing his brow seriously and making her heart beat loudly in anticipation. "After what happened a few weeks ago, I was more than happy to have you here, not just because you felt safe and I liked that I could help with that, but more selfishly because I love being near you.

"You're back to sleeping at your house, but I've noticed how you find almost every excuse possible not to spend any real time there anymore. We used to spend time between both of our places and I haven't been in your place for more than 20 minutes at a time since everything that happened.

"I know we haven't been dating long, and I get that you don't feel as strongly for me as I do for you at this point. But." He trails off, before sliding something out from under the couch. "Well, I would really love it if you thought about moving in here with me. You can stay in the other room if that's what you want. I just hate the idea of you not being happy in your own home.

"Even if you decide it's something you're not ok with, I still want you to have this." He tells her, holding up a blue keychain with a key to his apartment. "You can come and go as you please, you don't have to knock to come in. There's never a time you aren't welcome here." He finishes, looking at her shocked face and hoping he hadn't overstepped.

Kaya's jaw is slack as she looks from Toru to the key over and over. After a moment she holds out her hand to accept the gift and looks at the keychain, reading where it says 'Toru's.' Seeing the look of confusion on her face when she read this, Toru speaks again. "The keychain does double work. It's something that shows you're mine, but also lets you not confuse the key to her with yours if you decide not to move in." He explains.

Kaya gets up onto her knees and wraps her arms around Toru's neck, letting out a soft sob. "How do you often know what I need even before I myself realize it?" She asks. Toru feels his heart start to race and hopes she means what he thinks she does.

"When should I move in?" She whispers. Toru smiles widely and hugs her tighter. "We can start moving your stuff slowly tomorrow and bring the rest over the weekend." He tells her. Kaya smiles, looking at her key. "This is a pretty big gift." She observes. Kaya leans in and kisses his lips softly as she reaches behind him and grabs the gift bag she'd sat on the couch earlier and hands it to him.

Toru accepts the bag and looks at her with a smile. "Thank you, beautiful. Though I still say you really didn't have to get me anything." He tells her. Kaya smiles mischievously at him and nudges the bag. "I heard you and your 'let me spoil you for valentine's day' plea. That was a few days ago so this doesn't count and technically it's for both of us." She explains.

He raises an eyebrow at her and opens the bag, seeing two black shirts inside he pulls them out with a wide smile. The first shirt reads 'she's a catch' in gold lettering and has a golden snitch on it and is in his size.

The other says 'He's a keeper' in the same font and letter color with keeper hoops and is obviously meant for her to wear. "Harry Potter Couples shirts." He says smiling. "It's the last movie series we watched as friends, and the first as a couple." Kaya smiles at him.

Toru starts to unbutton his shirt to try his on and soon finds Kaya's hand covering his to stop him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I should have asked if you minded me trying it on right here. I can go into the other room." He offers gently. Kaya shakes her head, biting her bottom lip and looking at him with lust. "Try it on later. Unwrap me first." She tells him, her voice a little uneven from nerves.

Toru's eyes widen, though he doesn't ask questions, instead he sits on his knees and unzips the back of her dress before allowing it to fall off her shoulders. "Fuck." He lets out, sucking in a breath upon seeing that she's wearing a light pink lace cupless bra, her perfect perky nipples on display for him. Kaya lifts her hips for him to finish pulling down her dress and he groans while exposing the matching thong.

"I'm ready, if you are." Kaya tells him, not meeting his eyes. "If I am? I've been dreaming about this moment for so long." He whispers, leaning in and planting a kiss on her shoulder before moving his mouth to her collarbone.

"How can you be so perfect? Sexy and beautiful. You'll be the death of me." Toru teases, planting kisses along her neck. "At least I'll die happy and smiling." He adds, pulling her earlobe into his mouth and listening to her gasp.

Suddenly, Toru stands and looms over Kaya, still laying back on the fort looking up at him bewildered. After studying her for a moment in silence, he finally speaks again. "I'll be right back." He tells her, skipping out of the room and into his bedroom.

Kaya looks around nervously wondering if he's changed his mind until she sees him returning with his shirt off and a row of four shiny golden squares in his hand. Kaya's breath hitches looking at the condoms, though she wants this, she's still really worried that he may hurt her. Not purposely, just from his sheer size alone.

Though she couldn't fit her mouth around him, she was eager to try to fit him elsewhere. "You ok? It's ok if you changed your mind." Toru soothes, seeing the pale look on her face. Kaya quickly shakes her head and swallows hard.

"I want to. I've thought this through, I'm just also really nervous." She confesses. "Yeah me too." Toru admits, dropping to his knees in front of her. Kaya looks at him with an eyebrow cocked. "I am. Just because I've wanted this for some time doesn't mean I'm not nervous.

"This is my first time having sex sober in years for one. Plus I really want our first time to be special and I'm worried I might get so excited it's over in five minutes or less and I leave you unsatisfied." He confesses.

Kaya chuckles and sits up to look into his face. "What's wrong with five minutes? Seems like a pretty long time to me." She tells him with a light laugh. "I swear I'm going to right every sin that idiot ever committed against you. Five minutes is nowhere near long enough.

"It took me nearly that much time just to get you to cum with my mouth and fingers, and that was only one time AND it's the fastest way to get a woman off." He huffs.

Kaya stares at him with her mouth slightly open trying to figure out if he's serious right now. "I don't think I can cum more than once." She tells him. Toru smirks at her dangerously and gets on his hands and knees, crawling towards her and forcing her to lie back again. "Then let's find out." He tells her, excited by the challenge she'd just presented him with.

He moves one of the pillows to under her head and connects their lips with a soft sensual kiss, his tongue moving in and out of hers slowly and savoring the taste. When Kaya starts to feel she could no longer breathe, Toru moves away from her face and places a nipple in his mouth and begins to suck on it before twirling his tongue around it. Kaya lets out soft pants under his touch, already starting to feel wetness pool between her legs.

He lets go of her nipple and trails her body in kisses as he moves further south. When he reaches her panty line he hooks his fingers at the waistband and begins to pull them down. He kisses her down one thigh as he pulls them off, then up the other on his way back up before stopping with his face between her thighs and looking up at her, making eye contact.

"You good?" He asks softly. "Yes." Kaya whispers in reply, watching him lower his face and lightly kiss her nub. She pants heavily from the contact and Toru groans as he plants his face into her wet pussy and begins to lick her softly from bottom to top several times, listening to the sounds Kaya makes.

He moves a hand and slowly inserts a finger, licking softly at her clit and moaning at the way she squirms and pants from the way he's touching her. He adds a second finger and rather than holding them next to one another as he'd done before, he pulls them apart, feeling her stretch around them.

Kaya pulls away from the contact a little, feeling as though it was a bit much, but Toru holds her in place. "I've got to stretch you a little first, beautiful, it'll hurt if I don't. Try to sit still." He tells her softly, before placing a third finger in and working his fingers back and forth.

Soon, her velvet walls start to squeeze around him, and Toru picks up the pace, sucking on her clit and moving his fingers at an even pace. "I'm, I'm going to cu- FUCK TORU!" Kaya yells, her back arching and knees shaking on either side of his head as she cums hard on his fingers.

"Good girl. Scream for me." He tells her, watching her face contort in pleasure, still pumping his fingers in and out of her. Kaya"s back falls back down into the blanket beneath her, breathing hard and Toru slowly removes his fingers and licks them one by one watching her with hungry eyes.

"Mmmm, so delicious. And all mine." He smirks, watching her eagerly. "Yes, it's all yours. I'm yours Toru." She tells him, causing his already hardened member to grow even more in his pants, aching to be released from its cloth prison and delve into her sweetness.

Knowing she'd never experienced multiple orgasms, Toru tells himself to wait a little longer, to allow her a moment to recover. Instead of giving in to his baser desires he lays his head on her stomach and traces his name along her abdomen. "What are you doing?" Kaya giggles under the soft touch. "Marking what's mine." He tells her happily. Kaya laughs, shaking her head. "Want a sharpie while you're at it?" She teases.

Toru sits up on his knees and looks at her with wide pleading eyes. "What, really? You'd like that?" She asks, seeing the look on his face. "Mine." He replies. Kaya looks into his large chocolate eyes and smiles at him. "As long as it's discreet." She tells him.

Toru practically teleports away and immediately returns with a black sharpie, a large smile on his face. He drops back to his knees and pulls the top off the marker and sticks his tongue out, placing it against his top lip as he decides.

Wearing a large smile, Toru moves his hand over her breast and signs his name just below her nipple. "No one but us can see it here." He tells her happily, placing the lid back on the marker. "Fuck little cutie, just looking at that is making it difficult to sit here and not be in you right now." He tells her. Kaya reaches her arms up to him in invitation and he lowers himself down to hold onto her.

"Then what are you waiting for? It's yours isn't it?" She whispers in a husky tone. "Fuuuccckkk." He whines, placing his head on Kaya's shoulder, her hands going to his pants and unbuckling his belt. "Claim me Toru. I need it." She whines at him, trying to push away his pants.

Toru obliges her by pushing them down and kicking out of them, the front of his black boxer briefs showing a wet spot from his excitement. "'Claim me' she says. Christ you've got me so worked up." He whispers, pulling off his boxers and placing a condom wrapper in his mouth, ripping it open and pulling it from its package to roll over himself, watching her with need.

Kaya doesn't answer, her eyes glued to Toru's hard condom covered cock ready to plunge into her with a slight fear in her eyes. "Hey, look at me." Toru says to her softly, waiting for her grey eyes to travel up his body and meet his gaze.

"Worked up or not, there's two things I want you to know. One, I absolutely plan to be gentle. I want to make you feel amazing, not hurt you. Two, we can stop at any moment, just say never mind if you want to end it here or use the safe word if you want me to stop during." He tells her.

Kaya smiles at him, feeling more calm now that they are making eye contact and holds up a single finger to beckon him closer. Toru lowers himself over her, his cock in hand and rubs it slowly against Kaya's slit. He smirks to himself when she gasps softly and moves her hips into him.

When he slowly pushes the head of his cock into her, Kaya's eyes spring wide open. "You ok?" Toru quickly asks, resisting the urge to pull out so as not to make her think she'd done anything wrong. Unable to form words, Kaya nods firmly at him and gives a thumbs up.

Toru leans over and kisses her lips softly, pushing more of himself into her. "Holy shit." Kaya gasps, locking her eyes onto Toru's. He smiles down at her, happy that her face is showing only surprise and not pain. "You're taking me so well." He coos at her, receiving a smile from her. "I feel so full." She replies, her head falling to the side. "Do you need time before I put the rest in?" He asks her softly.

Kaya looks at him in shock, her brain going blank. "There's more?" She asks, surprised. "I can keep going." She pants in reply. Toru leans over and connects their lips, simultaneously pulling his hips back and slowly sliding himself back in just a little deeper than he'd been before.

"Is this a little better?" He whispers to a moaning Kaya. She gazes into his large brown orbs and wraps her arms around his neck and nods slowly at him. Kissing her again, he continues his slow movements to allow her time to stretch and accommodate his size.

A task he found somewhat tedious as it was difficult to maintain his positioning that way, but also considered more than worth it as Kaya moans and pants beneath him. After a few minutes he's bottomed out in her and stops his movements entirely, repositioning his arms and knee placement so he can have better control.

"That's all of it Kaya. You're really all mine now." He tells her, kissing around her temple. Kaya shoots her eyes open at this news and plants kisses along his jawline. "You're all mine too." She counters with a small pout. "Oh Kaya, I've been all yours for some time now." He whispers, lifting his hips and slowly pushing back into her with a satisfied groan. "SO tight." He moans.

Kaya tries not to concentrate too much on how overfilled she fills each time he's completely inside of her, ignoring the feel of her slightly tearing around him in favor of how amazing it feels. The pain isn't terrible, but she fears were he to know, he would stop, even if she didn't call him daddy to get him to.

This is what she wanted, she wanted to take in all of his manhood and make him feel weak in the knees for her. Afterall, it was only fair in her opinion. Not only was he getting what he'd desired all these months, but how many times had he left her breathless with just a simple look. She may not be able to affect him from across the room that way, but she'd hoped burying himself inside her would give a similar effect.

Toru kisses Kaya softly, making slow and sweet love to her, her right breast in his left hand being gently squeezed. He promised her to go gentle not wanting to hurt her, but he also found it necessary in order to keep himself from going over that edge with how tight she is and the lewd sounds coming from their bodies intertwined together, the soft moans on Kaya's lips.

"You like the way I make love to my pussy?" Toru asks, feeling her squeezing onto his cock more and more. "No." She answers with a devious smile. "I love the way you please your pussy with your enormous cock." She tells him, a devilish chuckle escaping her. Toru suddenly halts his movements and buries his face in Kaya's breasts. "Fuck you nearly made me cum. I can't finish yet. I need to feel this pussy that belongs to me cumming all over my cock." He tells her.

Kaya moans out at his words, her walls pulling him in more as she starts to feel a familiar sensation rising in her again. "Oh? You like me telling you what I want?" Toru coos. "Kiss me deeply, pretty girl." He commands, groaning at her clenching around him more as she pulls his face to hers to comply.

Kaya moves her head to the side to allow her wet muscle to explore Toru's mouth more freely. The taste of her kiss causes Toru to lose some composure, pushing into her a little faster now and Kaya gasps delightedly, kissing him more.

She pulls away from the kiss as she starts to lose the ability to keep her breathing under control, leaving Toru to watch her with a wicked grin. "Look at you. Such a mess for me." He teases, watching her tits bouncing beneath him.

"Toru!" Kaya lets out, so close to her release she can nearly taste it. "What are you waiting for? Cum on my dick Kaya. Do it now." He commands. As though her body had no choice but to obey, Kaya starts to gush around him at his words, screaming loudly with her eyes closed shut tightly, her body feeling as though the entire thing may well explode.

"Fuck yes, you're doing so well. Cum all over me." Toru encourages, his movements becoming erratic as he closes in on his own orgasm. "Toru." Kaya shudders beneath him, her entire body twitching with the adrenaline of her high. "Shit Kaya, Fuck." He yells, his forehead landing on hers as he pumps into her, shooting hot cum into the condom.

He takes a minute to catch his breath, his cock still twitching inside of her as both of their hearts pound in their chests. "I love you." Kaya tells him softly. Toru lifts his head and looks at her, his face one of surprise.

"What did you just say?" He asks with uncertainty in his voice. "I said I love you, Toru Oikawa." She confirms, watching the large smile come across his face. "I love you too, Kaya Moniwa. He whispers before softly kissing her lips.

He reluctantly pulls himself out of her, pulling the condom off he ties it off and stuffs it back inside the wrapper before pulling Kaya into him and holding her in his arms. "That was amazing." He tells her, a stupid smile on his face. Kaya nods her head, "Incredible." She adds, her body still shaking. "You cold my love or just coming down still?" Toru asks, concern laced in the question.

Kaya shrugs her shoulders. "I'm not cold. I've never cum that hard before though. This shaking thing is new for me." She admits. Toru kisses her head and pushes some hair from her face. "There's more where that came from." He tells her cockily. Kaya lets out a chuckle and wraps an arm over his chest. "I believe you." She tells him, landing a kiss on his chest.

The two lay together a few minutes before Toru gently moves Kaya and gets up. "I'm going to go run us a bath. I'll be right back." He tells her, heading towards the bathroom in his room. Kaya watches him walk away, his pale white little butt looking cute to her as he glides away.

A couple of minutes later he returns and lifts Kaya from the floor, carrying her into the bathroom and placing her down on the toilet. "I got a little rough towards the end so don't even think about trying to convince me you're not a little sore. Plus all that shaking makes me think you might not be ready to walk on your own yet, so do your business then call me back in. I'll get you into the tub." He tells her.

Kaya just nods at him with a large smile, still a little drunk on their session. He kisses her head then exits the room to give her privacy. Once Kaya calls Toru back into the bathroom he checks the water temperature in the tub before turning off the tap then lifting her and placing her into the tub.

He climbs in behind her and pulls her into him, laying her head against his chest and wrapping his arms around her tiny frame. "Could I stay here tonight?" Kaya asks softly. Toru tsk at her, shaking his head softly.

"Was the sex so good you've forgotten already that you agreed to move into here and you have a key that I told you you could use to come and go with as you please. Honestly if you thought I was even letting you leave tonight after that agreement, the amazing sex we just had, and the fact you told me you love me, you're crazy." He teases.

Kaya chuckles softly, cupping water in her hand and pouring it over his knee. "I did sort of forget about moving in this weekend. Can you blame me after the way you just made me feel? I can't think of much else beyond how amazing I feel right now and how much I love you." She tells him softly, leaving him to turn red in the face. "Then I forgive you for forgetting. Don't ask, as far as I'm concerned this is your home too." He tells her, kissing her temple.