
Achlys( The red eyed goddess).

She is different and she knows it. She is dark, fearless, cold and perilous. She is called Azrael meaning The Angel of Death. Because anyone that sees her face does not live to see the sun rise in the east and set at the west. She is a mystery, She is Achlys. He is trouble and heartless, he takes pleasure in taking lives, making people be at his Mercy, bullying and seeing others helpless. He is called Al-Mawt meaning Death. He is a mystery, He is Jacan. What will happen if these two prideful and dangerous people meet?? Will love overcome pride and power?? Who will give in first Achlys or Jacan?? Follow me as we find out.

Diamonds_0684 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Prophecy 2.

Inside the dark carriage, Venus sat quietly beside her husband with her hands between her legs.she was more than nervous and for the love of the heavens scared to death. She didn't want to be in the carriage especially with the man beside her "but you don't have a choice Venus" she sadly thought to her self as she tried to bury her head in between her bossom from too much  bending of her head.

Even though it was windy and freezing cold outside the carriage,she still felt hot and thought she would suffocate to death out of fear because she couldn't breathe. She has goosebumps all over but she knew very well that that was not the effect of the chill outside the carriage but rather her fear.she feared the unknown. Venus was scared of the future. She has never known happiness, freedom or love."I pray that he at least accord me with a little mutual respect "she silently prayed in her heart.

But even though she was scared to death, she still had to talk to him she has to start a conversation because she needed to know certain things about him like his name,likes and dislikes and other relevant things related to her husband the silence was also making her sacred of what was ahead of her.she knew they were already out of Abbadon cause they've been riding for hours now.Now she was all alone even though she's been alone all her life she felt empty now at least back in Abbadon she was able to see familiar faces any time she gets the chance to leave her chambers.

Her lips were trembling for fear of what would happen to her if she opened her mouth, her palms were sweaty from nervousness but she still had to cause she knows nothing.

Back at the Abbadon Royal palace, she had no one to talk to she didn't have any ladies in waiting because they all thought of her as a curse and avoided her like the plague. The maids in the palace didn't even respect her but didn't dare say or do anything stupid before her for fear of what Latona might do to them.they were strictly warned not to go near her chambers if they were not told to and that really helped her because she was tired of people, in fact every bodyin the royal palace looking at her with disgustand pity in their eyes.

As a princess she did everything herself from cleaning herself to cleaning her chambers and literally everything.

She mustered up her courage to speak to her husband.

Wha--wh---what i---is---is your n---na---name?? Even though she was stuttering in all what she said she was still able to ask her question "you at least tried Venus" she consoled herself after some time passed and the man beside her looked like he was not going to answer her question.

Just as she thought he was going to ignore her,he spoke to her in a very deep and hoarse voice

What do you call your father when you need to talk to him?? She didn't understand what he was trying to say but she still answered him 


That's my name and don't talk to me again ever,I have a wife you will be serving her make sure you know your place and don't irritate her she can kill you without batting an eye.

Venus was very confused but didn't dare ask him anything she was soo sacred. She questioned herself through out the rest of the journey to the kingdom of Akeldama asking questions like...

Does he really have a wife?? Was she going to be her lady in waiting?? If he really has a wife then why marry her?? She began trembling for fear of the unknown she was scared she wanted to just disappear from this continent and never come back.