

Shi Lang learns the trick behind the puppet and his methods to counter. He began to focus and meditate while reacting to the attacks dealt at himself. His strategy was to let his thoughts scatter and not to think about Long Shuyan. The more he thought about it, the more this Array will attack him. 

This was not a sure way to score a win, but it was an experiment to ask see if this formation worked the same way as he thought or was it something different. As he got deep into meditation the battle slowed down. He could sense it all, the puppet was slowing down, however, just when Shi Lang thought that the end was close, the puppet picked up the pace again. 

Shi Lang gave up on meditation and began to fight against the puppet. Although he was still defending the attacks, he was not getting pushed back. The phantom of Long Shuyan had evaporated, and the body of a metallic puppet was moving around him.