

"Do you love me?" Alas asked me full of eagerness. "I don't, now go." I strongly mumble raising my eyebrows. "Aren't you going to choose me instead your dream? this place? Heart?" His words glimpse in my heart. "I wont, that's your dream Alas. Chase it and never let that dream saw you broken and hurting," I smiled. "Please, please... Please Heart, please. I'll do everything just dont fck'n do this, please." He begged and held my hands like he don't want me to go anymore. Alas's eyes is watering, and slowly his blue eyed eyes let go of the hot tears he have been keeping so long. He kneel in front of me begging for everything asking for anything and what he would do just so I wont leave him alone. It hurts. Like how he holds my hand begging for me not to leave him in this dark and broken place. "Is this what you really wanted to do?" Alas bravely stood up and wiped his tears away. "Alas, plea--," He cut me off. "Then go," "Before I---," "Shit!" He curse and kicked the flower pot causes to each pots beside of it fall apart. "Just fcking go!....Fcking go Heart! You don't want me? Then I don't want you either!" Alas proclaimed and pointed me. "You want to leave me? You wanted to ruin the fcking 4 years! 4 years Heart! Fcking 4 years!" "Alas, please under--," "I damn! Understand everything Heart. Now leave, cause if you leave right now. I'll be happy forever, now go." He commanded and pointed the hard glass doors behind me. "Alas please let me leave without arg--," I couldn't finish my words because he always say the words he wanted to speak off. "You don't want to leave this place? Then I'll leave this place for you." He uttered and walk passed on me. "Alas..." I called but he didn't turned his head. "Alas!" I repeated as my voice raised a bit of tone. Finally, he turned his back but with his empty emotions and poker face. "I won't chase you, and that's final. May you have fun with the dreams you dreamed," As he said those words Alas smiled on me for the last time. And said this three words... "I love you."

AJONAFXX · วัยรุ่น
141 Chs


While I was packing up our meal, mama, papa, and Nikolas were outside the store. They were emitting about the land that papa was selling.

That lot was exhaustive and long so he knew, many people would be interested in buying it. At first, they didn't want to sell it, but because of our needs.

We were forced to sell half of the land we own just so we could provide for our needs.

Even if we regret and felt pain after selling it, we need to be able to provide for our needs.

Significantly in this coming school year, I will be going to college. So as my siblings are in high school and elementary level.

I had already planned to be a working student. I'm intending to be a dishwasher or even a waitress.

That restaurant was owned by one of my classmates, who are born rich. Somehow, I wish of being one of them too.

Just like how they can be at any time. That woman was kind and very down to earth, so almost all of her friends are kind to her too.

I am very grateful to her because she gave me a job right away even though there's no school yet.

While I was washing the dishes, Moira suddenly approached with a jug of juice and three glasses.

He rinsed it and followed up with three dirty glasses as well. From time to time I look at him while washing.

Because I can't clean continuously because there is only one faucet. So she was the only one washing until she finished washing.

I thought he was vamoosing but suddenly she confronted me. At the same time were her sharp gaze and curious gestures.

God, what have I done to her?

"The two of you are so guilty, try to play in safety." She speaks.

"That wasn't my fault why he forgot our callsign, besides it isn't important to me," I uttered and rolled my eyes.

Her frustrated eyes drifted to the ceiling, trying to calm herself on not to punch me. I laughed while looking at her reaction, it's so weird to see it.

"Bitch," She cursed and pushed me a bit hard.

"What the-!" I complain and was about to pull her hair when she step out and run away.

Instead of following her, I finished my chore and clean every mess in the sink. After this, we will be going home cause I still need to sleep.

There is a lot of work to do tomorrow, not just like this work I'm showing y'all. I need to walk all the veggies they harvested and drop them in the city.

I'm planning to visit the grave of my mother, yea my real mother. She passed away 5 years ago, her death was caused by cancer stage 4.

We don't have any amount of it to take her to the infirmary and conduct the operation. Early, the doctor told us that she should undergo the operation as soon as possible.

I was all empty at that time, precise my father and sister. My two siblings don't have work because they were just babies at that time.

All we had at that time was to ask for a miracle in god, but none of our prayers happened. I have once hated him for letting that happen, for letting my mom die.

Then Nikolas came in sudden, he help me to fill myself with trust again. To never let any of our problems drag me down easily.

He told me to trust God again and be more patient as I wish for all of my dreams. I was once told that Nikolas was a playboy, and he's just playing with me.

At first, I believed in it until I distance myself from him. Never let any part of our vision see each other, that's why I always avoid their classroom.

Walking alone in the hallway, weak and having no one to tell me all my problems. I even thought or should I say, attempt to end my life so easily.

Called... suicide, That was the only way I saw in that situation of mine. Ending my life will lessen all the miserable things, that happened in my life.

I wiped my tears and continue swabbing the plate before placing it back in the cabinet. Besides, after that pain was bearable happiness I felt when I got a new mom again.

At first, I thought of her as an evil stepmother or a demonic mother she could be. Luckily, it was all wrong perspective and instincts because she was different.

After cleaning everything and placing it all. I went out of the store only to see my parents sealing all the vegetables.

Expecting that Nikolas was still there but I saw no one aside from my parents and Moira. I didn't bother to ask them where is he, expecting that he went home already.

"You didn't tell him that you knew what's with the end of this month, didn't you?" Moira asked suddenly.

She seated beside me while playing on her cute clean nails. It wasn't an intentional lie or to act blind to everything, as I've said it would be better if I'll lie to him.

In case he won't be able to build his feelings back again on me, I'm now starting to build my own long and huge wall.

It's better to be ready in case he becomes closer to me again, without any signs and methods.

I might fall in love with him again. That's what I've been forcing to stop a few months ago, and instead of letting those things happen.

"You already know why do I need to accomplish that," Muttered in a weak tone.

Crossed arms as she darted up, and saw the view of the shining with glitters stars in the sky.

Everything is clear when you look up while in the land where people and animals lived, full of doubt.

Risking everything, anything just so you could recover. Save yourself from this sort of manipulative surroundings.