
Accidentally summon

A Succubus summoned something that was something that was not what she was supposed to

Robert_Haskins · ไซไฟ
1 Chs

Accidentally summoned. no pity here, had several strokes and my mind it about %5 percent mush. The trap

in not about the hospital stuff. I just wanted to know if I can write after another stroke, a friend turned me on tough this site, so I figured I'd write some short stories.

let me know in the comments section.


I was keeping some nice beautiful Celestials busy with my dual cultivating, and the girls we doing great. The girls were going great to be come almost a high range Celestial.

Then some grandpa decided to intervene, "My granddaughters, "I'll kill you." he was a Primordiala. Oh fuck I'm screwed.

I would have mentioned that the granddaughters had to have known about sex, But I don't think that would had made much of a difference or at least would have gotten me killed and what they did to me would have definitely gotten me killed.

The granddaughters we're trying to run interference for me, until gramps got tired and shipped them home and instead of killing me he put me down in a realm a #1 planet when I found what it was inhabiting by demons.

The demons have scales, wings, claws etc. but my being a dragon hand other makes them wantto kill. me. I was on the run, constantly.

I did have the occasion to learn some cultivating techniques and my dual cultivating did a world of good, I had some Succubus, Manticore, Minotaur, and some palace princess, or maybe some palace harems. I almost got away with being able to blip back into and other levels #3 world, only 7 more worlds then I'm home free. But know I have to fight a bunch of Arch Demons.

The Arch Demons we're out in force. I cannot be killed by these Low level demons, I'm damn near immortal. but the did trap me.

The did trap me in a box, Or rather in a book, I spent nearly 10,000 years on the damn book case in a Royale Vaults.

I saw the rise and fall of multiple Demon houses, I even saw the current new regime of the Matriarchal set up.

My book was found in a dig from the current demons king palace, then I became the scholars new toy, (they didn't have the knowledge to know about me or my predicament,) the knowledge of my being trapped in here was lost.

I spent another 100 years on a secret book depository, then I was able to begin to try to even if I could get somethings within a few feet to help if someone was able to find me, I think the person might have died. No one came to find me.

At some point a Succubus and a minotaur were going through the secret depository. Where I was. The minotaur was subservient to the Succubus, even though she was young and the Succubus was smaller so she ended up climbing the book shelves.

The Succubus and the minotaur were using some tables and chairs to get up onto the top shelf I was on. When the Succubus was getting some of the potion and my book off of the shelf. I tried to make sure some of the potions reined down from the shelf.

The Succubus landed with her wind knocked out of her, the minotaur tried to shield the Succubus from the potions.

I don't know what was in the potions but is was powerful. the minotaur became enraptured as an aphrodisiac became entirely under its spell.

The girl was in a table with some chairs holding her down and an enraptured minotaur under the 100 years old aphrodisiac. (could be more.)

The minotaur was going to town, and I hope that the Succubus was very squishy down there, otherwise there would be a murder on him.

The combination of the potions was apparently somehow made a mummy of the minotaur, her spewed and spewed until he gave up his live force.

Now my book was beside them on the floor and as the girls got hold of her self she saw the book, "Pick me up and run until you get to your house."

I didn't realize this was an advanced magical academy for the demons. The girl just grabbed my book and ran to her dorm room.

Since this was an academy of higher learning, the Succubus was an under developed female and of breeding age.

I was able to communicate now, and I did, well somewhat, I didn't tell her yet of my dragons heritage.

I found out that this was a secret depository of the first magus of the Academy and he died around 100 years ago, all magus have a time lock spell so that 100 years all of the knowledge would be able to use, including the secret depository, could be used and not squirreled away.

After an afternoon of my swapped stories was decided to try to get out. but the Succubus Kara was going to have to get a crash course in ancient writing. "I can taste my freedom, but I'm not going to ruin my chances." for the next week we had a class of 10,000 old Rune. and Kara let me go into her book bag.

Since my perceptions I was getting a new perspective, I had not thought about my schooling in the sect for ages. This new school was different, and the magic was very structured. No fighting, well not very much. I found out that Kara was somewhat of an outcast. she had a few friends, (nerds) and didn't really socialize with any of her demons.

The Matriarchal set up relegated the males to the grunt work, the exceptional we're getting to do menial courses or hopefully making a harem for some new up and coming demon.

Kara did have a few outliers who made their way around the rooms from the social class the Kara was into. Kara was into the study, basically a sage, if she could get into her own. with my knowledge of ancient Rune, she should be a leading authority of Runes. (within a short while.)

I Taught her about Runes, the Rune that we're used when I was incarcerated were Rune used by most of the galaxies. it was the universal language. Before the fall of the Demons and the subsequent unlearning of the language. Now we're going to try to make sure the galactic language is going to grow, (at least I hope that the galactic standards if language will be going, I know that I was speaking the galactic standards language for 30,000 years and I'm hoping that it will still be done when I get back.)