An young sectreary in her busy day to day life accidentally discovered that she is carrying her boss's baby. Will he accept her or will she find solace in the arms of one of her handsome colleagues? What will happen when all the three handsome men fight to win over her heart and the fatherhood of her upcoming baby?
Sonia was all excited by receiving her first joining letter. After reaching the matured age of eighteen, she started working hard to earn for her own livelihood. She was basically an orphan staying with her unmarried uncle and aunt at London. She first took the job of an Air hostess and for three years she was happy with it. But then her aunt arranged her marriage to her best friend's son and so she had to quit her job. However the day before her marriage, her would be husband, Raj, flew away with Sonia's friend, Kitty. The marriage got postponed and Sonia became more engrossed in completing her Graduation from India. After graduating sucessfully she applied in several reputed companies and hence got this job after successfully passing the interview.
She always wanted to fly high over the white clouds in the blue sky. She loved her job of Air hostess but she fall in love with this new job too. Her aunt was dead against her joining in this job as she had to shift her base from London to Tokyo. "A lonely girl of 23 in a new unknown city !!!!" She twisted her crooked nose in a manner that resembled a witch Sonia saw in the Harry Potter series in her childhood.
"Oh aunty, please. Let me go." She practically begged infront of her.
Her aunt was adamant. She was sitting in her favourite easy chair all dressed up in white and knitting wools. Her uncle was standing near the fire place just beside their largest french window pane and putting on his pipes in a cheerful mood. He loved his sister dearly but was also afraid of her moods. Her sister, Alicia, Sonia's aunty, was well known as a hot tempered lady in her locality. Hence her own brother, Charles, was scared of her too. Due to her insistence, he never even married to his long time girlfriend and were secretly now living together since 25 years.
"But, Alice dear, look at the opportunity she gets." Charles tried to protest her that his sister stopped by a simple gesture of her own hands. She blew her both hands dismissively to him in such a way, while shrugging her own shoulders, which simply proved that Charles was going to loose his mental sanity very soon.
"I can't afford to send her all alone. Dear Sonia, why don't you patch up with Raj and marry him?" She suggested to her.
Sonia was so taken aback that she forgot to protest. Her own aunt expect her to patch up with that bastard and marry him even after he eloped with her friend at the previous day of their marriage?!!! She looked at her with wide eyes and her mouth remained agape for some few next minutes.
"Now, come, come, Alice dear. Let her decide her own fate. Okay?" Her uncle, Charles, was trying to backing her.
"No, I strongly refute that. Either she marry Raj and go with him in that wretched country; unless she has to quit the job. That's all." Her aunt, Alice, screamed aloud.
"But I will never marry that son of bitch." Sonia yelled in anger by stomping her feet on the white marble floor of their posh London apartment.
"Then I will never give you a permission to join in that job. Ever." Her aunty blew her nose more crookedly to her and went out of the room proudly. She always loved to control others lives in her own two hands.
But this time Sonia refused to be bullied by her aunty. She went straight to her and told even more proudly -
"I am going alone to join my new job. If auncle Charles wishes to do, then he can accompany me in my flight. But I am going and that's final."
Her aunt, Alicia, looked at her in shock as if she had decided to commit suicide. "But dear, Raj is trully sorry. He told me he is coming back to get you. You should not deprive yourself from your happiness?" She tried to protest more timidly than she can.
"What sort of happiness can he give me? By making me the step mother of his illegitimate children or by fucking his mistresses infront of my very eyes?" She screamed at her aunt by rolling her eyes.
"Oh dear. Even your words are getting nasty." She closed her ears forcefully as if it could stop her hearing Sonia's voice.
"Think whatever you want. I am going. And going all alone. That's all." Sonia screamed on her aunty for the final time before rushing out of her room angrily.
At last she got the one golden opportunity to spread her own wings. She, not any cost, was going to listen to anyone now onwards. She would do anything she always wanted to. To hang with that loafer!! She was free from his evil clutches now.