
Accidentally Married a Fox God - The Sovereign Lord Spoils His Wife

Just as Li Meirong thought her life couldn't get any worse, she transmigrated into an abused body of a servant girl being sold at a brothel in a completely different world. Saved by a mysterious stranger, she stumbled her way into a large cultivation sect. She struggled to find her place in this new realm, with its own rules and obstacles, far different from the one she was used to. One day, while on a quest to find a spirit beast, she encountered a wounded fox cub in the woods. "From now on, you will be my precious companion...." Hugging the cub closely to her chest, she showered him with affection. Without her noticing, the fox cub narrowed his lustrous golden eyes and flashed a set of razor-sharp fangs. 'Who does this stupid girl think she is?!' Does she not notice the noble bearing of the Sovereign Fox Lord? 'You're lucky you're my wife or this Sovereign Lord would have killed you a thousand times over by now!' As her journey continued with her adorable pets by her side, Li Meirong began to realize that in this world, her powers were incredible! "Little Fox, Little Fox! I have my own space to grow divine herbs and can even summon legendary beasts!" The Little Fox rolled his eyes. Humph! Isn't it only a few divine herbs Obviously, as her husband, he would provide her with whatever she required. As for those other pets... if they dare touch even a single strand of hair on his wife’s head, a death sentence awaits them! Meanwhile, the Fox Lord had been experiencing his own set of difficulties. His wife still thought he’s just a dumb little animal! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt; "Surely, you don't assume your Husband's fire could be doused so easily?" he inquired at length, revealing a trace of wickedness as his thin lips hooked upwards. "I will have to trouble my wife to take care of me."  "Please, I can't take any more trouble. Y-you can't be serious..." she whimpered. 'This shameless, outrageous man, can't he see I'm exhausted?!' "Everything is going to be fine," said Zhu Qingyue, licking his lower lip. He teasingly imitated her own previously spoken words. "Don't worry. I've got this all under control." "..." Li Meirong's mouth hung wordlessly open. She realized that her inebriated decision had led her into another unexpected death trap!  One round after another, the pitiful, ignorant wife of the Sovereign Fox Lord had discovered and repeatedly reacquainted herself with all the sore parts of her body. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I opened a Patreon for this webnovel. Please show your support for the novel. :) https://www.patreon.com/marriedafox The discord channel for the novel - if you would like to be part of any discussion relating to the novel, questions to the author, sharing art content, etc', join now! :> https://discord.gg/KpSTSHu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *This novel contains mature and explicit scenes, depicting violence, as well as sexual content.*

MoonBirth · แฟนตาซี
392 Chs

Unpleasant Family Reunion

Despite his embarrassment at the cub's outrageous actions, Grandmaster Zhu Zhang was certain that this "Snowball" was his offspring. He could sense the blood of the Bai Clan's direct lineage emitting from him, and only the children of the Sovereign Lord would have the capacity to be brimming with such a tremendous aura.

Only at the moment, that formidable aura was coming from the girl his son had placed his brazen paws on.

Zhu Zhang did his best to conceal his turbulent emotions while mulling over the sudden discovery that he had sired a child.

There were many times in his life that Grandmaster Zhang had wallowed in guilt for deserting his clan. There were so simply few of them left capable of continuing the lineage. The curse had not only decimated their numbers and tarnished their prestige, but had also brought about the inevitable demise of the ancient Bai Clan.

Witnessing his son's flagrant machinations, Zhu Zhang could not help but entertain the thought of grandchildren. Surely soon he would become a grandfather, and the empty Bai palace may yet be filled with the cheerful cries of infants once more.

Thinking about the Bai palace brought about the realization of the possible time when "Snowball" must have been conceived – the horrific night, eons ago, when that witch, Hong Meigui, drugged him on the eve of their marriage ceremony.

He was a proud man, and only a few others had ever managed to truly faze him, but the morning after the wedding… He had woken, groggy, by the side of the Red Fox princess, and when comprehension had dawned upon him, he had felt so repulsed that he almost retched. He had reached his breaking point then.

At that moment, he had known he could not abide by the elders' wishes any longer. That same day, he left the godly realm, and had never once looked back.

The feeling of being defiled had never truly left him.

The only ones able to understand how he felt, what he had experienced, were the other Bai Foxes who had been forced into producing heirs for the sake of the line.

The obligation of procreation did not fall upon all of the clan's members. Side branches were permitted to wait, to find their fated person, and most of the elders had never married. They were a clan with a scarce population; nearly all Bai Foxes practised abstinence and preserved their chastity.

Regrettably, Zhu Zhang was born to be the Sovereign Lord. And with this great title came greater responsibilities which he had been committed to uphold.

The Huli Jing gods, otherwise known as the celestial nine-tailed foxes, were only able to remain a substantial tribe in the heavens because the governing Bai Clan were the sole family affected by the curse. In fact, the rest of the fox deities were thriving in numbers in comparison.

On another note, was his own offspring, the Sovereign Lord of the Bai Clan, truly named 'Snowball'?!

Zhu Zhang cleared his throat, a touch awkwardly, and tried to compose himself after having witnessed such an embarrassing scene.

"The trial is officially adjourned," he declared, formally addressing the entire hall. "Clearly, we are lacking details in our investigation. I will conduct a thorough investigation in private. Everyone, disperse. Li Meirong, follow me." He then turned to the Healer Peak's Grandmaster. "My disciple has sustained mild injuries. I will ask you to make sure she is properly treated."

The Healer Peak's Grandmaster respectfully saluted Zhu Zhang, assembling his disciples. He ordered them, then, to carry the unconscious and tortured Captain Liang back to their island.

As the other Grandmasters left, they wondered what had suddenly changed Grandmaster Zhu Zhang to become so biased… mild injuries, he said? 

The skin on the captain's face was completely shredded! 

Amidst the hushed whispers of the scattering disciples, Li Meirong protectively cradled her fox spirit, who had finally calmed and was curled up in the shelter of her arms, content.

Her nerves were still primed, her entire being was on edge.

Since her transmigration, there had been far too many vindictive people around her. If she was still in modern times, by this point she would most likely have become paranoid and traumatized, to the point of sleeping with a gun beneath her pillow.

Nearly disfigured by Captain Liang, repeatedly and falsely accused until pronounced guilty, almost attacked by a mob of expert fighters – and then suddenly Grandmaster Zhu Zhang had taken back his verdict, completely shifting his demeanour! 

She couldn't help but find the abrupt changes to be incredibly suspicious.

Still feeling apprehensive about the Grandmaster, Li Meirong remained vigilant. If he or anyone else came at her with a surprise attack, she would not be unprepared!

However, her suspicions went unconfirmed.

"Follow me," Zhu Zhang repeated, his dark-robed back still towards her. Li Meirong narrowed her eyes distrustfully, and stayed put.

Snowball raised his furry snout, and rubbed his forehead against her chin affectionately.

"Do not be concerned," he murmured. "Remember, you have me to fix all your problems."

Li Meirong sighed. This silly little fox thought he was some big, tough fellow to fight against high-level cultivators, and yet a moment later he started crying from breaking a claw. What was she going to do with this troublesome pet of hers?

"Yes, yes," she humoured him, "Snowball is my big, brave protector…"

He nodded his little snout in agreement. Finally, she understood!

"It is good that you are finally aware," mumbled the fox spirit.

Li Meirong sighed and eventually followed Grandmaster Zhu Zhang into the inner halls.

The Bestiary's Grandmaster led her to a secluded chamber, and as soon as her hesitant steps took her inside, he covered the room with a sealing barrier.

Li Meirong immediately flinched.

"I did not place the seal with any malicious intent," Zhu Zhang said, observing her agitated, nervous behaviour. "There are certain things we must discuss, and should do so in private."

A delicate eyebrow arched above limpid eyes, and Li Meirong assessed the Grandmaster suspiciously. She was unwilling to fall for any more deceitful tricks.

Zhu Zhang wiped his sweaty forehead, and pointed to a seat.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat, sounding a little nervous. "Please sit down."

For thousands of years Grandmaster Zhu Zhang had missed out on family, and he had made a complete mess of his first impression with his daughter-in-law.

Knowing exactly how fiercely protective the celestial foxes of his clan were of their soulmates, Zhu Zhang gulped audibly as he glanced at his son. The boy's shrewd yellow eyes pierced, accusing, straight through him, straight to his heart.

This meeting was not going to be any sort of pleasant family reunion, Zhu Zhang silently confirmed.


I'm back with a chapter for my impatient fox squad.

jiǔwěihú = nine-tailed fox

I'm hoping to have enough time tonight to release another chapter later on ~

I owe a steady release for my patrons. Thank you so much for your donations, as well as seeing the comment section rise to 99+, woah! <3

I wanted to also thank you for the warm response regarding going premium, it made my heart all fluttery~.

Comments, review, and stones make this author post chapters faster ~

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