
Accidentally Fated (BL Omegaverse)

•Alex is an Omega with a past he didn’t know he had forgotten. •Keith is an Alpha, who hates to do what is expected of him. Alex who’s on the verge of becoming a recessive Omega suddenly has his first heat upon meeting Keith unexpectedly. An accidental meeting resulting to an unexpected and perhaps a destined pairing of an Alpha and Omega.

mheng37 · LGBT+
96 Chs

Chapter 78

Chad stared at the Alpha doctor with a puzzled look on his face. He's absolutely sure he hasn't met this guy before and he can definitely feel that deathly glare he is giving him. He can sense the angry pheromones from him though he's trying his best not to let it out. Guess controlling his pheromones comes with the job.

He's been ransacking his brain for a possible reason why this doctor is mad at him. The only probable cause he could think of is that he had most likely hooked up with this guy's girlfriend or partner. He might have unintentionally caused their break up or something.

Other than that, he could not think of anything else.

"Dr. Fernandez the police are here to take the patient's statement." One of the administrative staff announces which broke the staring contest happening between the two Alpha.

"Good evening Doctor."

"Officers, good thing you came on time." Matt said in relief. "You may arrest this man for assaulting a pregnant Omega." He said glaring at the celebrity chef.

"What the hell!" Chad exclaimed. "Wait a minute, why am I suddenly being arrested?" Chad asked incredulously.

"You have the audacity to ask?" Matt retorted.

"Dr. Fernandez, it wasn't him who attacked the patient." The E.R. Doctor whispered in Matt's ears.


"Excuse me Officers. It wasn't Mr. Antonio who attacked me. It was actually him who helped me and brought me to the hospital." Gio bravely interrupted. He normally avoids any confrontation due to people's treatment of an Omega like him but he could not help but speak up. He could not stomach the thought of his savior being accused of assaulting him. Had it not been for the Alpha, he and his baby would probably be dead or on the verge of dying right now.

Chad was initially offended when he realized the doctor was glaring at him because he thought he was the one who attacked the pregnant Omega. He may be a playboy but he would never physically hurt someone. Well he does but it's just part of their sexual play, he's not really into it but sometimes he would encounter someone with that kink.

Looking at the Alpha doctor now, his face is extremely red, probably due to the embarrassment of accusing him without proof. His first thought was to demand the doctor to apologize for his unfounded accusation. However seeing his flustered face which somehow looks adorable in his eyes he decided to let it go.

The doctor's red face is enough compensation for him. Had he been a little slender or a bit feminine or maybe if he was a female Alpha he might have used this opportunity to flirt with him.


"I can't believe you actually asked the police officers to arrest Chef Chad."

"Imagine if the paparazzi got hold of this incident."

His fellow doctors laughed as they talked about the incident from a while ago. He could not believe these two managed to get wind of his blunder from a while ago. It's not even an hour and yet the whole hospital seemed to know already.

It pisses him off but it's his fault anyway for jumping to conclusions without fully understanding the situation. It was too close to home considering Alex has recently been in a similar situation.

He wanted to apologize but he was too embarrassed to do so. Besides that smug look on that celebrity chef annoys him.

"Luckily that Chef didn't sue Dr. Fernandez."

"Yeah, that would be troublesome even for our Dr. Prodigy."

Matt ignored the two doctors who continued to laugh at his mistake. He's used to their teasing but somehow he's kinda getting irritated which is unusual for him. Anyhow, he shouldn't be thinking about that Alpha right now, he'll be on his overdue leave for a week and for sure once he gets back, they have other things to gossip about.

"Damn it." Matt cursed upon reading the message he just received. His parents are still forcing him to have dinner with them before Alex's discharge tomorrow

"Why? Did Chef Chad finally sue you?"

Matt chose not to respond and left the doctor's lounge with his colleagues' laughter behind him.


"I'm really sorry for the delay." Chad apologized for being late.

"Oh it's fine. We should be thankful to you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to cook for you. It's really not necessary." Helena replied shyly. She couldn't believe her favorite celebrity chef was in front of her and he actually prepared a meal for them.

"Don't worry Ma'am, it's not a problem for me. If anything, I am thankful to you for accepting Keith into your family. He and I grew up together and we're sort of like brothers anyway." Chad replied. "Though he actually ordered me to come here." Chad added in his mind.

He received a call from Keith the moment his plane landed, demanding that he prepare food for his in-laws for his wife's last night at the hospital. He wanted to at least sleep but his bastard friend ignored his complaints. However, thinking about it now, he guesses it's a good thing that Keith asked him to do this otherwise Gio and his baby will not be safe.

"By the way, is the Omega you helped okay now? Keith told us you found an Omega being assaulted." Helena asked worriedly. It breaks her heart to know that more and more Omegas are getting attacked. She shudders as she recalls her own son's incidents. She instinctively reached out for Alex's hands.

"He's fine now and thankfully so is the baby."

"What will happen to him now?" Alex asked.

"I'm going to check later and see what else I can do to help him."

"You will do that?" Helena and Alex asked at the same time. They are both admiring the Alpha chef.

"It's really nothing big. Don't look at me like I'm getting shy. Anyway, why don't we start eating now before the food gets cold." He's not good with this type of attention so he tried changing the subject. "By the way Sir, Alex told me you own a restaurant, I hope my food is to your liking." Chad turned his attention to the older

Alpha who has been quiet the whole time.

"I'm just a small time cook. It's just a small restaurant. I'm sure I'm not up to your caliber." George replied.

"Oh no Sir. You've been cooking longer than I am, I'm sure you are far more experienced than I am. I hope I can visit your restaurant one of these days." Chad replied, charming Alex's father as well.

Keith watched his friend in amazement. He's still a bit awkward with the older Alpha, if not for his mother in law's warm and gentle personality he might not be able to have a conversation with them. Whereas Chad just met them a few minutes ago and he already charmed the older couple.

Matt entered Alex's room in a foul mood for various reasons. First is for being forced to come here and eat and second for getting teased for what happened with that celebrity chef. Imagine his surprise to find his parents happily chatting to that very same man.

"Oh, Chef Chad, this is my eldest son. He's a doctor in this hospital." George proudly introduced his son.

"Oh hello Doctor we meet again." Chad grinned widely at the fuming Alpha.

"Can his day get any worse than this?" Matt thought to himself as Chad handed him a plate of food.

"You know each other?"

"Yes Sir." Chad brightly replied, making Matt's face flushing red. "He was the doctor who attended to the Omega I brought in."

"Oh right, of course. Why didn't I think about it?" Helena said, clapping her hands in realization. "Our son is a doctor specializing in Omega's pregnancy, of course Mattie would be his doctor." She proudly informed Chad.

"Hmmm Mattie, cute nickname." Chad whispered as he subtly shoved the plate onto Matt's hands. He's really finding his embarrassed face adorable and it makes him want to tease him more. He guesses it's similar to how he likes to annoy Jules. Though the doctor's response is far cuter than his friend's stoic face.

Matt clenched his jaws in annoyance.He couldn't believe his parents got charmed by this frivolous chef. Now he has two annoying Alpha's he has to deal with.