
Accidentally falling for you.

She came like a thief during the night, with no warning and not much of an expectation, but she didn't come to steal, although she took more than he was willing to give. - He was the Criminal, the one to fear, never before has anyone gotten away with stealing from him. Will she? Will she even want to? -

Joanette_Gates · สมัยใหม่
28 Chs

Chapter 11 When she runs

I couldn't get in much sleep last night, I checked in on Mia every half an hour just to be sure she was okay, but she slept through the night. I never know what her next move will be so I have to keep my eye on her so she doesn't do anything that will probably make me flare or spiral into a fucking mess.

At first, I thought that she was just another scared woman who wouldn't be able to handle my kind of life, but she surprised me the night I took her, pointing a gun at me was a bad move, but I liked her spirit so I wanted to learn more about her.

Then she turned into the fearful woman I met when she wasn't sure what will happen to her. That day I gave her my firearm again and she was allowed to ask whatever she wanted to know, but this time she played a little with the dangerous piece of steel before putting it away and talking to me like we were two normal people. She wasn't scared anymore.

She was frightened when Madelaine sliced her own wrists but decided that she wouldn't run away anymore so she could take care of Madelaine. Once Madelaine had found her feet she wanted to leave again to take care of her family.

She seemed scared at times, but when she was in a tough predicament or met face to face by her past she wanted to go on a killing spree.

For her mother, she wanted to give her own existence.

She was a mess. A crazy, glorious mess.

"I am so hungry." Mia enters the kitchen where I sat drinking my coffee and attempting to extrapolate the woman who makes my life problematic. Her hand covers her stomach as she opens a cupboard and takes out some leftover cookies. She places it on the table and turns around to get her a mug from the top cupboard. She was wearing a familiar white t-shirt that was way too big for her and when she reaches up to grab the mug the shirt reveals a piece of small pink material covering her backside. At least she was wearing underwear today.

"Well if you cover yourself I might take you out for breakfast." I grin looking down at the paperwork in front of me. Since I couldn't sleep I went over the profiles of my new clients who were waiting to adopt a child. They were all high-class law-abiding citizens across the world. They were big earners and that they needed to be as my services didn't come cheap.

"I thought you have seen it all before?" She snaps back as she takes a seat at the table. She was throwing my words back at me, but I ignore her. I wasn't in the mood for her games or wittiness today.

I talked to Sofia earlier and she said that she will call as soon as there is any news on the matter at the hospital, but I am sure there will be. I send Angela to go talk to the parents and she can be very persuasive, plus the amount of currency she would offer them might help a lot.

"What are you doing anyway?" I didn't even see her coming, she drapes her arms around me as she rests her chin on my shoulder. "Who are these people?" She questions as I close the file in front of me. She was impossible. I turn around on the chair to face her grabbing her by her waist and pulling her in between my limbs. She doesn't deny me. "Don't you trust me?" She questions as she pushes my legs further apart until she was standing as close as I let her come to me. I move my hands up catching her arms just before she could hook them over my shoulders.

"I thought you were hungry?" I question her. How can you trust someone like her when you couldn't foresee their next move? I keep her arms away from me in holding them in the air in between us.

"I am..." She inhales and exhales her eyes slowly drawing a line from my eyes to my lips and back. "Just not for food." She takes her bottom lip between her teeth. She was draining.

"If you keep doing what you are doing, I might just take you up on your offer." I warn her as I choke hard against the knob in my throat. I wasn't sure where my arms got the stamina to keep her away from me, because the rest of my body wouldn't be able to do what my arms are doing. I had the chance so many times before, but I could not let myself do that to her. The look on her face that night that I threatened to fuck her glinted in front of my eyes every time my body acknowledged her touch.

I wanted to fuck her so bad. It may assist to get her off my psyche and get it out of my system, but I wanted her to stay more. If I fucked this up god knows what she would do. "Then why don't you?" She questions through steamy green eyes.

I slide off from the stool I sat on, the hardness of my betraying body caressing against her stomach I forcefully lift her up against me pushing my hardness against her and her eyes grow large at my extent. "Go get dressed so we can go get something to eat." I breathe into her ear and a wail escapes her lips sending agonizing ripples across my skin. Fuck me, she sounded so dissatisfied once our touch gets lost and I pick up the papers and leave her gulping for air.

She was being on purposely spiteful. Everything was a game to her. She sat at my side in the corner of the small diner dressed in a small tight black dress fitting her curves perfectly. Her heels almost made her reach my length when she stood, but I still had a few inches on her. Her curly black hair dangled around her head as the headband kept most of them in place except for one lost curl just as spiteful as she was, hung across her face and I quickly tucked it behind her ear not thinking it through. She immediately reacted and grabbed my hand with both of hers and popped my finger into her mouth sucking on it hard. "Oh... I am sorry. You had some cream on there." She gives me that wicked smile as she let go of my hand.

I quickly looked around to see if anybody noticed, but everyone seemed to quit involved in their own business. "Eat your food." I ordered pointing my finger to her plate of pancakes in front of her as I take a bite of my toast.

"Why don't you like me?" Her sudden question changed her mood. Here we go, I mentally roll my eyes. From horny little devil to an angry mob in let's see five seconds.

"I like you." I admit. Fuck I adore her.

"Then what is wrong with me?" She demands as she pushes her plate forward. "I am not eating until you are honest with me."

"Then starve." I take another bite of toast and swallow it with a sip of coffee.

"You will let me starve, but you won't cut out my heart?" Her voice gets louder drawing the attention of the people around us. "I don't like you." She crosses her arms over her chest. She was pouting.

"People are staring." I warn her as I sit back waiting pinching the top of my nose. I wish I didn't say that.

"Oh... So now you are embarrassed to be seen with me?" She bites back. "Then I guess you should go." I wasn't leaving her here if that was what she was implying. The best thing to do now was to keep my mouth shut and let her get it all out. Let her realize how much attention people were paying her tantrum. "The silent treatment, really?" She shrugs as I keep my eyes on her saying nothing. She hated it when I didn't answer her, which was the one thing I could depend on.

"Are you done?" I question her after a few minutes of silence went by and everyone diverted their attention back to whatever they were doing. She nods but doesn't eat. "Please eat so we can go." I keep my voice calm not wanting her to go off again. My plate was empty and my coffee finished. She was wasting my time.

"Make me." She dares me sticking out her tongue. The playful Mia is back.

"If you don't eat I will leave you here and let Tomasso take care of you." I drag the plate over the table leaving it in front of her.

"Who is Tomasso?" Her eyebrows form half-moons above her eyes. "The one with the tattoos from last night? He looks like a fun guy. Maybe you should call him." She teases, but the mere thought of him outing his hands on her was infuriating. I drag my forefinger through the sticky syrup on her plate my giving the diner a cross-over before sticking my finger into her mouth, which she seems to enjoy. She was sucking hard, but I slowly withdraw my finger dipping it again.

"You like that?" I whisper into her ear and her body shivers as a moan escapes her mouth taking my finger into her mouth again, eagerly I let her suck at it once more before removing it slowly and tear of a piece of the pancake and placing it into her mouth. "Eat." I whisper when she tries to object. "Do you want more?" I whisper as I take a bite into my own mouth. She nods again he eyes steamy and I obey putting another piece in her mouth, but this time she moves her head to the side causing the syrup to draw a small line in the corner of her mouth.

I lift my other arm pushing my fingers into the back of her hair. "Keep still." I order softly as I sweep up the golden liquid with my thumb and lick it from the pad of my finger. I could feel her move beneath my other hand in her hair so I grip onto it slightly. "I said don't move." I warn her again and this time she takes my finger into her mouth forcefully and bit down on it when I withdraw it so I slightly yanked her head back a little making her grab onto the table with both her hands. I playfully place my hand on her upper thigh moving her dress up. Her body tense. "Are you wearing those pink panties?" I question her as I remove my other hand from her hair and lowering it to the small of her back. She moves her head from one side to the other and back.

"Good." I smile down at her as I push my hand further up her leg until I reach my goal. "Relax," I whisper as I push her legs apart. Her body was still tense, but I forced her legs further apart.

"No." She breathes the moment my finger brush past her open slid. God, she was so fucking wet. Wet for me I wanted to slide into her so badly and maybe if we weren't in a fucking public diner I would have, but she denied me.

"Sssh..." I hush her as I slide across her slick slit again and pinch on the golden spot when I reach it, but her whole body convulsed and she snapped her legs close. I withdraw my hand and push my finger into her mouth, but she whips her head away before glaring at me with bewildered eyes so I placed my finger into my mouth and sucked at it her eyes growing dark. Her taste was like a drug. I would never get enough of it. I remove my finger watching her eyes grow narrow.

"Can we go now?" She presses. She seemed pissed. She didn't like it when I won her at her own game, but I wasn't finished yet. Why is she the one who decides when the game ends?

"You haven't eaten yet." I smile as I remove my hands from her body.

"How am I supposed to eat now?" She frowned. "You are sick."

"How the fuck am I sick? You started this." She was so fucking confusing. I played along with the game she started. I stopped when she asked me to. "Eat because the next time I won't stop."

"You can't fuck me right here." She dares me softly as she pushes the plate away from her again. Checkmate. There was no way out of this. I lower my hand underneath the table and push her legs apart again. She didn't say anything, but she pinched my hand between her legs.

"Open your legs." I whispered as I wrap my other hand around her middle. I might not be able to bury my dick inside her right here, but there was so much more I could do. "Open them." I repeat myself and this time her legs parted letting my hand through.

I cup her soft hairy skin in my palm and my middle finger starts to message the wetness between her legs. Her juices covered my fingers instantly. The throbbing of the sensitivity inspires my finger to comply with its rhythm. I pinch and tugged my fingers sliding across and forth making circles until a moan escapes her lips and her breathing turns into panting. I raise my other arm brushing across her tender and hard nipple until my fingers fill her mouth and I tug hard on her clit. She moaned hardly, but I could muffle most of the sound as she comes undone in my arms. Her body shaking as her eyes closed. Another point, Mafioso.

I remove my slick hand wiping it against the inside of my suit jacket before throwing a couple of bills onto the table taking her hand in mine and dragging her to the car. If I stayed in that position any longer I wouldn't have cared that we were in public. I would have lifted her beautiful ass in the air and placed her on top of me so she could ride me until I was finished.

"That was..." She gasps for air. Amazing? The first time in public? Good? "rude."

"What?" I ask confused as I pushed the car in gear.

"Don't ever touch me like that again." She ordered and that was the last words she uttered. I knew if I gave in to her it will fuck up everything and that wasn't even fucking. That was... foreplay? I watched her from the corner of my eye as I drove us home. She seemed really pissed at me.

When we got home she darted directly for her room, locking herself inside. I wasn't sure what she was doing or why she was pissed, but I wasn't planning on hanging around to find out. This gave me time to get some work done without her constant blabber bouncing off the walls. I took a shower and went to my office.

"Boss." Gian's voice burst through the line when he answers on the third ring. "I have sent through eight photos of possible projects." He declares as sit in front of my laptop going through the photos he sent.

"I am looking at them right now. They all match the criteria?" I question already knowing the answer, but I asked it every time. We had to be sure to not make mistakes. Mistakes made by us could ruin innocent people's lives. "I am calling because of one specific client." I explain my call. I never interrupted my men as I knew they were busy, but I had an old friend who referred one of his associates to me. "It is Mister Van Wyk. He is willing to pay triple the price, but he has one request. He wants twins."

"That might be difficult. You know how this works. Getting siblings yes, but twins. I don't know Boss." Gian breathes over the phone and I could almost see him rubbing his chin between his thumb and forefinger like he always did when he was thinking.

"Make it your first priority." I end the call.

I have taken a particular interest in the Van Wyk's. They are from Southern Africa and I heard that it might be a good place to expand my business to. From the stories I have heard there were children in much worse conditions than the oones, I am used to. I quickly scroll through the pictures before closing my laptop.

Most people make me out to be the bad guy, the man who traffics children. All of this was true, but I didn't see myself as bad. There were rules when it came to trafficking children in my firm. First off the children couldn't exceed the age of three unless it was cleared with good reason. The smaller the children was the less traumatized they get. I didn't do this to hurt anybody although sometimes people got hurt when their child went missing.

A child could never be taken from loving parents even if they were poor. Less money didn't mean that the children weren't taken care of. Children I trafficked had to comply with a few rules like drug-addicted parents who didn't take care of their children. Parents who abused their children. Children whose parents died, basically orphans.

These children are given a second chance. Elena is a social worker on my payroll who knows what I do and she is the one who does most of the paperwork, she is also the one who does house checks with the new adopting families, while her son Adamo gets me new birth certificates. They are not fake. They are legal papers done illegally.

Angela my highest paid Associate might be a lawyer, but that is why she is the best one to get the final paperwork signed by a judge. When Angela comes across a few problems she joins Elena on a house call to be sure we are not giving the children to other traffickers or other bad people.

Gian is the man who is in charge of taking the children. He smuggles them across the country with his own crew which consists of four men and two nurses. They take care of the children to lessen the risk of trauma.

I get paid a lot of money from a family who wants to adopt, but that is why I never care about costs when trouble occurs, like when I have to fly Doctor Sofia out to check on a sick child or when Elena flies across the world to meet new adopting parents.

My phone vibrates on the table an unknown number flashing across the screen. "Ciao." I swipe my finger across the screen and hold the phone pressed to my ear.

"Hi." Madelaine's voice chirps through the phone. "Nonna bought me a phone, but I promise I didn't call anyone else. I actually don't have anyone else to call, but I just wanted to call you. I mean... Is it okay if she bought me a phone?" Nonna? She was calling Madre grandmother already.

"It is fine." I give her the blessing she was seeking. "I will save your number and Madelaine..." I waited for her to answer and once she did I continued. "You can call me anytime."

"Thank you." I could almost hear her smile. "There is something else I wanted to ask. Can I sleep here again only for tonight? Nonna is taking me to meet aunt Gabriella's daughter. I might make some actual friends." I wasn't sure if this was a good idea since I was investigating that fuck of a Tony, but she sounded so excited so I decided to give her the go-ahead making her promise to keep her mouth shut about my business.

"I know, daddy." She mocked me when my phone started beeping, there was another call coming through.

"I need to go. Enjoy your day and remember. Tomorrow you are coming home." I end the call to answer the other one. "Angela, I hope you are calling with good news."

"Always, Ben. I know how to get things done. Now, where is that girlfriend of yours?" She questions over the phone. "I want to give her the news myself." She was taunting me, but I didn't care Mia is going to be so happy.

"I will call her." I roll my eyes as I rise to my feet towards Mia's room. I knock on the door, but there was no answer so I knocked harder. Nothing. I put the phone against my ear again. "Angela I need to call you back." I drop the phone to the floor and after a few good bumps with my shoulder against the hardwood the door break of its hedges. Mia was gone.