
Chapter 25 - Winner

Lucy POV

We've been at it, for like 5 minutes straight and he keeps making good shots. I really don't know what I was thinking, because this guy is good. He has tricks to his shots and talk about being calm and collected. I used to play against amazing players back home but never matched this level. It's either I lose with dignity or I'm faking being sick.

"Luna it's your turn" he says, with a smirk on his face.

I always thought one would be considerate of their loved one but no, he doesn't care about me! At all!

I look at my options on the table and really I'm screwed. I bit my lower lip rotating each corner of the table and nothing.

"Would you like me to help you?" He asks, again really pissing me off. I wish I could just tell him to shut up.

I take a deep breath and calm down for a bit. "No, thanks I'm fine" I wave him off, so that I wouldn't look him in the eye.

"If I may say" My eyesight shots up to give him ( the not right now). I don't want to say anything bad. I feel it's better than me telling him to shut up.

He chuckles a little " I could help you" He says again.

I stand straight to look him in the eye "Jack how would I learn if I don't try, win or lose. I want to do this fair and square" I get back to my supposed spot and take my shot. To my surprise it actually gets in! It really got in! Shocking me to the point that I mistakenly scream!

"You are learning well Luna, but please focus because we are almost done" He says, as he positions himself to shoot and takes a shot that manages to push two of his balls in.

He then looks at me again with a smug face really feeling himself. The little girl in me wants to throw in the towel of defeat but I can't. So I decide to play on.

"I could still win You know" I say, bluffing like crazy, we both know this is the end for me.

"As you wish!" he smirks

As I'm taking my shot "so did you always desire to be a nurse?"

"Not really to be honest, I really wanted to be a doctor in the earlier stage of my life. But then my dad died, meaning we didn't have enough funds for me to get into medicine." I say, with a lump on my throat. I don't know why it still comes when I talk about dad. It's been so long but feels so fresh, like it was yesterday.

"I'm sorry about that… but would you like to study medicine now? You are in luck now you Jaylen, me and Jonathan. So it won't be as hard financially." He says, scratching the back of his head.

Shocked at his words "I would love that, but right now wouldn't be a great time to do that I think. I mean, I'm not backing out, it's just we four have a lot of figuring out to do so.."

Looking me in the eye he says "I get that, but whenever you feel like it would be appropriate for you to study medicine, just let us know"

"Thanks for the support, it really means a lot to me" I say as I smile at him

"Anytime, now let's finish this, Let me crush you" he moves away to make his move

Looking at him take his shot, I feel amazed to have such a mate. "You better not end this now"

"Of course I will, it's time we move from this spot. I want to enjoy this day to the fullest!" He says while taking his last shot, which declares him the winner.

Clapping my hands with pride than defeat " you play like a pro, I really need to get better so that I can beat you one day"

"We will see about that," he says with a smirk.

I look around to see what we can play and land on the darts. I've been so good at darts that I believe I can win this.

Turning to look at him, I wonder if I'm right ?

Can I really win this or am I just hallucinating?

"Lucy, what would you like to play?" Jack asks me, while touching my shoulder

"Could we play some darts ?"

"Sure babe lets do this!"

After some more games we decided to get something to eat at the diner where we first met. Stepping in that diner brought back feelings I tried so hard to suppress. I would like to say that I love this for myself. I love being with Jack, I love his competitive side. The way he takes leadership so seriously.

"What are you thinking about looking at me like a snack?" he says, as i'm mentally drooling as i look at him.

I look away fixing myself in my seat "I just got lost in thought"

"Let's be real you got lost in my brown eyes" he says with a smirk

"No i wasn't, anyways so what are you having ?"

"A burger, with some bacon and some love from my luna"

Lost of words i just smile at his words "be serious Jack, I would like a burger as well and some ginger beer"

"Ginger beer?? Since when? You never told us you like ginger beer" He says confused at my words

"You guys never asked so, i decided to keep it to myself"

"Okay then my lovely Luna, what else do you like and not like?" he says, as he signals for a waitress to come take our order

" we will have two burger and ginger beer thanks" he says, giving the waitress the menu

As the waitress is about to leave "excuse me please, I just wanted to add that one of the burgers will have bacon and thank you" I say, with a smile.

When the waitress is gone " so tell me the likes and dislikes"

"I don't know what I should say, I love rice with anything really and drinks would be ginger beer or coke, dislikes would be mostly things I'm allergic too would be coconut and fresh nuts. What about you ?" I say

"I like burgers and drinks would be coke as well, dislikes would be not being around you." he says again with that damn smirk on his face.

"If you keep flirting and not speaking your mind, I won't get to know you like you will know me. And that's not fair."

"Speaking my mind is what I'm doing though, would you like me to lie ?" he asks

"If it's truth then I'm sorry about judging you, I will do better in future."

"Thank you"


We finished the night with him flirting all through and me giggling like a kid. It's been an amazing day. I can't wait for my other dates with the others.


Sorry for the wait, my exams are approaching and we received a good deal of assignments that's why I've been really slow. But I will do better! Thanks for reading 😍 please comment and vote.