
Accelerator: The Never Ending Battle

"I just want to be left alone." This was what Accelerator thought when he started the Level 6 Shift experiment to become the first level 6. The #1 esper has already killed 10031 clones and is on his way to finish off the next one when a certain boy came along his way to stop him. That boy who was supposed to stop him, stopped him right? No. After killing that boy, he attains a new power and then his misfortunes starts from there. This is a story where he takes on the world, fighting off the dark side of Academy City and the magic side of the world.

dontouchme · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
62 Chs

The Spare Plan


Kakine Teitoku was back at the hotel where they were staying at, however he wasn't back in his own room. He was in someone else's room.

The interior was the same as ever before, however it had a certain vibe to it. On the drawers, there were bags of branded clothes and items specifically for girls.

He was just laying back against the hard wooden bed frame.

It was 10 in the morning when it happened.

The soft swishing of the bedsheets could be heard behind him so he turned his head as long golden strings flowed down the bed.

It was Gokusai Kaibi still in her pink frilly dress with her hair down for once.

"Oh? Why are you in my room? I didn't think you'd be the type of person to stay over at a woman's room." Kaibi laid over the bed as she looked at him. "Eh? What happened to you?"

When Kakine turned to her, his eyebags looked heavy as the browning below his eyes had the color of dirt.

"I told you not to drink so much but you didn't listen and I had to carry you away. You definitely owe me one for this."

"I did? But I only remembered ordering two glasses."

"Yeah and it seemed like those were enough to make you go crazy. Geez, just because you drink a bit, doesn't mean your body will be able to handle it."

Kaibi lowered herself even more as she hung her arms down, the straps of her dress starting to come loose.

"I didn't do anything weird, did I? And why were you staying in my room?"

"You were already out of it so I had to babysit you otherwise I would have Anti-Skill charging this place by now."

"It wasn't that bad right?"

Kakine didn't answer her instead he just showed a face of disdain as he turned back to face the wall.

"Anyway while you were snoring away, I received a call from Yobou. It's another hideout and this one might be it."

"Well as nice as it may be for you, I can't go." Kaibi smiled weakly as she started to fall back into the bedsheets. But Kakine stood up as he glared at her.

"Huh? What do you mean? We've been hunting for this for a while now."

"Yeah, but my head hurts. I don't think I can do it today..."


There was a cold silence in the air but it could have been because of the air conditioning, Kakine simply answered, "Heh I warned you, didn't I? Seems like you're weaker than I thought you were."

"My, am I that important that you need me around."

His smirking smile immediately tilted downwards as he stared at her still staring into the bedsheets.

"Tch, fine. Have it your way. I'm going alone tonight then."

"What about Rakko-chan?"

"She said she has some sort of late night club activity she has to go for so she's unavailable."

"How about waiting until tomorrow?"

Kakine's eyebrows twitched when he heard that as he slammed his hand into the bed and even though the impact was supposed to be soft, he used his dark matter to sink it through the bedsheets.

"I have waited my entire goddamn life for this. I can't sit back and wait any longer, if I do they might erase it and whatever we've been working for will be for nothing!"

"Alright, I understand please don't break the bed, I'm sleeping on this later."


Kakine was standing in front of an abandoned factory that looked rusted on the outside but has not been torn down for a few years.

That place used to be a factory that manufactured consumer goods for the students of Academy City but was shut down due to other competition which made them lose out on profits.

Now it's just a mass of dust and rust. There were holes small enough for a rat to fit through, walls that had graffiti all over them. Things like these were common in Academy City thus no one paid any attention to them.

Kakine walked inside and it was barely dark inside with natural light illuminating from the moon. The place had an odd odor but no water running or sewage.

As he walked further and further through the factory, he was starting to doubt Yobou's research, but when he nearly reached the end, there was a small gap through a trapdoor that had light shining out.


Instead of opening it softly, he blew it open using his wings of dark matter.


A loud explosion echoed through the factory and maybe even to the supposed people inside. When he looked inside, there was a flight of stairs that greeted him and a fully white out hallway in front of him in contrast to the dark abandoned factory. Not even a minute after he smashed the trapdoor, multiple footsteps could be heard in front of him and soldiers with deep black rifles came running at him.

But before they could even put their finger on the trigger, the barrels of their guns were cut and their stomachs were filled with holes.

Their helmet which covered their faces just like a biker's helmet was brutally smashed in all the while Kakine was casually walking through the hallway.

"Tch how many times do I need to prove to all of you that your guns are no match for my Dark Matter. At this point it's just disrespectful."

The soldiers fell flat on the floor as their blood spilled out of their bodies.

The walk down the white hallway was nearly empty, no signs of human life ahead, no signs of any other doors. It was just a straight walk down but Kakine knew this track was fresh as the lights seemed to have no problems functioning unlike the abandoned factory above.

Soon, he heard even more footsteps coming ahead but they were more to the left side of an intersection up ahead.

He was prepared to show his wings the moment they popped up but he wasn't ready for what he was about to see.

The footsteps came closer and closer until they were visible once they turned the corner of the intersection.

"What the fuck is that?"

What Kakine saw was not a massive weapon of destruction, to call it a weapon would be vague, calling it a person would also not be accurate.

To call it a living being would not be right as well.

It was disrespectful to say the least, even more so than using guns against him.


A voice came from the back of those 'things' in front of him it seems to be the only real thing there.

"Don't think mocking me like this is a joke. Because if it is, it's not funny."

In front of Kakine were faceless soldiers that had the color of white all over them and Kakine immediately knew what it was.

"Mocking? No, of course not. We are simply creating the impossible."

In front of him was Dark Matter itself.

The white soldiers stepped to the side as it revealed a buffed up man in a vest of armor and leggings but he didn't have a helmet on like the other soldiers at the entrance.

"You claim your Dark Matter cannot be reproduced and that it is not of this world but D.A. has proven you wrong. And if it is not, what can it possibly be?"

The man pulled a revolver from his gun sheath, the metallic click echoing in the quiet air. Without a shred of hesitation, he directed the weapon at the white soldier to his right. In a heartbeat, he pulled the trigger.

The bullet pierced through it's head but within a second, it was regenerating itself to it's former form.

"You see? We have reproduced your Dark Matter! The thing that cannot be destroyed and will keep regenerating. That is Dark Matter, is it not?"

However, Kakine looked at the man with his lips slumped down and his hands in his pocket.

"I will say, for a bunch of Anti-Skill dropouts, you guys did a spectacular job."

"Well, thank--"


Before the buff man could even finish his sentence, Kakine cuts him off with a loud bursting sound as he continues talking.

His wing pierced the white soldier to his right.

"It seems you misunderstood my Dark Matter."

The man looked at him with an annoyed face as his right upper lip pulled up, showing his teeth.

"What makes you say that? We copied it perfectly. It can do anything that you can and it will regenerate infinitely!"

"And that's where you're wrong. My Dark Matter is not simply infinite, it is extraordinarily deadly that you should know. But what makes it deadly is it's infinitely changing possibilities."

Kakine's demeanor exuded an effortless blend of confidence and nonchalance as he shot a smirk at the man.

In an instant, the white soldier on his right evaporated into thin air. It was as if it was never there.

"What?! But how? We collected traces of your Dark Matter and created the substance exactly as it was!"

"My Dark Matter is not of this world so I have to compliment you guys for at least trying. For a bunch of dumbasses you guys did a pretty darn good job. I'd give you guys a C grade if I was a teacher."

"Rrrrghh GET HIM!"

The man pointed his finger at Kakine and the white soldiers immediately dived into action.

Their hands slowly morphed into the shape of a blade as the faceless white soldiers charged at him. There were about five of them coming right for him but Kakine simply stood still and wrapped himself in his white graceful wings.

Dark Matter could pierce through anything. Even the hardest metal on earth could not withstand the power of Dark Matter because it would simply run right through but in this case, the moment the faceless soldiers blades touched his Dark Matter, a metallic clashing sound could be heard.

Their bladed hands flew up as it recoiled them back and those that tried to pierce his Dark Matter had their blades folded to the shape of his cocoon. And in a blink of an eye, Kakine strikes back by releasing himself and sticking his wings out horizontally and it cut right through them all the way until it was facing the man at the end of the intersection.

"Surprised? I'm simply the original to these knock-offs there was no way I would lose. Pfft, I think even the 7th ranked Level 5 would be able to handle them. They are simply failed product."

"Don't think it's over."

The man pointed his gun at Kakine this time but there was still the look of panic on his face as sweat started to drip from his forehead.

"The bullets in this revolver are made of Dark Matter as well. If I shoot you with this, not even your wings can handle it!"

With a deliberate motion, the distinctive click of the revolver echoed through the hallway but Kakine continued walking forward, unfazed by his empty threats.

The moment he had his sights set on his head, he pulled the trigger and a roar sounded out through the hallway but a silent tink was the only sound at the end.

Kakine had cut the bullet in half with his wings.

"At least try to be less predictable. Aiming for the head? Come on."

"Shut the fuck up!"

The chamber of the revolver kept turning like clockwork as he fired recklessly and without even aiming this time but every bullet was cut into half until the very last one where Kakine intentionally let it graze his face.

The moment the final click from the revolver sounded, Kakine was already in front of him.

And they both stared at each other on the same level for a good 5 seconds before Kakine shrugged his shoulders with a smirk.

"Seems like your bullet did nothing to me. I was hoping it would have made me sleepy or at least poisoned me or something, but it seems like its strongest point was that it was simple."


A squishing sound could be heard as blood splattered all over Kakine's face and clothes.

"This is what Dark Matter can really do."

One of his wings had pierced the man in the gut, but within less than a second, the buffed up man had a gaping hole in his chest. If it expanded just a few more inches, his whole torso would have fallen off.

"But that would be no fun. I had to show you the true power of my Dark Matter and prove to you how dull your little research went."

"...Khehe...heh heh heh."

He chuckled as he stared at Kakine's mocking smile.

"You are not prepared for what's ahead, Spare Plan."


"You are merely just another pawn in their game of chess. You are just a toy to the higher---"

Without even finishing his sentence, Kakine sliced him in half while his smile still remained as Kakine's face turned bitter with disgust.

"And you are not even a pawn on the board."

The two halves of his body dropped to the sides as blood oozed and spilled all over the white marbled pristine floor.

Kakine hid his wings as he continued walking forward, this time with an accelerated pace possibly due to irritation or excitement as he struggled to smile.

"(Let's see what you idiots have here.)"

When he turned the intersection to the left, there was a singular door up ahead followed by multiple rooms on his left and right that had tons of heavy loaded machinery and weapons as well as vests.

But he ignored everything else and continued along the path to the singular door at the end.

The door was a simple brown door that could be pushed open with a single handle going downwards.

He kicked the door down with his pure strength, and was prepared to be ambushed but what he found was nothing of that sort.

Rather, there were 6 cylindrical tubes big enough to contain a human. More specifically they were most likely used to create the artificial 'Dark Matter' and at the entrance, was a monitor placed on a large desk filled with messy paperwork and multiple PC's.

"So this must be it huh?"

Kakine calmly walked forward as he cautiously looked around to see if there were any underlying traps hidden to destroy the evidence or blow up the facility.

But there was none.

When he got to the monitor, there was no need for him to search the computer as everything was placed there for him.

It read:

Congratulations for making it this far, Kakine Teitoku. If you are reading this, then this will be the final place for your answers. Also, a proposition for you.

Your answers to the 'Spare Plan' that Aleister has put in for you.

Don't bother searching through the computer. I've erased any traces leading back to us and our project. The only thing I haven't erased was this message and the attachment below. You've persevered through it all just to find this so it's only right that I reward you for that.

Experiment 78:

The process to creating artificial Dark Matter has been a success and a failure at the same time. Dark Matter 1-6 has been a success, but they do not possess the properties of the real deal. They cannot alter their properties of Dark Matter and are in a constant state, however they can alter their looks but not to the extent of projecting a skin.

It seems like they would not be sufficient enough to push 'Project Agitate Halation' to it's fullest potential and it's desired outcome. Success rate tallies up to: 5%(Give and take of the possible variables)

In order to reach a minimum success rate of 90%, we would need the real Dark Matter and his cooperation to create the 'artificial' heroes for the scene. In the case that Accelerator were to go rogue and stray off from his path, we still have him to come up with a scenario for us.

In any case, we would simply need his brain to complete the research and carry on with our plans. The pieces are almost in place as we close out this project.

Signing off,

Kihara Yuiitsu

Upon finishing the message, Kakine clenched his fists as a grotesque smile lights up his face. Adrenaline was flowing through him.

"Is that it? So you want me to work for you guys? Is that it?! IS THAT ALL MY POWER IS WORTH?!"

Kakine slammed into the desk with all his might as he cracked the desk and slowly the cracks formed on the table surface and into the legs as it finally exploded into pieces, leaving the laptop on the debris of the table, the paperwork flying all around him.

His white wings appeared from his back yet again as a loud roar echoed through the abandoned factory.


The whole place shook as if an earthquake was about to tear it down but soon after, his wings grew about 35 meters long as he tore the whole factory down.

-----Next Day-----

*News report about an earthquake happening in Academy City that tore an old factory down*

On site inspection suspected drug activities going wrong as multiple bodies were found on the site of the debris


"Seriously? You couldn't have gone for a simpler way of demolition?"

"Shut up, if you were in my position you'd understand."

"Well at least there were no survivors or cameras there."

Kakine was sitting behind a large desk in an air-conditioned office supplied by the hotel. The office had windows that reached from the floor to the top of the 10 meter room. And Kakine could see the whole district from where he was standing.

In the room with him were Yumiya Rakko, Gokusai Kaibi and Yobou Banka.

Kakine ignored her remark as he continued with his plan.

"We're going for the Tweezers. I'm going to expose that freak for what he really is and then he'll finally pay attention to me. And when he does, I'm going to overthrow him. Yobou, I leave that task up to you."

"Yes sir."

"Rakko, prepare to engage once we've had a lead. You'll be going solo and I want it done quietly."

"Y-Yes sir!"

Kaibi tilted her head as she looked at Kakine with a puzzled face.

"Then what will you do?"

Kakine turned away from the window to look at her as he sat down on his comfy chair.

"I'll be planning our next few moves from here on out."

"Then what should do?"

"Just sit back and wait for me to call you. We'll be the clean up crew."

"But it seems like you're just leaving me out for once. I have a few connections, I can probably--"

Then Kakine raised his head as he glares at her.

"Are you neglecting my orders?"

However, she wasn't afraid in the least manner.

"Oh my, you don't usually get worked up like this."

"Tch just listen and stay put. I don't want the enemies to put a bullet through your head while you're shopping. The Dark Side of Academy City should have noticed our movements by now. They might try something while we're busy to throw us off or drop our members. I can't afford to make any careless sacrifices."

Kaibi placed a hand on her lips as she gasped exaggeratingly, "Are you worried about me?"

"Don't be an idiot. Finding a replacement is just too troublesome."

The rest of SCHOOL kept quiet as they watched them go back and forth for a couple of minutes.

----The previous night-----

"Ughhhh...Kakine, I can't feel my face or my body."

"That's why I said don't drink too much, you idiot. In the end, you ordered a whole bottle."

"Help me..."

Kaibi's head dropped on the table as she struggled to stay conscious, breathing heavily until her tiny chest kept rising up and down.

"Tch you owe me one for this."


Kakine raised his hand as he signaled the waiter for the cheque.

The moment he paid for the meal, he lifted Kaibi up from the chair as he puts her arms around his shoulder to support her.

Kaibi couldn't even walk properly. She wasn't even walking at all as her tiny legs dragged itself against the carpet floor.

The moment they were out of the restaurant, Kakine carried her in his arms like a princess as he spreads his wings.

By Academy City law, the use of esper powers in public could have got them arrested that's why he made sure to check his vicinity before spreading his wings.

With a single flap, his white wings pushed them off the ground and into the sky above where no one could see them.

The moon was bright as the wind breezed past them. Kaibi's eyes were barely opened but she could still see him and his wings.

He flew them back to the hotel's rooftop where he landed and carried her back to her room in a gruesome effort.

The moment he was in her room, he noticed how dazzling it was compared to his. There were jewelry and clothing all around the room and in the closets.

"(This girl really spends way too much on her aesthetics.)"

The moment he set her down on the bed and turned away, his blazer was tugged back.

"K-Kakine, stay with me for a bit, will you?"

"Ha? Are you a kid or something? Still need a babysitter?"

Despite his taunting, he still sat down beside her on the bed. His plan was just to wait for her to fall asleep before leaving the room. But even that seemed to be difficult as she placed her arms around his shoulders.

"Oi, you must be drunk or something. Hands off."

Kakine said as he leaned forward a little. Instead, she placed her entire weight on him as she placed her subtle fingers around his chin.

"Oi! What are you--"

With a small push of her thumb, he was facing her and with no hesitation, their lips connected with one another. Kakine was stunned beyond belief because he confirmed that their relationship was nothing more than subordinates, assistant and leader.

But this was on a whole new level. It was like an impossible leap from skyscraper to skyscraper.

More on the fact that their tongues intertwined with each other as she explored his mouth.

This girl is dangerous.

Was all that was going through his mind.

The taste of the alcohol entered his mouth, but a sweet cherry taste lingered that made it less sufferable. The straps on her shoulders were almost pass her elbow level and the heat emanating off of her intensified.

The kiss lasted about 7 seconds but to him it felt like an eternity as she released him from her grasp as a strand of saliva connected their lips.

She released herself from his shoulders as she fell back onto the bed.

"Kakine...your wings...are really pretty."

"Don't expect me to come onto you after saying that. In the first place, why would you--"

And yet again he was interrupted, but this time not from her actions, but from a snore that came from behind him.

His vein felt like exploding as he slowly turned around to look at her.

"(You do something like that and go to sleep? You're really such an idiot.)"

He heave a sigh of relief, however instead of going back to his room, he sat down on the floor as he wiped his lips.

She may be an idiot to him, but she is still important to him. Not only in his plans, but as a person as well.

"And I like that."

Author here, thanks for reading the end of this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed the bit of deep dive into Dark Matter with a few twists and turns sorry it took a while for this chapter to come out. I'll be busy for the couple of months so I may not be able to write much, but as promised, I'm still keeping this fanfic alive.

I have a lot of plans for the future and the characters involved and I hope you all will be excited to see it.

I used quite a bit of bolding and italics in this chapter, I want to know your feedback on it. But sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to end this quick because another plan will be on the rise against Accelerator.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thank you as always for supporting me.

Until next chapter!

dontouchmecreators' thoughts