
Accelerator Junior Getting Thrown Around In Gensokyo

The same author from fanfiction.net. I'm just reposting my stuff to this website. Touhou SI. Follow around the adventure of me as I'm thrown around left and right by the Quest and by Gensokyo inhabitant, as I discovered how puny my existence and not puny my ability are in this story. Warning: a lot of pessimistic humor, Self Insert(SI) Story. I'm trying to make the story as close as possible with the canon. I'm writing this as a hobby so the update gonna be whenever I feels like it. [Currently in Hiatus]

Ligoya · วิดีโอเกม
67 Chs

Love Precognition [Valentine Special]

[Akyuu Case]

-Akyuu POV-​

"No, that is wrong, you stroke it this way." I demonstrated using my finger.

"…Like, this?" he applied with what he saw.

"Yes, perfect, now, into the next batch of Kanji."

"Dear, we are already doing this kind of thing over many weeks now, can I, you know, stop?" he pleaded.

"No, as the new head of Hiedaa clan, you must know every bit of words, kanji, history, and all the Youkai that we have been recorded until now."

"…No wonder…no married…" he said under his breath.

"What was that?!"

"I said I'm lucky that I have such cute and beautiful wife." he said with a smile.

"C-c-cute a-and b-b-beautiful?! Y-y-you can't skip the lesson by p-praising me, you know?!"

"Aw, even thought you already grown up, you still cute as ever." he grab and pulled me into his embrace.

Since he has bigger frame than me and I do not expect the pull, I easily flying into his chest.

He catches me and start hugging me in his sitting position.

"S-stop! L-let me go!! We must continue your lesson, it is important!" I struggle.

"There's no need to rush, you will not gonna die young anymore, you have plenty of time to spare."

I stop struggling.

I look up to face.

He smiles warmly at me.

We both start fixing our posture for better…hugging…position.

I lean my back to his body, my head almost hit his chin; he is really tall now, he beat the majority of the adult with his height.

"There's no need to worry now, your body is healthy now, and I'll make sure it stays that way for a long time."

He said while hugging me from behind.

"…It still feels like a dream you know, all of this, no more trouble breathing, no more tired easily, all of my past memories tried everything, and they still failed, but now…" I grab his hands.

"I understand; there's no need to continuing your word." he pull one of his hand back and start patting my head.

It all happened a few weeks ago.

He…caused an incident, a pretty big one, and in the end, he told me that he did it all for my sake, he cured me. Of course I immediately gave my body to him after all of that, and we were pretty much tied to be married in the end.

But he said the cure is not perfect, it is curing me from my weak constitution, I will live just as long as any normal human would, but I will not gonna aged like them. My look will stay the same just like the time I taken the cure, a look of a 20 years human girl, which is almost the same age that he stopped his aging process.

He told me that the cure almost turn into an immortality medicine if he did not grab it in time, all his hard work suddenly gone to waste, he said if that happen, he will not gonna give the cure to me, I also share the same thought, I don't want to become an immortal.

"…Feeling better now?"

I nodded at his word.

"…I see. Now, let's think the name of our child."

"C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-child?!" I turned to him in shock.

"Yeah, of course, I wonder if his looks gonna be as awesome just like his father, or her looks gonna be as cute just like his mother." He said while cupping his chin.

I feel my face getting hotter by the second. "ARAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!"

"HAHAHAHA!!" he just laughed at me.

I start punching in the stomach, and his laugh did not stop but instead he laughed harder by it.

[Reimu Case]

-Reimu POV-​

"Do you have your protection charm?"

"I do."

"Do you still have enough Ofuda to throw?"

"I have."

"Do you want me to further enchant your clothing?"

"You already enchant it to its limit."

"Did you already pack your lunch yet?"

"No need, I will be back before lunch instead."

"But what if you can't go back before lunch then?"

I stopped on my track and turn to face him. He is taller than me so I have to look up to observe his face.

Worry expression written all over on his face.

It has been a year now since the Hakurei God personally appeared and ordered me to marrying this guy. Of course, even if she's a god, I refused with that idea, but after that, stuff keeps happening.

He trip and fall onto me, and vice versa happen to me too, he keep accidently seeing me naked, my clothes keep accidently became undone by itself while he's in the area, and finally, probably the only the good one between all of this, whenever he stays, visitor start coming into the Shrine.

After some time, he turned suspicious with what was happening, in the end I caved in and started explaining my encounter with the Hakurei God.

He also didn't like the idea of the God ordering me to marrying him, he believed that one should married the one they loved, but he also said that he didn't mind m-marrying me because I'm…cute.

Look, you don't know how embarrassing that moment after he said those words, after I heard what he said, I immediately rained him with Danmaku. He really doesn't know what shame is!! He keeps repeating the word cute and beautiful to me!! He also said something embarrassing like "There's no need to lie because everything that I said is the truth."!! Seriously, does he have any shame?!

*huff* He said that he didn't mind that as long as he stay then the Visitor would come, so he lived next to my house now, his house just appeared out of nowhere, seriously, what kind of Magician is he? Even Marisa told me that building or moving a House in one piece isn't a small feat to achieve, but I do not really care what it implied, all I know was that I got to ate delicious food every day thanks to him always cooked for me after he moved.

"Then just trust me, trust me that I will solve the incident before lunch time come."

He takes a second to comprehend what I said.

Immediately worry start disappearing from his face.

"…All right, I will trust you, but for good luck sake."

He step forward and kiss my forehead.


He toke a step back and start to smile.

I slowly process what just happen.

"Y-You!" I point him using my finger. "Why didn't you have any shame at all?! T-There's no need to do that kind of thing!"

"Aw, her face is red, embarrassing Reimu is cute too."

A gap suddenly opened up beside him. "I know right, Reimu is the cutest when she embarrassed."

"Yukari?! Not you too!!" I'm not surprised with 'she appeared out of nowhere' because she always does that but I'm actually surprised with what she said.

"Ufufufu, from all your expression that I saw, the embarrass one is the cutest."

"Ahahaha, you got that right, Yukari."

"Grrr, these two…."

In the past, he's really afraid with Yukari, but now in the past year, he's all friendly with her.

"S-stupid Arah!!" I run outside and start to fly and solve the incident problem.

"Remember to be safe, okay?!" I heard him yelling from behind me.

My lip starts to form a smile as increasing my altitude.

'…Maybe marrying him is not such a bad idea after all…Wait, no! Since when did I start thinking like that?!'

And with that thought in mind, my face keeps getting hotter as I flew through the sky.

[Marisa Case]

-Marisa POV-​

"…These will do-ze."

I mix the last bit of Paralytic Mixture in his tea.

I walk out from the kitchen to his workshop. In there I saw a man that looks like in his mid twenty mixing up a tube of colorful liquid.

"Hey, Arah, here's some drink for you; I made it myself-ze." I offer it to him.

"Hm? Marisa? What kind of drink?" He turned away from his work.

"It's a tea; your beloved wife made you a tea for your sake-ze!"

He starts looking at me and the tea repeatedly.

He looks unsure.

It has been months since it happened.

I accidently make myself a homemade aphrodisiac, and I accidently pour it unto myself. After that, one thing led to another, he takes responsibility for his action and we become a couple. But for marriage stuff (It's still a bit embarrassing when I think about it), it will have to wait until he can fix my aging process, he said he didn't want people to call him pedophile by marrying me while I'm still in my child look.

In the past I raised this question, 'But what's the problem with that? I mean, you can just turn into your child form like in the past. Why do you want to fix my aging process?' and then after a while, it hit me. He wants my…b-b-babies.


Too Perverted, I say!!

That's why I wordlessly prank him every day, and because of what I did, we have Pranks War going on in his house. He still doesn't know why I start pranking him, he only though I did it without a reason.

At first, we both prank lightly to each other, as time pass, we both going harder with our pranking.

And eventually …my prank…went too far…or you can say, it gone completely wrong.

It was supposed to hit me, I ignore its safety and I should be paid the price for my negligence.

But he toke it instead.

He protected me.

Even though I'm the one who forced him to take responsibility, he protected me.

Even though I'm the one who being unreasonable, he protected me.

I apologized, I apologized for everything.

He forgave me; he said it so easily as if the accident never happened.

That's why I promise, I promise that I will become the best wife that he will ever have.

But these and that are two different things; I will start pranking him again right now, it's a light prank of course ☆.

He put his thing aside and grabs the tea cup from my hand.

He starts observing it now.

'Oh no, if he started to smell it then it's all over, gotta use my trump card.'

I start fidgeting.

"If, if you start drinking it right now, I won't mind doing it with you tonight ♡."

He immediately drinks the tea, and he immediately falls to the ground.

I walk excitedly to his side; I crouch beside his frozen shocked face.

"Huhuhu, you think the Prank War is over? Of course not! It's-Kyaaaa!!"

He suddenly grabs me and start hugging me while giving me a kiss.

His tongue starts invading my mouth; His tongue forces my mouth to stay open and in a second later, I feel liquid substance start pouring inside my mouth.

"Hmp!! Hmmp!!" I struggle against his hug.

As I drink that substance, my body starting to feel heavy.

He part our lips, I saw a string of saliva as we greedily inhale the air.

Now I can't move my body anymore, his arms are the only one that supporting my body from falling straight to the ground.

"Heh, so it was Paralytic drug that you put inside the tea?"

He pulled my cheek to the side.

"…U-ugh(H-How…)..." I groaned.

"Well, the next time you out a drug inside the tea, please make sure it solved properly before you handed it to me. I can still saw it lingered inside the drink, you know."


He smiles smugly.

"You're still hundred years too early to try pranking me, and since you failed to so, you will gonna pay it using your body."

'NOOOOOOO!!' He started carrying me toward his room in bridal style.

And thus, we have a lot of 'experiment' afterward.

[Sakuya Case]

-Sakuya POV-​

I sense someone at the side of my bed, so I immediately opened my eyes and preparing to use my ability.

"…I won today."

I stopped.

"…" I start wordlessly glaring at him.

"Heh, just glare all you want, I'm the one that watched that sleeping pretty faces of yours." he smugly said with his glowing red eyes and topless wear.

I groaned in annoyance.

The man sighs before he continues to talk.

"All right, all right, I'm gonna go away now."

He disappeared after he said those words.

"…I lose today, huh." I said in disappointed tone.

I stopped the time and start wearing my uniform.

It has been a few years since he become a servant for our Young Mistress.

It all started when he accidently got bitten by Young Mistress, the Vampire use a Blood Pact to create their Familiar, they use their bite to start and end the Pact, and because of that, he became Young Mistress first familiar through accidental mean.

His first day as a servant was really like any other first day employment, lack of proper attitude, lack of…actually, I think that was the only thing that he missed on his first day, somehow he is really through with his cleaning, he is a better cook than I am (I am still annoyed that he become the master chef of the Mansion), the only problem on that day was his personality, he flirted with every female he saw.

As for the relationship between him and all the resident of the mansion, Mistress = Interesting Human, Young Mistress = Brother Figure, Miss Patchouli = Male Magician, and Meiling = Friend.

And as for what happened just now, it was just a little game between us servants, it was about 'Who is the one that can wake up earlier than the other', the winner decided by who can watch the other sleeping faces first before they wake up, if either of them got caught when they were trying to get inside other room, then it's a draw, but since both of us can cheat, we never have a draw before.

I step out from my room.

But as soon as I did that, I am greeted by a black haired man that is cross him arm while leaning against the other side of my room wall, the same man that disappeared from my room a few second ago, he also wears a butler uniform now and he is closing his eyes, it is as if he is waiting for someone.

I am still in my monochrome world.

I can still sense that my abilities still work.

'This is also one of his mysteries, he is already wearing his uniform even thought just a few second ago he is still topless, I already stopped the time after he disappeared. So he should not have the time to wear his uniform, unless he also has the same ability as mine, but he did not have it, and if he has it, then I can sense him using it.'

Ah yes, I forgot to mention what my relationship with him right?

I look to my right.

There is no one.

Now I look to my left.

There is still no one.

I walked up to him.

It is currently like this, Sakuya = One side love.

I kiss him.

I only tried it once, and now I cannot stop.

'I am sorry Young Mistress; I am afraid I already addicted to this.'

I back away from him and continuing the time flow.

"Took you long enough."

"…We should start our work."

"No mood for banter, huh? Okay then, let's start cleaning, chief."

With that word as a signal, both of us walk side by side toward our objective.

'Our objective, banish all dirty spot inside the mansion.'

With that thought in mind, we start our duty as the servants of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

-Meanwhile, inside the Mansion Library-

"Now, commencing Operation 'Make our servants copulated so that we have more servants'. We are absolutely gonna do this!" said light blue hair vampire toward all resident inside her mansion.

[Alice Case]

-Alice POV-​

I do not want admit it.

"Arah-kun, look, it is your favorite food, you must be delighted that I bring it to you."

He did not answer.

"Arah-kun, look, I made us an identical sweeter, with this we definitely will gonna look like a couple."

He did not answer.

"Arah-kun, look, I made a new doll, her name is Orlean, isn't she look cute?"

He did not answer.

I do not want to believe it.

"Arah-kun, look, your ability, I succeeded with recreating it using magic!"

He did not answer.

"Arah-kun, look, it is snowing, it started snowing outside!"

He did not answer.

"Arah-kun, look, an incident, I hope Reimu finished this one quickly, we do not want to coped up inside the house for too long right?"

He did not answer.

I denied it.

He did not answer.

He did not answer.

He did not answer.

He did not answer.

He did not answer.

He did not answer.

He did not answer.

He did not answer.

"…Hey, Arah-kun, why won't you answer me?"

He did not answer.

"…Please, Arah-kun, answer me."

He did not answer.

"…Please, for once, please, answer me."

He answered.

"What are you talking about Alice-san? I just took a nap, of course I won't answer you."

"Thank goodness, I thought you left me behind."

I tugged my index finger.

"I really love you Alice-san, for what reason did I leave you behind?"

"Yeah, you are right, silly me, why would I ever say that?"

I tugged my pinkie.

"For the proof of my love, let me hug you Alice-san."

"Of course, I would love to."


I tugged all the string.


We are hugging with each other.


We are happy with just one another.


-Midnight, My House-

-Me POV-​



"Stop! Stop! I'm awake! Turn off the alarm!"

[Alarm turned off]

I gasped for breath.

I look around my own room as I breathe using my mouth.

I start arranging my thought.

"…What the fuck was that? Don't tell me those were "that" dream."


[User developed an ability]

[User created "Precognition Dream"]

[User will have a fragmented knowledge of the future while he's in dreaming state]

[Achievement Alert]

[Independent Ability Maker]

[Achieved by acquiring an ability without the help of the system.]

[Reward: 20.000 AP & 20.000 IP]

"Oh, wow, it's been a while I have this kind of dream."

'And I can't believe it turn into an ability.'

I kid you not; I have this kind of dream in once a year or something, it showed me, like, the glimpse of the future when I sleep, for example of one of my dream, I have a dream that I watched a trailer for awesome MMO, the graphic is beautiful, the animation is sick, the mechanic look complicated as fuck, and then a year later, Black Desert Online trailer came out, and the trailer looks exactly like the trailer that I saw in the fucking dream.

'But only half of the dream actually really coming true, the other half are just too outrageous too come true. And besides, it's the "future", it can easily be changed based on how I acted upon that information, guess I need to prepare myself to make everything inside the dream happen, but I absolutely will avoid the thing that make Alice mad in the dream, she's a nice girl, she doesn't deserved what she went through just like in the dream.'

"But that's a talk for the future; I need to Teleport myself out now. After all, the smell amplification effect still working even though I'm sleeping right now."

With that final word, I teleport myself out in the middle of the night and away from my own house.

Author note:


So, this is a little bit of spoiler for future story plot, I guess. Meh, T2HU for life!!

And the thing about Precognition Dream, it's actually really a thing in my life, and since it's Self Insert, I might as well put it into the fic for chapter material.