
Academy of Heroes and Villains

My world is divided into two sides- light and dark, good and bad, and heroes and villains. But sadly, I don't belong to either of those sides. I am a Normal. Not by fate but by choice. I don't work for a hero or a villain. I am someone who doesn't use any superpowers. I am someone who is looked down upon in my academy. The academy- a place where everyone dreams to become great. But I just want to live unnoticed. It all started when I received a letter- sent by me from the future. Vachi is a Normal, studying in the Academy of Heroes and Villains. She isn't studying how to save the world or how to destroy it. She is learning how to troubleshoot problems when the so-called heroes and villains make trouble. It sounds good, right? But she isn't really a Normal more like an undercover one. She has a superpower she intends on hiding till she dies. But will she be able to study in the academy hiding her powers and also saving the world? Who wants to expose her secret? And is the academy really saving them from the chaos that will be unleashed later?

livingandreading · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Possibilities and Hilarious results

Vachi got a gift. It was because she was entangled by that futuristic technology that she fumbled upon. Now she was really interested in what it had to offer.

She just stimulated it with her mental power. Her mental power was very different from others. If others had a monochromatic mental power, hers always changed colors. It was like looking into a color maker. And that ball which had stored the message liked her mental power.



Vachi felt very happy. She had a system like the heroines in the novels.

"What can you do?"

There was no response.

So, Vachi scrolled through the options.






There were names in it.

Surprisingly there was someone she knew in it.


Was it the Surasa she knew? The girl who loves cooking?

She clicked the bane SURASA.







Wow. So, Vachi was very perturbed. This system was like a log that showed the traveling happening in all dimensions. Or rather in her neighborhood. Maybe this was here to monitor the progress when their world was still on the list. But because their world was layer abandoned, this became a secret.

She wasn't far off the truth. Because the people who had a rare kind of mental power were slowly getting out of this circle, no one knew how to open the log inside the ball and Vachi became the lucky user now.

Vachi laughed like a lunatic.

That day, when Vachi finally attended classes, she looked carefully at the doll girl and tried to find differences. She couldn't find any clue. if the system didn't give her the information, Vachi would never know that her friend was a time traveler.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Vachi thought she was being very silly now. She had to think of a way to bluff her.

"You look like my favorite singer."

Yes, that was great.

"Really, who?"

Ah, she was caught. Lying is also a skill, one she didn't have.

"You wouldn't know her. She was a classmate of mine. She isn't a professional singer, you know."

Great, saved it.

"Hmm," Surasa murmured.

She looked like she didn't believe Vachi's words but she let it go.

"So did you find a place to practice?"

Vachi then remembered something she had really forgotten. If you forget something, it's really hard to remember it.

That place search was put on hold because she had to go to that hidden chamber. That chamber was really hidden and no one knew about it. The teleportation array and everything were hidden in plain sight.

She wished she had such a place. But she would need money to build a place like that and her parents wouldn't give her anything more than her allowance. And her employer Adi looked like a person who wouldn't indulge her in money spending.

So where was she going to find a place for their Normal Lair?

Vachi was so into thinking this that she spent the whole day in a daze. Adi found her walking into the fountain twice. He saved her the first time and any other normal person would probably take a lesson and keep an eye on his surroundings while walking. So he saw her getting drenched in the fountain again.

He immediately sent her. a message.

"You are preoccupied with something?"

He saw her not looking at his message and shook his head. What can he do now? He couldn't go and talk with her because that would create more problems for them.

He waited till midnight but didn't get any reply. As he was falling asleep his comm buzzed. He couldn't even swear at this stage.

"Ah, you were sleeping."

Hearing this, Adi was immensely irritated.

"Normal people sleep when they see no sun in the sky. And it's past midnight, so you should be living in some different time region."

Vachi wasn't so stupid to see his sarcasm there.

"Sorry to disturb you. I just saw your message and I thought if you had something important to say."

Adi was speechless. He was just trying to joke and not trying to make her feel bad. His talking skills were not good.

"Okay, I found that you were very preoccupied today. Any problem?"

Vachi felt like she found a friend here.

"We need a place for our training base. But where can I find a place which is secure, secret, safe, and most importantly free?"

"You were thinking about this?"

Seeing his incredulous look, Vachi was puzzled.

"Yes, it's the most important thing on my list."

"Don't we have a readymade place?" Adi asked her.


"The place you found today. No one knows about it, it's free, and it's large enough for our activities."

Yes, he was right. Why didn't she think of this? She wasted a whole day overthinking when the answer was dangling right before her eyes. She also didn't enjoy her dinner because of this. She didn't know if she ate anything sweet today.

"Great, I'll go there and set it up."

"You forgot the time again."

Adi stopped Vachi.

Vachi then remembered that she had to sleep. Maybe because of low sleep, she was really becoming slow. Rest is very important.


She cut their connection.

Adi looked at the comm and sighed.

Someone disturbed his sleep and now he was no longer sleepy and maybe the perpetrator was already asleep by now.

Adi got up and lay down on his balcony watching the stars. The stars that were twinkling also sent the light to distant civilizations where there were people worse than them and better than them. There were even some that controlled them. Maybe somewhere someone was watching him and manipulating his life.

Infinite lives, Infinite destinies, and infinite possibilities.

Life always has a way.

Vachi had a good dream where she fought her way through books and exams. And she won. Nothing boosts your morning morale like passing an exam. Vachi felt she could do anything. If you start your morning with a positive attitude, even if your day is straight out of hell, you get through it with a smile.

So Vachi found herself late to the first class and she had to wait for the second class to enter the classroom.

And then because she forgot to listen yesterday, she also didn't write reports so she was again pulled out as a bad example setter. The minions had fun by trolling her and Vachi wasn't fazed with their antics. They were childish in her opinion.

The people she had to look out for were the sidekicks. Those were the real problem makers. Because they couldn't become superheroes, most of them were very angry sort of people and they took it out on innocent Normals.

Most villains and minions were childish and their pranks were seriously funny. But sidekicks because of their high level, in their opinion, treated normals like well, Normals without any rights.

So Vachi felt her day was still good.

But her problems were just starting as she managed to incite a war between sidekicks and minions. As an easygoing bunch, it took a lot for minions to get angry. And Vachi managed to get their sympathy when they saw her slipping on the ice created by a sidekick. It was like a ritual for sidekicks to trip people on their way and villains and minions hated that.

Her plight raised the sympathy of the minions. It was mostly because Adi was angry and made his minions' friends accept his point of view when he helped Vachi.

Because Vachi worked for him, he couldn't see his employee bullied in front of his eyes, right?

So the fight started.

Vachi felt incredulous. She felt like she wasn't the reason here but just a catalyst. They were going to fight someday but she became the unnecessary reason.

She watched the sidekicks use their powers trying to trip the minions. But the minions who had excellent teamwork skated their way and hit several sidekicks. It was like a group fight where all the members were getting punched left and right. The power explosion here was very colorful.

Ice powers sent blue light everywhere and firepower counterattacked with red. There were minions with flower powers who used the fragrance to make the sidekicks stop breathing. She never saw people who had to hold their breath because of excessive fragrance.

There was a sidekick who was electrocuting others with the help of his water power friend. So every minion took the help of the plant-powered minion to make an insulator and covered themselves.

Their innovative ideas made Vachi want to laugh madly. It was really funny seeing a giant rubber running from a lightning rod. Some of them fought with their mental weapons.

Vachi saw all kinds of mental weapons flying and dodging.

She took a clear glance and slowly slinked away. She was right in doing so because this fight made its way to the local news that night.