
Academe's Gambit

In the prestigious Academe, known for nurturing geniuses, Aoi, an unassuming student with a knack for reading people, stumbles upon a hidden challenge known as "The Games." Orchestrated by the mysterious Puppeteer, these thrilling, mind-bending challenges test both intellect and courage. Aoi, fueled by a hidden competitive spirit, finds themselves drawn into the competition alongside a cast of intriguing characters. Through a series of cryptic clues and captivating puzzles, Aoi must not only win the games but also unravel the Puppeteer's motives.

iiPilix · สมจริง
5 Chs

Disintegration of doubts

Aoi squeezed through the gap in the boarded windows, the cool night air a stark contrast to the stale, dusty interior of the abandoned auditorium. Behind them, Hana, Hiro, and a hesitant Kenji followed suit.

As their eyes adjusted to the darkness, the students found themselves huddled together in a secluded corner of the Academe courtyard. The once familiar grounds now seemed shrouded in an unsettling mystery.

"The observatory," Hana whispered, her voice barely a murmur.

Aoi followed her gaze. In the distance, silhouetted against the moonlit sky, stood the abandoned observatory, its domed roof a menacing black circle.

"Do you think that's where the clue leads?" Kenji questioned, his voice trembling slightly.

Aoi didn't respond. They were already formulating a plan in their mind, a plan that involved a calculated risk and a subtle display of their true potential.

"We need to be careful," Hiro chimed in, his voice regaining a semblance of leadership. "There could be anything in that abandoned building. Traps, maybe even..." he trailed off, his voice laced with a hint of unease.

Aoi knew Hiro was worried about the rumors surrounding the observatory. Tales of ghosts and hidden dangers echoed through the Academe's halls, but Aoi wasn't easily swayed by superstition.

"We can't let fear dictate our actions," Aoi stated, their voice surprisingly firm. They hadn't intended to take charge, but the situation demanded a clear decision. "If the key to winning lies within the observatory, we have to investigate."

Their words hung heavy in the air. Hana, her gaze unwavering, seemed to be contemplating Aoi's statement. Kenji, however, looked downright terrified.

Sensing his fear, Aoi offered a small, reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Kenji. We'll look out for each other."

Whether Aoi truly meant it or not remained to be seen. In the nascent game of alliances and betrayals, trust was a precious commodity, and Aoi wasn't about to reveal all their cards just yet.

"Alright," Hiro finally conceded, his voice tinged with a grudging respect. "But we need a plan. We can't just blindly barge in there."

Aoi nodded. They had anticipated this. Stepping forward, they began to outline their strategy. It wasn't a complex plan, but it relied on their observation skills and a calculated use of deception.

"Hana," Aoi began, their voice low and deliberate. "You have the best eyesight amongst us. Can you scout ahead and see if there's a way to enter the observatory without alerting anyone?"

Hana, a predator sensing an opportunity, readily agreed. With a silent nod, she disappeared into the shadows, her movements swift and silent.

Aoi turned to Hiro. "You're known for your strategic mind, Hiro-kun. Perhaps you can come up with a backup plan in case the main entrance is sealed."

Hiro's eyes narrowed. Aoi's words were a veiled threat, a reminder that their cooperation was not a one-way street. However, he couldn't deny the logic in Aoi's suggestion. Nodding curtly, he retreated to a secluded corner, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Left alone with the wide-eyed Kenji, Aoi offered a surprisingly warm smile. "Don't worry, Kenji. You'll be useful too. We'll need someone to keep watch while Hana and Hiro are busy."

Kenji, overwhelmed by the sudden responsibility, could only stammer a shaky agreement.

Minutes ticked by, each one stretching into an eternity. The silence was broken only by the rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. Aoi felt a prickle of unease crawl down their spine. Had they made the right decision?

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness. It was Hana, her face unreadable in the dim moonlight.

"There's a back door," she reported, her voice a hushed whisper. "It's hidden behind overgrown vines, but it looks passable."

Aoi felt a surge of satisfaction. Their plan was in motion. "Excellent work, Hana-san. Now, Hiro's plan?"

Hana glanced towards Hiro, who emerged from his self-imposed isolation with a determined glint in his eye. "He suggests we lure any potential watchers away from the front entrance while Aoi and I enter through the back."

Aoi raised an eyebrow. This was a deviation from their original plan, but it held merit. "How do we lure them away?" they questioned.

Hiro smirked, a plan forming in his mind. "Leave that to me," he declared, his voice brimming with a confidence that surprised them.

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