

Travel with abyss as he seeks revenge for those that wronged him by killing his family while he was still six years old. Join him as he encounters many hardships and overcomes them bit by bit Surrounded by beautiful women as he progresses through life seeking not only revenge but redemption travel with as him as he gains power and comes to be known as THE DESTROYER.

Junaid_Johnson · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs


"Abyss your time in this world 🌍 is up surrender willingly and we'll make this peaceful "the goddess mika said.

" I won't die easily and even if I do die I'll see to it your all banished to the crimson purgatory...sentence eternal damnation "abyss said.

" The ramblings of one who is fated to die "pike said. " I'll give you one chance surrender and I'll spare your lives, resist then destruction is imminent "abyss said with a threatening tone.

" Impudent "all six gods said at the same time. 😡

" Then I'll show why I've come to be feared as the destroyer, I'll show the true meaning of despair... Now witness what true power is"abyss said with his voice booming across the skies.

After those words a terrifying pressure was released from abyss, the world began to shake as if many earthquakes were occuring at the same time. Abyss's voice became detached as he began to speak.

" Creation and destruction are needed to achieve balance, Darkness and light will become one to bring prosperity or wreak havoc upon existence...True divine demonic vampire tribrid"abyss said.

No sooner had the words left his mouth the pressure disappeared then seconds later it returned even more so than before. At first it was the planet but now it was felt across multiple universes, it was even felt by the true gods in the divine realm.

Stones, rocks and boulders began to rise to the sky along with abyss. Then his skin turned black, it continued to change til it was black like the empty abyss, his wings came out expanding to be six meters in length and 3 meters in width, one pure white the other black like the night 🌆 sky, his fangs elongated and his golden pupils shone brightly in contrast to his gleaming red eyes, his black hair with strands of red lengthened to 3 inches below his feet and 2 white horns appeared on the sides of his head they appeared to curve upwards holding an immense power in them.


Somewhere in the divine realm a figure hidden within the darkness was seated upon a magnificent golden throne.

"A terrifying existence has been born, one that should not exist, A nephilim... hmm a great 😊 battle Will be upon us soon" the entity said.

"Raphael" he said.

Another god who's figure could not be described because of the white and golden cloak it was wearing appeared and bowed to the entity on the throne "You called my lord" it said, it's voice a mixture between a male and female.

"Inform each and every single god and demigod as well as the divine army also inform the asura god clan to prepare themselves and that a great war for the omega verse will be upon us in the near future "the entity said.

" As you wish my lord"Raphael said and disappeared in a flash of light.


The pressure then disappeared once more but this time an aura of power could be felt around abyss.

Abyss opened his eyes to reveal a deadly glare aimed at the six gods. Then with a single flap of his wings he appeared in space above the planet and all six gods vanished and appeared in front of him.

Abyss aimed his hands to the planet below and"Divine charm" he said and a golden transparent barrier appeared to cover the whole planet. After that his gaze returned to the six gods. "Brace for impact" he said and launched himself at the gods . The others dodged in a split second except for pike who burst into grains of dust as abyss's punch connected with his chest. 🌹🪴

"One down 5 more to go" abyss said with a craze filled smile.

" We won't be able to beat him one on one but we might win if we go two at a time or all at once "Rica said. " Usually I don't agree with you but this time what you say might be our only shot so let's do this rica "mike said while charging at abyss with his sword raised above his head, Rica followed soon after while performing a horizontal Slash to abyss's right side.

" Awaken Evil god killing sword 🗡️"Abyss said while putting his hands together and when he brought them apart a black sword 🗡️ with a red outline appeared between his hands.

*It can't be* Rica thought when she saw the sword that appeared in front of Abyss.

Abyss held the hilt of the sword 🗡️ and took a stance and said "Evil god killing sword, first form:Blade dance of death" as soon as the words left his mouth he sent a diagonal slash which cut Mike's head of his shoulders and it continued onward and split Rica's body into two parts.

The attack didn't stop there though, as soon as the first slash was sent out dozens more followed afterwards slicing mike and Rica into many pieces.

Although the attack would seem as a quick to others, it's actually not so for the one experiencing it, as the sword has the special ability to prolong one's life until the attack is finished and the pain of the previous slash is multiplied by 10 on the next one, truly the most painful way to die.

The attack ended when they both turned into millions of tiny pieces and this all happened in a few seconds.

After the attack ended the sword was covered by black flames and it disappeared from abyss's hands. *Hmm it seems I'm still not strong enough to wield it for long after sending out just one of its abilities 🌹 but no matter it just gives me more reason to grow stronger*abyss thought.

Now only three of the six gods were left which were tike, mika and lika.

"The sword 🗡️ of legends 'EVIL GOD KILLING SWORD' used to kill the god of origin in the great battle of gods, you where did you get that sword. " Mika asked.

" That is something you shouldn't concern yourself with since you'll be dying anyway but I'll tell you still, I never found it nor was it given to me I was born with it"abyss said.

" What... Then that means your the celestial son who's destiny is to wipe out the gods who betrayed the god of origin but then you should have the mark of-"

Abyss cut her off before she could finish speaking" the mark you speak of is right here"he said while turning around and pulling his hair to the side.

There at the back of his neck the tattoo of a flaming black sword floating on a strange alter with people kowtowing to it in a circle around the it.

He turned back towards them and stared them dead in the eyes "Now then your time is up, any last words" abyss said with a smile.

The three gods didn't reply "well I guess not then goodbye" he said and pointed his finger towards them "incinerator" and a red ball the size of a marble appeared in front of his outstretched finger, he sent towards them then just a few near them it enlarged and captured all three of them inside.

Abyss snapped his fingers and blackish purple flame appeared covering the entire inside of the sphere, the bottom half of it was rotating in a clockwise direction while the the top half was rotating anti-clockwise.




The three god's agonizing screams could be heard from inside the sphere. The fire continued burning untill the was nothing left inside the sphere.

Just when the gods died two giant magic circles one red and one white appeared on abyss's left and right respectively and from them two dragons emerged one crimson red and the other pale white.

"Abyss we do not have much time so listen well, our race was been wiped out during the great war and only we left so we would like to entrust you with our power to add to your might, you a mortal who rose to appose the gods the gods we entrust with our survival grow stronger and revive us when the time comes. "They said at the same time.

" Then let it be so, rest assured your race will be revived, I swear on my name abyss the destroyer "abyss said.

" Hmm good "both reached out their claws and touched abyss's shoulders on his left and right respectively. Both dragons 🐉 disappeared and a tattoo of red dragon appeared on his right and of a white dragon on his left arm and a black dragon 🐉 tattoo covered his back.

When the tattoos finished assimilating abyss opened his eyes and flew back to the planet where he left Naomi.

When he got there everyone kneeled except for Naomi who came running and hugged Abyss. "My dear I am sorry to say this but my time has come and I must leave" he said.

"Why abyss please don't leave" Naomi said with tears in her.

"My task is not yet complete but don't worry we will reunited again in the future also tell my child to grow stronger and when he's confident to come and find me and if your still alive by then you can come with him though if it happens that you die then I will revive you along with my other wives to come and join me in the divine realm "abyss said to Naomi.

He then kissed on passionately for a few seconds and then held her stomach and gave her a peck on her forehead" blessing of the demon king of destruction "he said and his body turned to dust.

His body disappeared but his voice resounded across the entire omega verse" On this I may have died but I haven't been defeated, the destruction of the gods is coming, I Abyss Valentine Demon king and god of destruction wage war upon the gods, Alexander you as well Rosaline as the strongest of my children gather your siblings and prepare your forces and when I return you will join me by my side and together we will destroy the gods and I will rain supreme as the Demon king and god of destruction...AWAIT MY RETURN, IN TEN YEARS THE WAR BEGINS. 😡

In reality there exists a multiverse but not just one but six of them and they all come to form what you know as the Omega verse.

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