
Abysmal fleet

Author: tantrichell
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After being reborn as a space craft powered by dark matter the mc seeks to wreak havoc on the universe seeing as no other alternative, corrupting other life forms and turning them into abysmal air crafts. I post every other day, or if I have time.

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Chapter 1Season 1 episode 1: tale of love as old as time.

"All right this way children!" A man said guiding a group of children were following guide through a laboratory they were above a heavy machinery. "Now that is called a collider is used to perform experiments to improve technology, kid!"

"Ooh, they went and continued to follow them.

All but three stuck around, one of them was closer to the edge as he imagined all the stuff he could do with the collider, mostly from what he read in comics.

"Hey, Milja-san want to see something funny?" The boy asked her.

"Alright, I'll humor you, Rocco-kun." She said.

He ran and bodied the boy he slid on the ground.

"See funny, haha!" Rocco laughed.

"Not funny, Rocco-kun," She glared at him.

"Then why am I laughing!" He laughed harder.

The boy got to his feet because you're a jerrrrrk!" The boy slid backwards fell and slipped under the railings.

"Oh sweet heavens!" Milja cried.

Rocco slid and caught the boy's arm just in time, "I've got yah!"

"Rocco, if I die I'm so haunting you!" He said.

"Yeah, yeah..." Rocco was trying to pull him up and was getting pulled down by gravity.

"Dude, what's the hold up?" He asked.

"Your fat! That's the fucking hold up!" Rocco grunted.

The boy looked down and considered his options, "Rocco-kun, let go!"

"What? Fuck no!" Rocco yelled.

"Rocco, if he dies I'll haunt you in real life!" Milja said.

"Then don't stand there and help me!"

Milja ran to them and tried helping Rocco with little results, "Why are you so heavy?"

"I-I think that it's the gravitational effect of the collider," The boy looked up them so you need to let me go.

"Mm, not happening. What will I tell your family?" Rocco said.

"What good is that if we all die!?" He yelled.

"I still don't have to face your Bibi," Rocco replied.

"Seconded." Milja said struggling to pull him up.

Then Rocco and Milja began to slip coming from the next room were three young adults, after seeing them fall two of them rushed over and caught the falling children.

"Caught you!!" They were being pulled by the gravitation force then an explosion that rocked the build sent the flying over.

The girl they came with easily lifted them up.

"Ahh thank-" Suddenly an explosion rocked the building.

"Ahh, it seems that were all out of time, well no helping it though"

"Wait? what the fuck is she talking about?!" The first boy said.

"Oh, don't worry about that. You won't remember anyways." One of the guys.

the girl dropped them and jumped down the collider after a second explosion destroyed where they were hanging from. The third and final one they witnessed before everything went black was from the collider as exploded and a surge of energy hit them.

The boy who fell first opened his eyes and saw nothing but an empty room destroyed and abandoned for what looked like years, there was nothing in the room except for a power core in the center giving off energy.

'Huh? what's the sci-fi setting?' He thought.

[This is your home mastress. It has been since the moment you arrived.] A robotic voice spoke.

'What? Who's there how can you read my thoughts? Can I learn that? Is this an Isekai?!'

[I'm the ships A.I. Me and you have been together for as I long as I remember!]

'Oy, don't make us sound like some childhood friends that got married and are our old age.' He said.

[Scanning....] There was a slight pause. [Sorry, for the confusion, mastress]

'Whoa, what was that?'

[what was what mastress?] It asked Innocently.

'That scanning thin?' He asked.

[I was merely scanning your memories to fill in the holes]


[Is there a problem with it? I can stop if you ask me to.]

'No... I think It'll prevent any misunderstandings; also why can't I move my body?' He asked trying to feel his limbs but couldn't for some reason.

[what do you mean?] She asked.

'I mean where am I? And why the hell am I suspended in this room?'

[Because it's your job.]

He wasn't able to process this at all, so much for no misunderstandings.

'Yo–you've lost me.'

[Scanning] there was a short pause then she said. [Ah, I see where the problem lies.]

'Finally' He heaved a sigh of relief.

[You are the core]



'Alright, you need to back the fuck up,' He said with slight frustration.

[Is there a problem, mastress?] It asked innocently.

'No fucking shit there is, why and how am I the core?! And how am I seeing myself??'

[That is my power] She said. [I let you invade my body when I noticed your consciousness awakened.]

'Alright, but I still don't know what I am or why I Isekaied as a power core?' He said.

[I can tell you about your origin if you'd like?] It asked.

The words were sort of alien and reminded him of a mother and child situation, he wasn't sure how to respond to this.


'Sorry, please go on.' He said.

[As you wish, to the best of my knowledge after the collision of multiple galaxies with a dark star and been used as a power source for this battle ship for the past 1,000 years.] She she said.

'Oh, is that so…' He was having paused for a bit. 'Wait, wait, wait! What?'

[Is there a problem mastress?]

'Uhh, no please, go on.'

[Well, it's just been me and the mastress since we born around the same time.] It said,there warmness in its voice that he may or may not have imagined being there. [Just been the two of us, other crew members came and went but we stayed.]

'Okay, so where is everyone, though? Why is the ship empty? I assume.' He said.

[Oh, I can show you the rest of the ship.]

His view changed to the rest of the ship; from the bridge to the cafeterias to the training ground to the common area to the command rooms to the entertainment rooms to the processing room.

They were all filled with corpses that were there for so long that thy seemed ancient.

'Uhh, what in the actual fuck?!!' He said stunned. 'What the fuck happened and haven't you heard of cleaning.'

[Oh, I killed them all.] It said nonchalantly.

There was a pause, 'I'm, but you what?'

[I killed them all when they tried to rip us apart, I didn't want to be separate from the mastress so I killed them all, obviously.]

He had to stop himself from internally screaming, '(wait she's a machine, I have to get to her level of reasoning first, actually I'm a machine now which means that life shouldn't matter much to him). He was considering his as of right now she controlled his movements and life source, but she also killed them for him. He didn't want to make rash decisions he wanted to know how the world works first.

'Hey, can you show me what lead to the events of their death?' He asked.

There was a slight pause, [You want to analyze my actions to determine if my actions were justified.]

'Well, not really, just want to be sure of where you stand, sort of.' He said.

[Don't worry, if the mastress wishes I would gladly end my life.]

This came as a total shock, He sort of understood that it saw him as it's master, but he didn't know that it went that far.

'Whoa! Whoa!! Hold the fuck on there, just show me the video first I want to see something,' He said trying to change the mood.

[As you wish, mastress.]

The video began and it started in the conference room with a few aliens taking swig of what could only be space alcohol and chatting about politics.

"Ahh, with these dark matter cores taking over the galaxy in the name of peace is going to be a breeze isn't it?" One of the them said tasking the alcohol.

"Yeah, a peace that suits our needs to collect riches and exploit the dumb race!" Another alien said and the rest snickered.

There was a beeping sound that interrupted their conversation, "Tch, what is it now!'' The first alien pressed a button and a hologram of a female in uniform was standing the bride. "What is it?!!" He snapped.

"Uhh, sir, the enemy is trying to broker peace with us," She reported.

"Huh! They had their chance at peace with us, now die!" Another alien piped in.

"Uh, sir?" She said.

"You have your orders vice-captain," He said.

"But captain! They have so much to offer us…" He cut her off with a wave of his hands.

"They had their chance, now they have to pay the consequences." He turned away to face the empty space of the wall window. "Destroy the planetoid and take them prisoners."

"Aye, sir!" The screen went off.

The camera switched to the bridge and as they fired and the planet exploded everyone cheered. Except for the girl who looked worried.

'Huh? So she didn't want that to happen, she's a nice person after, the rest seem like monsters getting drunk on power.' The boy thought.

The screen switched again and he saw that the girl was in the engine room and was drinking while working on the engines. You know I don't really care about those people, she said.

He couldn't comprehend this, what this girl is saying is completely different. 'Huh? Wait, what? Then why did he say all of that stuff before?'

[shush, mastress] The A.I said.

The alien slumped down the machines processing can't handle the stress of all this excessive power usage," She took another swig. "It's like all they want to solve all their problems with destruction, that's not how you build peace, if that's even a goal anymore?"

'Okay, what the fuck is going? I don't understand?' The boy said.

[Then watch] It said.

"Ne, Ciai, how are you and the mastress holding up?" She asked.

[We are doing just fine, thank you] Younger Cai said. [But it is getting harder to handle the power they dish out with all the excessive power outage over the years.]

'Huh? So your name's Ciai?' He said.

[It means Cyber integrated artificial intelligence.]

"I want to change your processors, so it can be easier for you," She continued to ramble on. "With nano tech that I'm working on, but those fucktards won't let me do that!" She threw her bottle and Ciai caught it with a mechanical arm. "It's too dangerous they said. We should keep an A.I computer under strict surveillance they said." She sighed heavily. "You know I don't really have many friends you are the only person I can really talk to, so I don't want to lose you…"

[I know…] young Ciai said.

She slumped a machine walked in and carried her away. The screen hanged and she was being tucked away in her quarters by the machine.

[sleep tight, miss.] young Ciai said.

"Ehehe, thanks, mom."

The robot exited the room. The screen changed again and this time all the crew members were present in the bridge awaiting orders from the commanders.

"Tch, where's that bitch gone off to now?" The captain said.

"She's piss drunk, was carried off by one of the machines." One of the crew members said.

"Fuck! Was she talking to the machines again," The captain cursed.

"Why would she talk to machines when lustful men are here to keep her warm," One of the aliens did a dance.

"You know if disgusting creatures were pinning after me I'd talk to machines as well." The captain said.

The alien spread a shocked expression on his face, "I would let you know that I'm quite dashing for my species." He said with a rose nose.

The captain turned back to him slowly, "Dear Deity! I pity the slut's you buy! You should pay them your planet's entire fortune and then some just for 1-minute lap dance!" The rest of the crew laughed at him.

"Oy, you little cunts!"

"Shush! They are coming on!" Another member of the crew said.

Silence fell upon them as the hologram showing eight aliens sitting on a conference table came on, they saluted them.

The alien at the head spoke first, "Yes, yes. Good day, Crew, machine, vice-captain…" He paused. "Ahh where is the vice-captain?"

"UUh, sir?" The captain raised a finger. "Aren't forgetting some people." Gestured to himself and the delegates.

"Ahh, don't tell me she's dead!" The second alien said.

"I can't believe she's dead." Another said.

"She was so well liked and good with machines and a true genius with the warfare!" Another said.

"Umm, sir, she isn't…" Captain began.

"Siloh! Get the funeral guy on the phone and get the vice-captain parents on the communication device!" Another alien yelled.

"Uhh, lords, She's not dead, just… tired and resting." A crew said adjusting their glasses.

"Oh!" They paused for a bit. "Siloh, cancel that order."

"On to the matter at hand." An alien said.

"Uhh, lords, aren't you forgetting some people," The crew member gestured to the captain and delegates.

"Ukl! Oh, right. The people that we don't like but have to put up with," One of them said. "Glad that you are alright, I guess."

The captain had never felt more belittled and insulted in all his life he felt, he and the other delegates looks like their pride and self-worth just died.

"Anyway, we are here to tell you that the space craft will be torn down and disassembled and your exploration has come to a close and ordered to return to the nearest base."

The crew members spurted upon hearing this words coming out their mouth.

"Yeah, we need something that doesn't scream: join us or we'll end yourspecies existence. We have to be subtle about controlling the known galaxy…so…yeah, your all dismissed."

The call ended and they were still stunned and dumfounded as their mission was still early.

"Ahh, drink up guys, they see that this is too much of good thing and want to put plug in it!" The captain said bathing in his drink. "I'm just that good!"

"Except that they don't even know who you are, they only know of the eccentric vive-captain."

"Please, don't remind me of that machine loving bitch!" He smashed the bottle within his hands and looked up. "You hear that bitch; you'll be scrap in a few cycles!!"

The screen changed again to the bridge where the assistant of the vice-captain was working on the programing for Ciai, they yawned as lack of sleep made them drowsy but pushed past their fatigue.

[You need some sleep.] Young Ciai said.

"No, I need to work harder!" She furiously typed on the console.

[You can't save me in time] It said.

"I can damn well try," they took moment to themself in the face. "I need to save you!"

[And what of the mastress?] It asked.

They momentarily stopped, then continued. "I'm sorry but I can't save you all. At least the vice-captain will be happy that you lived."

[But not the mastress]

She sighed. "Look, I can't save it, I know how much the mastress means to both and the vice-captain, but I can't just steal you both."

[What about hiding the ship from the galactic federation?] It asked.

They suddenly stopped and looked up and squinted at the camera, "That's an odd question, but it's impossible they can override all of our tech, except…" She paused.

[Except?] young Ciai asked.

She put a hand to her chin, "Well the experimental nanites that the vice-captain has in the cargo hold, but that's silly." They shook the thought out of their head. "Besides there are crew men still on this ship plus we'll be labeled as enemies of the universe."

[Hmm, I see…] Young Ciai said.

They stopped once more. "What is it exactly that you see…?" They asked now fully awake.

There was silence, [You should get some sleep, you are carbon and need rest.]

"Wait, but I-" They were cut short by a robot hand chopping her in the back.

They slumped on the console. Passed out the mechanical arms lifted them off the console and took them away.

[Don't worry, I'll take care of us….]

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