

Sin and get evicted from the surface of the earth. Die and reincarnate. Kill and get killed. Try to run from the forbidden universe and fail. Try to become a God and perish. These things were common in the present world right now. In a world where the White Philosophers reign supreme, no one could dare commit immorality. Anyone who dares, were expelled from the actual universe. They were thrown into the Abyss of Eviction to a forbidden ruined universe. Ryder Faron was a part of the sinners. He was forced into the Abyss just because he stole a Motorbike. Showing up at Verbot — the forbidden world in which the humans reside, Ryder was forced to join the weakest Clan in Verbot because he didn't retain an identity of a particular Clan. After discovering that he was assigned to the Forbidden Universe for a different purpose, Ryder had to work hard to achieve his fate by terminating the differences with the three universe of nature. However, the countless groups of Destructive Gods and Kings, creatures and Lords were relentless in precluding his ambition. And the only thing he could do was to be on top of the Hierarchies. ****** Try this book, you won't regret your time. My second book: God of Good. Check it out and stay safe. NumberOneReality.

Pencase · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


Standing in front of an old, ugly-looking man, Ryder Faron was a bit spooked. Not that he was in danger, but simply because he was going to answer some formidable questions from the Leaf Clan combat teacher. Though, two years wouldn't be a waste, right? He should have known everything concerning hierarchies and the way they existed in the Forbidden world of Verbot. In the end, maybe he could now become a complete Aspirant.

However, his training mates wouldn't stop the bullies just because he was not like them. Since Ryder was cast down to Verbot, life had been a complete hell, or more if any other word could clarify.

He arrived at Verbot without a mark on his wrist and was forced by the Gods to be part of the weakest Clan. Not that they could even kill Beasts or Kongs, they were just jerks shrieking and claiming the whole Lost Universe as their own.

And finally, today, he was about to perform leaf control. Not only that, he would also answer questions about the Lost Universe. Nonetheless, he already knew he was gonna fail the tests — not that he was unable to learn about the Lost Universe, but that he couldn't control any Clan element.

'Crap!, It's so petty to my hearing. Even if I am given a chance to learn any Clan's ability, I would prefer Fire or Lightning. Yeah, Lightning'.

"Hey lost boy! Get your ass up here", the master shouted with a mocking expression.

'Don't you ever call me that name again you jerk', Ryder thought as he stepped forward with a gentle expression on the outside.

Other trainees were cracking up at him. Bullying utterances were on air as they all began to BOO! Ryder. Regardless, he continued to walk calmly, face focused on the master. What was in his mind right now was how hard the questions might sound, or, how cunning it might go.

"Lost boy! Lost boy! "

The boys at the right side of the auditorium were shouted at the top of their lungs, cursing as though he was an Alien. Some had to push his shoulders just to calm their hatred and some were tossing balls directly on his pale-skinned face.

The master persisted with the yells, endeavoring to charge at Ryder based on his frail movements. With Ryder's hands on his hurting head, he finally approached the master and knelt to begin his examination. After all, he knew some things that might help his chance of passing, but still not sure.

The master's gaze was not even a bit pleasant as Ryder stared at him. Without sparing a second, he quickly bent his head back facing the concretes beneath. And then, the examination began.

'Please don't make me fail, God. Actually, I mean God of planet Earth', Ryder thought and focused, ready for a stunning question.

"What's your full name boy?", the master asked.

With a rapid momentum, Ryder's mouth opened.

"Ryder Faron Leaf."

'Uhh, go to hell with that leaf! ', he thought.

"He managed to remember his name, a round of applause", the master said. As directed, the trainees began to clap with mocking smiles on their faces. Except one boy.

The boy stood far away from the examination unit, watching Ryder with a pitiful expression. At one point, he angrily hissed and stepped out of the auditorium since he was done with his test. All eyes were on him at that moment and when he was no longer in view, all eyes returned to Ryder Faron, the lost boy.

"Question two, what Clan is the weakest of all? "

'Oh yeah, my time to mock back a little', Ryder thought. Immediately, he whispered:

"The Leaf Clan! "

'You… son of a… ', the master thought, a bit furious with Ryder's sharp response to that particular question.

'How do you guys feel huh? ', he thought, with his head still bent to the concretes.

Everyone seemed to have gone silent. Of course, no one would be pleased after hearing condemning words about their Clan. Even if it wasn't directly spoken, they felt it already. With a grimacing look, the master asked another question.

"What are the hierarchy aspects of Verbot?"

"The Lifespan, the Soul Power, the G-coins and S-coins, and the System", Ryder answered, doubtful of his response.

Though he was correct, but the master's envious expression made Ryder frightened. They had always wanted him to remain under their roof all his life, but to Ryder, that would never stand a chance of happening.

At last, the master said:

"You are correct, you have gotten ten points already. Three questions left."

Still with the master's envious expression, he asked again. This time, the question was tremendous. Now, the master read the words with a wide grin.

"Who is the present God of Verbot? "

Damn! This one was totally tough, Ryder had always loathed to hear things about the Gods of Verbot. Somehow, they make him go nuts, like, extremely infuriated. Anyone who would mention anything about the Gods was probably attempting to get him pissed off.

However, his hatred for the Gods had placed him in a critical circumstance. If he fails these, he was surely going to lose the exams — back to square one training.

'Shit! This is… uhh!'

"Can you answer the question, Ryder Faron?"

Ryder was despondent and disappointed at the same time. Was this a joke or something? Was he going to fail after his impatient attitude towards graduating from the Leaf Academy? Continuation of the bullies and attacks at night, and also the travesties of the masters.

'No way. If this would cost me even death, I would do it', Ryder thought and looked up. Weird gazes splashed into both eyes as the master became slightly frightened. Before he could know it, Ryder was on his feet.

'You can do this Ryder, you can do this. '

Ryder then glanced around making every single person spooked. Though the boys were still in their actual stance — no apprehension was attached to their expression. Yet, Ryder still opened his inner feelings of hatred for the lost driven idiots.

"Who cares about the Gods. I don't mind where they are, their names, and where they are from. The important thing here is for me to pass these exams."

He sniffs for a couple of seconds and added:

"Passed or not passed, I'm leaving this Clan today", Ryder raised his left hand and pointed at an average-heightened fair boy who was a little bit above his age. "I have hated all of you with my life, I hate this environment and I HATE LEAVES!"

The master chuckled and attempted to speak but Ryder interrupted.

"Since I was cast down into this ruined world, the only thing I had always faced was bullies and depression. At a point, I wanted to take my life… "

"You would surely reincarnate, that's wasting of time", a boy with skin-shaved dark hair said with a slight grin. Somehow, he managed to bring some smiles back to the boys.

Ryder looked at him with a sore expression and glanced back to the master who still looked spooked.

'Screw you bitch', he thought in response to the boy's silly words. Although, it was true, trying to kill himself would be a waste of time as he said, but, maybe he could get a mark after that.

'Uhh! Impossible. '

"I'm leaving this place for good, fuck leaves! "

Ryder said and walked away. Now, he had poured out the grieves his mind to the master. They could now realize he hated the Leaf Clan and see that they were nothing but high-ranked jerks in the making.

"Where are you going boy, get your ass back here! You shouldn't try to anger the Gods", the master said while chasing him through the exit.

"I don't care! Since I would reincarnate after death, then I'm ready to die! ", Ryder said and crossed the exit.

First time outside the streets of the Leaf Clan. Everywhere looked so new and cool, he couldn't believe that he had been held away from this beautiful place all these years. Life indoors was so… boring and worse.

At first glance, he sighted tall hefty houses that were directly facing the auditorium. Different kinds of Leaf Aspirants were wandering here and there as the autumn winds gusted in every nook and cranny of the territories. Looking atop the roof of the houses, an altitudinous mountain could be seen, standing high above other fortes on the surface of Brexton axis.

Ryder stared into the distance, glimpsing at the bunch of fighting lads at the edge of a lonely junction. Emitting the useless occurrence, he nodded and took the left direction which he sensed would be leading away from the Leaf Clan.

However, everyone seemed to be heaving weird gazes at him the moment he began to approach the boundary between the Leaf Clan and the Smoke Clan. This time, he had to walk faster before getting wrapped with whetted leaves by some lunatic masters.

As he approached the giant gate of the Leaf Clan, the gate opened with a single part. This simply means that he was not welcomed into the Smoke Clan. However, no one was in sight so he had to sneak into the territory.

Ryder got his first glimpse at the countless portions of burning woods. Looking far into the small city, he saw snuggling smokes as they splashed through rocks and paved stones. Atop, ringlet smoke replenished the air, causing the green leaves to perish slowly.

"Boring! Another weak Clan we got here", Ryder said and continued his sneaking into the main village of the Clan. Probably, he was trying to locate both the Lightning Clan and Fire Clan. Maybe he could like the Earth Clan.

Surprisingly, before Ryder could know it, the usual indicator of the Aliens' attack began to show up. The Red Rain. It was falling as though a deluge had beaten down on the world and was about whipping everything away.

This was to show how brutal the anger of the Aliens God could be.


After the humans who sinned to the Philosophers were cast down into the Abyss. They met themselves inside the forbidden world which they named Verbot.

However, the relentless rivals they had always had was the Aliens. Though, the Aliens were the only living creatures they'd discovered to be in existence. But there might still have been others hiding, or just trying to keep calm.

For countless times, the Aliens had attacked the humans, just in an attempt to kill the Gods and take the humans as their own. Nonetheless, they had failed all those times. Even if they had killed many, they couldn't take down Verbot.

Although, humans had tried for years to find a way out of the forbidden world. But the only result they got at times of trial was to flunk. When they try getting into the mystic portal that had brought them into the ruined world, they die due to the heat of the portal hole and tardily, they reincarnate as a Dormant ranked human.

In this world as of now live by hierarchy. The more a human began to advance in ranks, the higher his/her privileges began to grow and expand.

Some humans had ranked into Gods and precisely, a human rules the forbidden world. No one could be denied a chance of being a God. If an individual is ranked as the highest of all aspects, he/she becomes a God or a Goddess.

Ryder never wanted anything like that, want he had always wanted was to find ways to return to Earth, back to his helpless sisters. Somehow, what ended him down in the forbidden world was just a silly sin. He stole a bike at the racing fields and before he could know it, he was thrown into the Abyss of Eviction.

As of now, the Philosophers are ruling the Earth. A little sin was also judged with a monumental immorality. That's what has ended all humans in the forbidden world, except the ones who had tried to stay honest and imperturbable.

A cast down into the Abysm an infinite punishment by the Philosophers that no one could eradicate. The true God of Humanity turned his back on the humans based on their sins, and that was why the Fourth Leveled Monarchs had the chance to come after.

And now, the sinner had to face wars in the ruined mysterious universe.


"What! Is this a joke? ", Ryder asked his willful self as he stood motionlessly by the Smoke Clan village pathway, stunned.

He was away from the safe auditorium and would probably be forced to fight the Aliens, even without a weapon. Damn, he had gotten into a big mess. Now, he was far away from the Leaf Clan and also still distant from the training domain of the Smoke Clan.

Ryder quickly hastened his steps as he walked into the Smoke Clan village. This time, he was no longer sneaking into the village. After some time, he began to run without looking back at the approaching the approaching Aliens.

Getting a little bit close to the main village, some Aspirants had already noticed the attack and were approaching with armors and spears. Some Smoke Aspirants were touching on with large quantities of dark smoke which was capable of dismantling a whole building.

The Aliens though, held sharp spearheaded stakes with millions of arrows about to be released into the air. The Alien God was not in sight though, it should have been in the Dartmouth Axis (Where the Gods lives).

As the war was about to turn on, the skies began to obscure as the Red Rain continued to discharge upon the soil. Yells of war from the Alien armies made Ryder extremely frightened as he continued to run towards the main village.

"Hey what the hell are you doing here? ", a Smoke Clan Aspirant asked Ryder with a suspicious stare. Anyways, he didn't look like an Alien so the Aspirant ignored and continued his race to the war scene.

Ryder quickly ran into the village entrance with a sharp speed. At that moment, the beautiful Smoke Clan village was scattered and was in disarray. Aspirants continued to run towards the war scene while the trainees stood calm behind the doors of their auditorium.

Ryder sighed softly and clenched his fist. And with slow progression, he walked calmly towards the trainees. Though he was expecting bullies, but the Smoke Clan learners seemed to be quiet. Nonetheless, all eyes were on him as he walked eastward. Truth be told, he didn't figure out where his route was leading him to, but he just only gotta walk and find safety.

"You shouldn't look scared here boy, this place is the best place for you", the boy who angrily walked away from the auditorium of the Leaf Clan said with a grin.

Ryder turned his face to the direction of the voice only to see that he was wearing a leaf band on his wrist. Ryder was surprised to see a true Leaf descendant in the midst of smokes. If he was to recall, the Leaf Clan and the Smoke Clan had always been enemies.

Things looked so was… weird.

"What are you doing here? ", Ryder asked. With his strange looks at the tall chap, he had to respond. But still, with a smile on his face.

"I should be asking you that. Besides, I came here before you. "

'Uhh! Really, Ryder thought, speechless.

The boy quickly stepped up to Ryder and held his hands, on his wrist that got no marks.

"Come let's go find safety", the boy said.

As they stepped into the auditorium, the door got shut and everyone was asked to go back into their rooms. Ryder and the tall boy walked into an empty room filled with training wears and swords.

Upon catching glimpses of the weapons, the tall boy cleared his throat and muttered:

"How do you manage to get thrown into the Abyss of Eviction? "

Ryder's reaction to the question was not so cordial but he hesitated for a bit and decided to answer.

"I-I stole a bike."

"A bike?! Huh, it was a minor sin", the boy said, feeling sorry for Ryder.

"And yours? ", Ryder asked.

The boy sighed again with both hands resting on his thighs.

"I killed someone. Umm, I killed my dad", the boy answered, a bit forlorn.

"Your dad?! How?!", Ryder asked, highly surprised. Who could believe a young boy like him could kill his own father. Ryder expected a petty sin from him.

"It was an accident. Though, I was angry and I don't know what came over me. I almost killed my mom too and also tried to burn the house", the boy said, disappointed with himself.

"How cruel! This is tragic."

"Huh? "

"Yeah! Who does that? You truly deserve the eviction", Ryder spoke, grimacing. Indeed, he was highly disappointed. But who knows what could have made him do that. That, he couldn't tell.

"I know that, I know. It's just that I rued my actions. But, they cost it!", suddenly, the boy shouted. "Why would they get married when they are both AS in genotype groups? Now, I'm suffering from a sickle cell squall."

"Sickle what? Damn! Was that why you did that?", Ryder asked, looking stunned.

"No! I never said that. The fact that I killed him was a mistake and I'll always regret for the rest of my life.

'You should, killer', Ryder thought.

"Ummm, I'm sorry for your malady. You know, it's not easy for someone to live with such a dreadful illness. I feel so bad for you", Ryder said as he produced deplorable looks on his face.

"Yeah. Anyway, that's in the past. We should let our last rule our present right?", the boy asked.

"Sure", Ryder said and nodded positively.

Then the tall cleared his throat and brought out a short book from his pocket. He opened the book, glanced at Ryder with a smile, and turned back to the book to read. At this moment, Ryder's ears were itchy to hear what was written in the book.

"No mark, no ability, no system, no G-coin", he looked at confused Ryder again and then, continued his reading. "If a mark is absent, a scar is present. The scar creates its ability and there shall be a possibility to earn G-coins. Anyone without a mark is a Diety on his own, different from others. "

When the boy was done reading this, Ryder was devastated. He wondered what that could mean and also why the boy was reading it to him.

But later, he discovered that he had no mark on his wrist but a scar on his chest. At that instant, he became more perplexed.

"What do you mean by that? ", Ryder asked with a confused expression. "I mean, how that be possible? "

"I don't know. That's what I saw. I stole this book from the masters of the Fire Clan. The researcher of the lost universe wrote this, it was part of his discovery", the boy answered and returned the book.

"So… "

Boom! Boom!

Unawares, a thunderous sound blasted the atmosphere, causing all the trainees to yell in fear. The war seemed to have been approaching the main village. Ryder's eyes widened as he saw some trainees running out from the auditorium.

"What was that? ", the boy asked.

"I don't know", Ryder answered, looking scared.

Suddenly, one of the masters quickly rushed into the auditorium and began to lead trainees away from the building.

"Common rush out! The Alien God is approaching the Leaf Clan. Everyone run into the woodland now."

"Alien God?!", the boy shouted as he opened the short again.

Ryder couldn't hold his nervousness. At this time, he was about to leave the tall boy behind. But before he could take any action, the boy held him back and told him to calm down.

The boy opened another page of the book and attempted to read it loud. But as he set his eyes on the phrase, he became extremely spooked.

"The Alien God shall always go after the one with the scar, for only him has the fated power to go beyond the Abyss and resolve the difference between Forbidden and Natural."

The Alien God was coming for Ryder.

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