
Abused, Rejected, and Loved

Natalie Moore has always been shy, too afraid to speak up. However, that is not her fault. Ever since she remember she has been abused. Whether that abuse came in the form of verbal, mental, or physical. All Natalie wants is to be able to find her fated mate, and finally be happy. Little does she know, her fated mate is in her pack, and he wants nothing to do with her. Will he reject her, and if so is there a chance she will get a second chance mate? Come to the land of werewolves, vampires and witches, follow Natalie on her journey to finding out who she really is, and whether or not she will find love and happiness

Erica_Lee_5321 · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Week of Hell


After getting into the house, I did not expect to see my father standing with his arms crossed. He was livid, and the only thing I can think that he would be mad about is him witnessing the rejection.

"You are so fucking worthless that you cannot even keep a mate! You are a disgrace to my family. You are going to stay in your room, no food or water for a fucking week. Then when you come out, you are going to help get things prepared for the Alpha meeting." He said while walking over to me.

Once he got in front of me, he grabbed the back of my neck. Instead of taking me up to my room right away, he started hitting me. Several punches and kicks later, I am thrown into my bedroom. I am still laying on the floor when he slams the door and locks it.

Midnight: Nat, you need to get up. Come on, let's go get a shower. I know the warm water will do you good.

Me: that is just the thing, when I get locked in here the water gets cut off to my room. That way I do not drink any.

Midnight: I am sorry I was not hear sooner, I tried to come but the Moon Goddess said it wasn't time yet.

Me: it is okay, I know it is not your fault. Although, I do have a question.

Midnight: what's up babes

Me: Why did it not hurt when the rejection took place? Like a felt a twinge of pain, but nothing like Tyler went through

Midnight: ummm, I believe it is cause that was supposed to happen. Like he could have been someone we could have been with, but the one made for us is somewhere outside the pack.

Me: Well, I do not trust anyone easily. Hopefully he will understand that, and not find me weak.

Midnight: how can you be considered weak when you have endured so much before I got here. Most would have given up on life a long time ago, but not you.

We continue to talk while I slowly but surely get up on my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

For the first couple days of lockdown, I mainly slept while Midnight healed me. When I was not sleeping, we talked and I filled her in some more about my life before she came. This continued for the rest of the lockdown, and every day without food or water made me feel weaker and weaker.

The day finally came where I was let out of my room. Before anyone came to unlock the door. I made sure I was already showered and dressed. I was going to be malnourished and busy today. Also I will have to try and avoid all the new people coming in throughout the day. Which Midnight finds so stupid, but it is was father has always told me.

Before I was able to walk out the front door, father made sure to tell me "stay clear of all new people". After that he practically yelled at me to get out of the house.

For the past 5 hours I have been helping Mrs. Morris, and she has finally stopped asking where I was the last week and that she missed me. I feel bad that I cannot tell her what is going on, but I will be damned if she gets hurt because of me.

Midnight: she will not get hurt because of us. We will never tell her what has been going on.

Me: I am glad you agree with me

Midnight: of course babes, this little old lady maybe strict when it comes to her kitchen but she is a doll

Me: Yeah that is true

While Midnight and I continue to talk and I start setting things up on the food carts, people start coming in. There are so many Alphas and Lunas in the pack house right now. However, there is a scent that is more intoxicating than all the others.

Me: what is that smell?

Midnight: mmmmmm, smells like fresh rain and chamomile

Me: that is it, I could not place the scents, but that is exactly what it is. However, we cannot figure out who it belongs to.

Midnight huffy at me and stays quiet, although I know she is watching everything through my eyes. After all the food is on the carts Mrs. Morris has a couple Omegas take the carts out to the dining room. When the door open, the intoxicating scent is so strong. And once again, Midnight screams "MATE" in my head.

Me: we cannot go out there. Father is out there and I cannot handle another beating Midnight

Midnight: ugh, father is such an asshole! I have to block out this mates wolf, he is already searching for us.

Me: you mean he has already smelled us?

Midnight: yup, but do not worry I have him blocked from talking to me

I cannot even leave right now, I still have to help Mrs. Morris get the desserts set up to go out next. Ugh, why does my life have to be so damn difficult? First, my father is an abuser. Second, my first mate rejected me. And finally, my second chance mate is on the inherent side of that door and I cannot see him cause of my father's rule, and because I am completely terrified to be rejected again. This is all becoming too much for me to handle.

After the desserts and prepared and gotten ready to take to the dining room, I told Mrs. Morris that I was going to go ahead and head home. However, I did not even make it to the door when a hand caught mind in a gentle embrace that caused sparks to ignite. I am too scared to turn around and face him. The one person I was supposed to stay away from found me.

"Mate." A voice said close to my ear. His voice sounded deep, yet smooth at the same time. Well here goes nothing, I thought to myself.