
Abused, Rejected, and Loved

Natalie Moore has always been shy, too afraid to speak up. However, that is not her fault. Ever since she remember she has been abused. Whether that abuse came in the form of verbal, mental, or physical. All Natalie wants is to be able to find her fated mate, and finally be happy. Little does she know, her fated mate is in her pack, and he wants nothing to do with her. Will he reject her, and if so is there a chance she will get a second chance mate? Come to the land of werewolves, vampires and witches, follow Natalie on her journey to finding out who she really is, and whether or not she will find love and happiness

Erica_Lee_5321 · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Nathan and Oliver


We had just got done eating breakfast when there was a knock on our door. I looked at Lucas, suddenly feeling a little bit nervous. I knew he mind linked Nathan and Oliver while we were eating. But now that they are finally knocking on the door I feel like I am going to pass out.

"Come in." Lucas called out. And then turns to me. "Love, it is okay. There is nothing to be nervous about." He told me while looking in my eyes. I knew he was telling me the truth, but it is just a reaction I will have to get over.

"I know, just not used to meeting new people." I told him.

Before he could respond, two men came around the corner to the kitchen. One looked like an older version of Lucas, so I assumed it was Nathan. He was just as tall as Lucas with green eyes, and brown hair. He was wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans, and from what I could see he had tattoos on his arms. The other man, Oliver, looked like a typical Heartbreaker. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and Muscular but not in a gross way.

"Good morning guys. This lovely lady right here is Natalie. She is my mate, and I would like to know if the two of you would like to be her body guards for when she leaves the pacl." Lucas states.

"Wait, I couldn't have heard you right? This beautiful lady is your mate? How? When?" Nathan asks with wide eyes. Oliver was fairing no better on the surprised facial expression. It was funny enough I giggled at their priceless faces.

"Yes Nathan, she is my mate. As you can guess love, this is Nathan and the other is Oliver." Lucas informed me.

"Nice to meet you both." I said with a smile. "I just wanted to say thank you in advance if you decide to be my body guards, I also wanted to see if maybe you guys could teach me self defense when I get more weight on my bones."

"I think I speak for both of us when I say, we would be honored to be your body guards." Oliver said with a smile. "So tell us about yourself."

I then went on to tell them about living in River Rock, and what all happened there. They were just as mad as Lucas. Both men growling at the way I was treated.

We all sat in the living room on the Alpha and Luna floor after warrior training, just chilling and getting to know each other since Lucas had to run and get some pack matters handled. He told me he did not want me to worry about any of it right now. He just wants me to focus on getting healthier.

"So, how are you liking it here so far?" Oliver asked me.

"Well, we didn't get here until 3am, but from what I have seen this territory is amazing. River Rock has greenery, but nothing like this. Once I get some self defense under my belt and stop looking like a popsicle stick , I plan on memorizing the whole place." I told Nathan and Oliver excitedly.

"Don't worry, Oliver and I know the best places to go. There are a few secluded spots that are great for when you need a second to yourself." Nathan commented.


While Nathan and Oliver are keeping Natalie company, I have to settle a few things. I want to double patrols on the east side of the territory, just in case anyone from River Rock gets the bright idea of trying to get Natalie away from me. Plus, I wanted to get her a new phone. One that has all kinds of music, games, and I even programed all the numbers of our ranked members. Just in case she ever needs to get ahold of anyone.

I have been gone for roughly four hours. So I might as well check in with Nathan.

Me: Hey bro, everything going good?

Nathan: Yeah! You got yourself a keeper here Lucas. But she is one stubborn female

Me: oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you about that

Nathan: a little late for that warning, hahaha. Right now she is taking a nap. She started dozing on the couch while watching TV. Oliver suggested her going and laying in your bedroom, but she about took his head off with how stubborn she is

Me: so what your saying is…

Nathan: you are going to have your hands full

It was about another 30 minutes later that I got everything completed. After I cleared up my mess, I made my way out of the office and up to our floor. Walking up the stairs to the fourth floor, I start feeling relaxed but Dom is excited to see our mate again.

When I opened the door and walked into the living room, I really had to hold my laughter in. Natalie was on the big couch taking her nap, while Nathan and Oliver were dozing off on the love seat. They couldn't keep their heads up what so ever.

Instead of waking Natalie up, I decided to scoop her into my arms and take her into the bedroom. Once I have her laid on the bed and pull soft blanket over her, I walked back out to the living room. I then proceeded to walk up behind Nathan and Oliver, making sure to stay quiet.

Once I was right behind them, I leaned down till I was near their ears. "WAKEY WAKEY!" I said loudly in their ears. To us werewolves, it would seem like someone screamed it. I then started doubling over with laughter with how fast they came up off the love seat.

"In no way were we sleeping." Oliver said with a blush to his face.

"Yeah, nope, we were just shutting our eyes and giving them a rest." Nathan said. All the while I am laughing my ass off.

"It is good guys, I forgot to tell you that when she is sleeping you don't have to be in here. You guys didn't even have to hang out all day either." I told them while going and getting a snack from the fridge.

"Well. We wanted to get to know Natalie. Plus, she told us everything that has happened to her. However, we couldn't leave her. She is already my little sister, and Oliver even said that he sees her as a sister. We were not going to let her stay in this room alone while you was working." Nathan said seriously.

"Well then, I picked the right guys to guard their Future Luna." I said.

"And we wouldn't have it any other way. This way we know that she is being looked after when you are busy. Pretty sure she will get tired of us soon though." Oliver stated.