
Absorbing Her Darkness

Love is "Growing Together". Love is "Realizing that a flaw makes each other perfect." Love has countless definitions. Reveal the defi…. PROLOGUE The story takes place in the beautiful Indian cEKANSHity of Dehradun. It is the twisted romance of BHAIRAVI (aka AARNA). The novel explores college life! Here, Bhairavi changed her name to hide her identity. Her code name is Aarna. Why? Let's take a look together. The story will be told from the point of view of both main actors. Sometimes also the author's point of view. You will be informed about the POV at the beginning of each chapter. As I am busy with my college and studies, parts will be published every alternate day including Sunday. [The characters and plot are only the author's imagination. No one is harmed in the real world.] PROLOGUE: (flash of what happens later in the story, it changes fate all) Author's POV: She walked quietly through the dark corridor of the college. She didn't want to leave. She loved the city. She loved the people who live here. She loved the air and everything! Since the electricity had been cut off, it was completely dark. It also thundered. She could hear her ankles jingling as she moved. She wore a floral print skirt and a flat crop top, leaving her dark brown hair down to her upper waist. She was forcefully heading to the administrative office to collect her TC. A tear welled up in her eye because no she wanted to go back to her past life. She hated it. And after coming to this city, she hated it even more. She walked slowly and wiped her tears with her left hand. “BHAIRAVI!!”, someone called from behind. She stood motionless as thoughts clouded her mind. No. No one can know who I am. I don't want them to know my real name. That will make it harder for me.. She turned with an absent mind. Like her she answered the name, the person in front of her having just been confirmed in her true identity. Her eyes were full of tears, so she couldn't see the person clearly. She focused the torchlight on him. Ekansh. who else would it be? He stared at her. He had no idea of ​​her pain. She had always been a mystery to him. And he loved mysteries. So he wanted to solve it. He never gives up until he finds his roots. And he managed to find the roots of this mystery. “Bhairavi,” he said calmly, this time slowly pacing back and forth towards her. "How do you know my real name?" she asked as her heart rate rose. He was standing very close to her. His face tilted parallel to hers. The gap was less than a few centimeters. She shivered as her eyes caught his. He grabbed her waist with his left hand to erase the remaining gap. She was breathing hard because she was tired from crying. And now his actions made her knees buckle. “I love you Bhairavi,” he said, stroking her cheek with his right thumb. She didn't know how to answer. She didn't want one more thing to be added to the list she had to leave behind. When she didn't answer, he realized she was in pain. Now he could only see her tears flowing faster. He lowered his face slightly to capture her lips. Sometimes falling in love is the easiest thing. How far would you go to save it?

Sudha_Rana_6772 · แฟนตาซี
68 Chs

Chapter 50

Bhairavi's POV:

It was almost evening and the sun was falling on the horizon.

"Let's go to Bombay. Ekansh said looking at me as I sipped my coffee.

"Bombay?" I asked.

"It's not safe in the city either, Bhairavi. I want you to change a little when you meet your new family. We need to be out of the palace because the government will continue to investigate further."

"And we're driving. No flights, please." he added.

Sourav loves his cars. That's why he saved the parking lot. He didn't destroy it. Such a psycho!

We left the hotel.

Ekansha's car was already there.

"Get on." he said unlocking the car.

I sat in the car and asked, "It's dusk. Are you going?"

drive? You haven't rested-"

"Yes. I know. I can drive."

He answered without emotion and with a blank face.

We didn't even inform Geeth that we were leaving.

Ekansh didn't believe her.

As we drove, he said, "You're the one who needs to sleep. You haven't slept in the last two days."

"I don't want to. I have to stay awake when you're driving and it's night."

"You don't trust my driving skills?" he smirked.

"I don't want you to feel alone and sleepy while driving.

He looked at me as I looked out the window.

The drive was quiet. We stopped for dinner and

he continued.

The journey to Mumbai will take almost seventeen hours.

As it was a highway, Ekansh was driving at an incredible speed.

I was looking out the window at the starry night when I felt his left hand grip mine.

I turned my eyes to meet him.

"I'm sorry love. I'm an emotionless fool because I'm afraid of losing you too. It was meant to be."

first night out. But we're here." he sighed in a voice full of pain and remorse.

"We're in this together. I smiled.

"Did your team find any leads on Sourav and Rihana?" I asked.

"Those rats are hiding somewhere in Jodhpur itself!" he answered aloud.

"Stupid guy! He wants to race me!" he yelled at the other car.

A car dangerously overtook him a minute later.

"Ekanshi! What's the matter with you? Drive carefully."

He returned to silent mode. I have never seen him

like this.

I grabbed my head and closed my eyes as I leaned back.

I could only see my parents laughing as they teased me and Ekansha.

I don't know when sleep gripped me in its beautiful embrace.

When I opened my eyes reality hit www. I found myself in the car.

I looked at Ekansh as he was just driving.

The sun returned to float in the sky. Ekansh didn't even seem tired of driving. Did he drive all night?!

"Hey are you awake?"

"Hmm." I answered.

"I'll stop at the hotel next door. We'll freshen up and have breakfast before we continue."

As we moved to the car after breakfast, "I'll get out of here." I said standing next to the driver's door.

"It's your turn to sleep." I said grabbing the car key.

I was sitting inside the car. Ekansh was confused. He stood like an idol staring at me.

I raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to sit next to me.

He sat in the passenger seat in silence.

I owned a motorcycle and started riding.

We took the highway.

"Wow, you drive amazing. You also have high speed steering balance!" he exclaimed.

That was the first time I saw him excited after our wedding.

I smiled and saw that I had already passed 100 km/h.

His Lamborghini car is very smooth and easy to drive.

"You thought you were the only one who liked to drive? Your wife is no less.", I looked at him.

I claimed to be his wife. I felt butterflies in my stomach. But so far he hasn't called me back.

He barely spoke to me. I sighed in horror.

I looked at him as he fell asleep. I continued driving.

After eight hours of travel, I finally saw a board that said "Welcome To Mumbai".

I owned a car GPS device and was looking to see if it was

saved your home location. She showed the possibility

at home on the dashboard. I clicked on it and it helped guide him to his house.

Oh my God. Traffic is on a different level in Mumbai. I hoped that the honking horns and loud noises of vehicles would not disturb his sleep.

After an hour we finally turned onto a street that had huge modern bungalows on both sides.

The GPS beeped that we had reached the destination and said the destination was to the left.

I turned the car around and the huge gates were pulled

open from the side.

Ekansh woke up to the sound of the gate rolling.

"We reached-"

"We have arrived at your home. I answered.

"We arrived at our house. corrected when I stopped


We saw the paparazzi appear out of nowhere. They were standing in front of the gate.

"Ekansh sir! What happened in Jodhpur palace?"

I narrowed my eyes, "How do they know you were there?"

"Someone must have recognized me. The news spread like wildfire in Bombay."

We both got out of the car. I was wondering if Ekansh will hide our marriage or not as no one knows me yet.

He pulled me in by clasping his hand with mine.

We were standing in front of the gate. I felt all eyes on me

me. He literally scans me like hungry wolves.

"I have come to introduce you to my wife, Mrs. Bhairavi Ekansh Verma Rathore. She is the new queen of Jodhpur.

The paparazzi seemed as enthralled as I was. You could feel it

as if time stopped and silence grew everywhere.

Ekansh smiled.

"Dear woman, let the whole world know who you are

and who do you belong to." he whispered in my ears

and my whole body became warm, I turned

ears pink as beetroot!