
Absorbing Her Darkness

Love is "Growing Together". Love is "Realizing that a flaw makes each other perfect." Love has countless definitions. Reveal the defi…. PROLOGUE The story takes place in the beautiful Indian cEKANSHity of Dehradun. It is the twisted romance of BHAIRAVI (aka AARNA). The novel explores college life! Here, Bhairavi changed her name to hide her identity. Her code name is Aarna. Why? Let's take a look together. The story will be told from the point of view of both main actors. Sometimes also the author's point of view. You will be informed about the POV at the beginning of each chapter. As I am busy with my college and studies, parts will be published every alternate day including Sunday. [The characters and plot are only the author's imagination. No one is harmed in the real world.] PROLOGUE: (flash of what happens later in the story, it changes fate all) Author's POV: She walked quietly through the dark corridor of the college. She didn't want to leave. She loved the city. She loved the people who live here. She loved the air and everything! Since the electricity had been cut off, it was completely dark. It also thundered. She could hear her ankles jingling as she moved. She wore a floral print skirt and a flat crop top, leaving her dark brown hair down to her upper waist. She was forcefully heading to the administrative office to collect her TC. A tear welled up in her eye because no she wanted to go back to her past life. She hated it. And after coming to this city, she hated it even more. She walked slowly and wiped her tears with her left hand. “BHAIRAVI!!”, someone called from behind. She stood motionless as thoughts clouded her mind. No. No one can know who I am. I don't want them to know my real name. That will make it harder for me.. She turned with an absent mind. Like her she answered the name, the person in front of her having just been confirmed in her true identity. Her eyes were full of tears, so she couldn't see the person clearly. She focused the torchlight on him. Ekansh. who else would it be? He stared at her. He had no idea of ​​her pain. She had always been a mystery to him. And he loved mysteries. So he wanted to solve it. He never gives up until he finds his roots. And he managed to find the roots of this mystery. “Bhairavi,” he said calmly, this time slowly pacing back and forth towards her. "How do you know my real name?" she asked as her heart rate rose. He was standing very close to her. His face tilted parallel to hers. The gap was less than a few centimeters. She shivered as her eyes caught his. He grabbed her waist with his left hand to erase the remaining gap. She was breathing hard because she was tired from crying. And now his actions made her knees buckle. “I love you Bhairavi,” he said, stroking her cheek with his right thumb. She didn't know how to answer. She didn't want one more thing to be added to the list she had to leave behind. When she didn't answer, he realized she was in pain. Now he could only see her tears flowing faster. He lowered his face slightly to capture her lips. Sometimes falling in love is the easiest thing. How far would you go to save it?

Sudha_Rana_6772 · แฟนตาซี
68 Chs

Chapter 10

(An hour prior to introduce)

Ekansh's POV:

During a class break, Ashish and I were talking.

"Do you think she has another name?", I asked him.

"Who cares in it? A large number of us have a few unique names." he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Is she stowing away from somebody?", I inquired.

"Eky, stop it man. Ask her as opposed to breaking my


I've been eating his head since yesterday night. Clearly he's annoyed.

At any rate, regardless of whether I ask her, she won't reply. I want

to disentangle this myself. I want to contact her telephone for that.

"Folks, examination about the bomb is going on.

Inside the chief lodge." expressed one of our cohorts running into the class.

We stood up. "What? Without us. We are the ones

to know insights concerning the bomb. Without our presence, how might they start the system?" Ashish talked.

"Who's the essential suspect as per them?", I inquired.

"A fresher. She was late to the course corridor."

My heart froze hearing it. That day, Aarna was the one in particular who was late.

I ran out of the homeroom.

Ashish followed me.

"It's Aarna. She's innocent.",I expressed strolling towards

the lodge.

"How do you have any idea about that she's blameless? She has forever been secretive. Allow them to go about their responsibilities. Assuming that she's guiltless, she will be let out free, man."

I stopped.

"Debris, I simply know that she's guiltless."

"All things considered, I thought she was a game to you. I was completely off-base. She's more than it." he said "OK! Aarna is a player in my game. In the event that she's out, with whom am I expected to play with?! I really want to know her."

"You're plainly tricking yourself, Ekansh.",Ashish

shook his head and returned to the class.

Who cares!

I arrived at there.

Prior to entering the lodge, I heard them doubting

her brutally.

I was unable to stand basically hearing her blameless terrified

voice. I burst in.

I remained close to Aarna. I could feel that she was totally broken inside.

Some way or another, I was effectively defending herself. In any case, I was

stunned too when they said she attempted to cover

from cameras and media.

Most certainly I'm correct. She's stowing away from somebody intentionally. It was affirmed.

I checked her out. She had quit relaxing. Previously,

There's nothing that I can't say, she lost her equilibrium like a drained soul.

in a real sense shot on our head for her condition.

"Aarna, hello, I realize that you are honest. You can definitely relax. I'm with you.", I said, holding her.

She gave a weak grin prior to dropping in my


Following 60 minutes, I got a call that Aarna had awakened. I'm in school. I was in the middle of gathering the confirmation to demonstrate that she's blameless. I presented the confirmations and

took the consent from the head to visit the medical clinic.

"Kindly, say that we generously apologize for the unexpected claim on her. It was a colossal error, from our side.",he said with a weak grin.

I gestured.

Her flat mates were with her till now in the emergency clinic.

I halted my vehicle before the emergency clinic and headed inside.

"Aarna Shivastav."

"First floor, second room." said the assistant.

"Much obliged to you."

I strolled inside her room. Her flat mates grinned at me and left.

I checked Aarna out. She was grinning towards me lying in bed.

I can't stand off-kilter quietness. It creeps me out.

"Um. How are you now?", I inquired.

"Much appreciated Ekansh, for supporting me."

I tucked my hands inside my pocket attempting to grin, which I proved unable. What would it be a good idea for me to answer? Eh.

"I'm great." ,she answered following a couple of moments seeing my peculiar way of behaving.

"Cool. The specialist said you arrived in the medical clinic since you were skipping dinners. Your glucose level has descended."

"Disliking the food here." she shook her head

like a youngster.

"I can comprehend. I too battled like you in beginning

days. In any case, there are not many remarkable dishes which are best here. You should attempt them." I said.

"I want to." she answered.

"All things considered, on Sundays, I can show you a couple of Delhi Eateries in Dehradun on the off chance that you need." I said

snatching a seat and sitting on it.

"Delhi? Why?" she asked me with a confounded disposition.

''You're from Delhi right?", I asked back. That application expressed she's from Delhi!

There were question marks all over.

"Gracious. You're not from Delhi. It's additionally phony." I laughed.

She checked out at me with extended eyes.

"I-. I went through your application. I know that the

application contains the vast majority of the phony data to

make a phony character to safeguard yourself." I in a real sense


She stayed quiet.

"Sit back and relax, Aarna. I'Il track down about you without your

help. I can make it happen. I need to end this game sooner

before it transforms into a round of lov-"

"A Round of misfortune.", I totally squinted my eyes.

What was I above to say? Am I frantic?!

"Ekansh. I really want to offer something critical to


I checked her out.

"Somebody attempted to capture me the previous morning, after you left for running." she said in a soft tone.


"I was sufficiently speedy to handle him."

"Great. Do you have any idea what he looks like? His appearance?"

"No yet I have his fingerprints on a fabric he attempted to make me oblivious."

"Amazing. I'Il send it to a measurable lab. I have a companion of mine functioning there."

She grinned apathetically and said, "For what reason do I feel it

is a similar individual who is behind both bomb episode and seizing?"

"When it's all said and done, somebody is focusing on you intentionally?"

She gestured, "However I truly don't have the foggiest idea why somebody would focus on me."

"Try not to fault yourself, Aarna. I'll find the offender soon. I need to know myself."

"Ekansh, kindly don't express this to anybody. It will convolute things."

"Sure.", I said, squeezing her palm with mine.

Aarna checked our locked passes out.

Since when am I holding her palm? What on earth is

amiss with me?

"Am I being shipped off the trial?",she asked with a shaking voice.

"No. I demonstrated that you are blameless." I grinned.

She returned a delightful grin and I was speechless.

I turned away, looking away.

"How could you demonstrate?" ,she inquired.

"Through gathering the recording of the CCTV camera.

First and foremost, on fresher's day, we made sure that you left the young ladies' lodging by 2:21P.M. You arrived at Workshop at 2:26P.M, when we really look at the course camera. Till 2:21P.M, you were in the quarters. What's more, you didn't come

out previously. It affirmed that you didn't start the bomb."

"Also, I essentially look at the young men's quarters camera. It had darkened out for an hour before the occasion started, that day. Along these lines, we suspect it's somebody from young men."

"Truly? Am I out of this?", her eyes sparkled up.

"Better believe it. Effectively. I fail to really see how our staff basically begins an examination without actually looking at the recording or anything. They are so stupid." I shook my head.

"Furthermore, your flat mates,- " I don't have a clue about their names.

"Shivani and Neha?"

"Definitely, they expressed that you had a fit of anxiety seeing the media hurrying to the corridor that day. At long last, it is cleared as well." I grinned.

"Definitely, they dealt with me till now.",she said joyfully.

"Indeed, I know reality now, that you are stowing away from somebody."

She swallowed paying attention to the last assertion.

"You're free thus. I'Il take care of the case without you being involved."

Before she could talk, her telephone rang. She inclined towards her entitlement to get the telephone. I attempted to help her. She halted me and took the telephone herself.

'I'm not unreasonably frail." she returned, blazing a sure grin.

"Definitely no doubt wonder-lady. You will before long be powerless, assuming that you keep on losing your craving."

She shifted her eyebrows, contracting her face. I laughed.

"I think I'll leave now. I want to figure out what its identity is. I'll see you nearby soon."

"Bye. Be careful." she said with a color of grin.

I squinted and grinned, "You as well."

I left the room. She lifted the call, saying a name,

'Geeth.' Who is she now? I really want to connect Aarna's telephone some way or another.

As I was driving back, I saw a natural face. I applied

breaks. It was Rohan having road food with Nitha.

I feigned exacerbation and drove.

Pause. Rohan wasn't there in fresher's program the

entire time. I had thought he was behind Aarna and that is the reason Aarna was late. Be that as it may, Aarna didn't meet

him. Then, at that point, where could he have been? He never came to the

amphitheater. Is it true that he is the one behind all of this?

Poo! For what reason didn't this run into my brain sooner?

I sped up the vehicle towards the grounds.