

Thousands of years of conflict between Cosmos and Chaos led to an almost endless war. But, 100 years ago, there was a person that changed the flow of this history. According to the legend, there was a warrior from the Heirs of Chaos that is from a demon race. that once fought in the holy war against the Heirs of Cosmos. They called this person a White Devil. According to this person's appearance, it was a girl with white hair and a beautiful innocent face like a goddess, rather than the face of a demon who has fierce beauty, the girl's age was around 14 to 15 years old according to her appearance. And she wields a long katana that is taller than her and almost double her size. But despite her appearance, she is a tyrant and a terrifying person. She can wipe out thousands of enemies alone in the battle. And both allies and foes feared her because she will attack anyone who dares to stand in her way. she acquired the title of hero because of her outstanding achievements that leads the Heirs of Chaos to the advantage of the holy war as their ace. But, the White Devil never smiled even though she is so powerful. She always looks gloomy and always alone even barely talking to anyone. that is why she doesn't have any companions to rely on. 1 day before the disaster, the Heirs of Cosmos were lost in the holy war. They held thousands of captives from the Heirs of Cosmos soldiers. these captives will be judged by the Supreme Demon king on their upcoming fate. they are either get executed or held as slaves. The Supreme King ordered to execution of all the captives and deliver their heads to their families. The entire demonic armies celebrate while shouting "Long Live the Supreme king". In the middle of the crowd, the White Devil walks in front of them in rage, facing the Supreme King directly. The crowd becomes silent and stared at her. The White Devil asks the king to spare all of the captives and let them go home to their families. Everyone got surprised at what they heard from her. A cold and tyrant person talking about giving mercy to enemies. The Supreme King laughs knowing that it is not her character to give such mercy to the enemy. Then everyone laughs also and makes fun also on what she said. The White Devil pulls her long katana and said to the king " You have guts calling yourself a Supreme King yet you can't even grant a simple request from the savior of this land? You even laugh and make fun of it. If you can't do it then there is no point in you to still sit on that throne." Everyone got silenced when they heard the White Devil's words. The White Devil spoke again and said "I have decided my Supreme King, since you are not fit in that throne anymore, I Lilith Apocalyptus will take the throne from you." The King and the entire Crowd of Armies got shocked when they heard her true name, knowing that she is a hidden family member of a Supreme King. The White Devil A.k.a Lilith is aware that the Supreme King is powerful. that is why before the king got prepared for her, She immediately jump onto the throne and slashed the king's neck and his head fell to the ground. She also pulled out the body from the throne and said " You are not fit to rule this kingdom anymore grandfather. " She took the crown and sit on the throne. she ordered to set free the captives and let them go. the crowd of armies is too terrified of her, which makes them obey. on that day thousands of Heirs of Cosmos got back from their homes. The White Devil leaves the throne and leaves the demonic kingdom as a betrayer. She becomes a criminal in her own land and forbids to set foot again there. The throne was overtaken by the second son of the former king who ruled the kingdom. Right now Lilith (White Devil) has her adventure in the lands between cosmos and chaos, called the surface. where her true journey will just be begun.

Project_Yuna · แฟนตาซี
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CHAPTER 4: Ribbon Of Fate and Lilith's Story

The morning before sunrise...

Lilith woke up early and started to prepare something for everyone. While Veronica and Shuun are still sleeping. Until... Veronica smells something.

Veronica: *sniff* *sniff* What is that aroma?!

She suddenly woke up...

Lilith: oh Veronica... you awake

Veronica: *Yawn* Lilith, good morning...

Veronica gets up and walks closer to Lilith

Veronica: What are you doing?...

Lilith: I'm doing some experiments...

Veronica: Ohhh...

Lilith: It's almost done so wait a little bit

Veronica: What is that you cooking?...

Lilith: Oh it is the rice I'm roasting

Veronica: uh-huh... for what?...

Lilith: I gonna make a tea with it

Veronica: I see...

Veronica: No wonder why it smells good

Minutes later...

The roasting rice turned into a golden brown brown

Lilith: Yosh it's done!

Lilith put the roasted rice into the boiling water, add some honey and lime and simmer it.

Veronica: You like making food huh

Lilith: I guess so...

Lilith pours tea into a cup and gives it to veronica

Lilith: Here try it...

Veronica: *drinks* oohwahh!!!

Veronica: It is so good Lilith!!!

Veronica: I haven't tasted a drink like this before

Lilith: Of course you don't, it is my recipe

Lilith: I got the idea last night though

Veronica: Ahh It must be nice... to have skills as you had...

Lilith: Well I'm living alone for a long time...

Lilith: I am dumb if I didn't know anything on how to survive on daily basis ya know?

Veronica: (Somehow I feel like being attacked)

Veronica doesn't know how to cook. She only eats roasted meat, burned sometimes, and fruits

Veronica: By the way... Where is Treya?

Lilith: I don't know...

Lilith: When I woke up she is not here already

Veronica: I see...

Veronica: She must be sad because we are leaving today...

Lilith: ahh...

Lilith: Speaking of the dryad she's coming

Veronica: huh?

Treya's Voice: Why would I become sad?

Veronica: Treya?

Lilith and Veronica saw a green light forming into Treya

Treya: Good morning you two

Lilith: Good morning nee-chan

Treya: I'm surprised...

Treya: I never thought you two woke before sunrise.

Veronica: *Smugs* I surprised myself too

Veronica usually wakes up in the middle of the day

Treya: *Sniff* what is that nice aroma?

Veronica: Oh yeah Lilith make a tea for us

Treya: Tea huh?

Lilith: Here nee-chan...

Treya: *Drink* huh?...it is good and has a nice aroma

Treya: It has a brown color of tea...

Treya: but I didn't taste tea leaves...

Treya: what Ingredients did you use?

Lilith: I didn't put tea leaves on that tea

Lilith: strange right?

Lilith: I used an alternative secret ingredients

Lilith: Can you guess what it is?

Treya: Secret ingredients huh?

Treya: (eh wait...)

Treya: *drinks the tea bottoms up*

Treya: Lilith I want more...

Lilith: Here let me pour it into your cup

Treya: Thanks...

Treya: (It has a good attractive aroma)

Treya: (Has a color without using tea leaves)

Treya: ( Has a sweet and a little sour taste)

Treya: ( A girl's secret?)

Treya: ( And... Delicious!)

Treya: THIS IS!!!...,,,,,,,,,,,,

Treya figured something...

Lilith: Huh is something wrong nee-chan?

Veronica: Yeah you've been spacing out there Veronica: Are you okay?

Treya: Huh? yeah... I'm fine... Ah-ha-ha-ha!

Treya: I'm just thinking about where this tea is made up...

Treya: And looks like I figured it out

Lilith: oooh, you figured it out already?

Lilith: As expected nee-chan

Treya: Yeah!...

Treya: This tea is only Lilith can produce

Lilith: It was easy to make though...

Treya: I am 99 percent sure that this tea

Treya: Is made of Lilith's used panties!!!

Veronica: Huh???...

Awkward silence...

Lilith: A-as expected nee-chan hahahaha

Veronica: HEY!!!...

Treya: *Heavy breathing*

Treya: This is so humiliating...

Treya: But still... I LOVE IT!!!...

Lilith: *Smiling*

Veronica: *Whispering* Idiot why did you make her believe that?

Lilith: Believed on what?

Veronica: About the tea!

Lilith: Ahhh...

Lilith: Well... About that...

Lilith: Do you think she will accept the truth?

Lilith: Just look how happy she is

Veronica looked at Treya that is very happy while drinking her tea

Veronica: Ugh...

Veronica: This person is dangerous

Lilith: Indeed she is...

Because of the noise, Shunn finally woke up from his sleep. He sat on the spot where he slept.

Lilith: Oh shuun you awake... HE IS NOT!!!

Shuun's eyes look closed but he can see.

He gets up and walks toward them

Shuun: *Yawn* what's with the noise in this early?

Lilith: Nothing important

Lilith: Here... drink it to warm you up

Lilith gives Shuun a cup of tea.

Shuun: Thanks... *Drinks Tea*

Lilith: Did it warm you up?

Shuun: Yeah this tea is good

Lilith: Then... Why don't you open your eyes?

Shuun: Huh?... My eyes already opened tho

Lilith: eh?... Since when?

Shuun: Since I woke up?

Lilith: Ohhhhh...

Lilith stares at him without saying anything

Veronica: Lilith I guess shuun can see us

Lilith: Really?!...

Veronica: Yeah... Why don't you stretch your

Veronica: eyes and see it for yourself

Lilith stretched out her eyes just like Veronica said.

Lilith: How is it?... Do I look like shuun now?

Veronica: Well kinda *Laughs*

Shuun: That's rude, please stop.

Lilith: Uhh... No

Veronica: Hahahahaha

Sun Rises...

Lilith: Looks like it's time for us to leave now

Veronica: Yeah...

Treya: We're leaving already?

Lilith: Yeah... Wait, we?...

Treya run towards the giant tree near them

Treya: Wait let me get my stuff first...

Lilith: Oii Veronica

Lilith: Did ya ask her to come with us?

Veronica: Nope...

Lilith: I see... Yosh let's go

Veronica: Oii what about treya?

Lilith: Don't ya get it?

Lilith: She is dangerous...

Lilith: What if we got into a town and she found a cute little child in there?

Veronica: ...

Veronica: Alright let's go

Lilith: Shuun come with us...

Shuun: What?...

Lilith: A wimpy kid like ya can not survive

Lilith: Alone in this world

Lilith: So I decided to give ya some training in

Lilith: As my student so be grateful for that

Shuun: yeah thank you for the offer but...

Treya: Sorry for the wait!....

Lilith: Augh... She's back already

Veronica: Huh? Treya where is your stuff?

Treya: Well I don't have much stuff of mine

Treya: I just took some of my gold and jewels

Treya: And this red tie...

Treya: I don't know but it feels like something Treya: Special with it that makes me want to keep it

Treya ribboned it to her hair

Treya: How is it?...

Lilith: Nee-chan... Where did ya get that?

Treya: Hmmm? Well... I don't know hahaha

Treya: I just noticed it one day that I was holding it

Veronica: Ehh?... I thought I was the only one

Lilith: huh?

Veronica: I have the same tie as Treya

Veronica: I found it one day when I woke up

Veronica: And I was holding this tie

Veronica: It is so beautiful so I keep it...

Lilith shows them as well the same red tie that Veronica and Treya have.

Lilith: I got this tie before, back in my homeland

Lilith: before the holy war ended

Lilith: And I didn't know where did it come from

Treya: Hahahaha

Treya: Looks like we have a bond of fate

Treya: and we were fated to meet each other

Veronica: Ah-hahahaha

Lilith: hahahaha (shit)...

After minutes of preparation, they finally started to leave the forest.

Lilith: Oh yeah nee-chan

Treya: Hmm?

Lilith: Is it not dangerous for you to leave this forest?

Treya: What do you mean?

Lilith: I mean once it lost its guardian the forest will become unsecured

Lilith: And your life is depending on this forest as a dryad

Treya: Don't worry about it

Treya: I'm not alive because the forest is in there

Treya: The forest is in there because I am alive

Treya: As a dryad, I am a unique one isn't it?

Lilith: Yeah that is the first time I heard of it

At that moment, Lilith knew that Treya is not just a normal dryad

Veronica: By the way...

Veronica: Where do we go now?

Lilith: Do you know the village that I mentioned yesterday?

Veronica: Ah that one huh

Treya: May I ask you two?

Lilith: Huh?

Veronica: Huh?

Treya: What is the reason why you traveling?

Veronica: Well for me I promised Lilith that I will stay with her side

Lilith: I was looking for a place where I can live peacefully

Lilith: But actually there is more reason than that...

Lilith: I was looking for my sister...

Veronica: Your sister huh

Lilith: I don't know if she was still alive but...

Lilith: I can feel it... That is she still living somewhere

Treya: How about your parents?

Lilith: They died... Or I should say they get killed by my grandfather...

Treya: Eh?

Veronica: Why?

Lilith: Would you want to listen to a story of Irregular Girl?

Veronica: I want to know more about you

Treya: Please tell us your story


Lilith: Very Well... Now listen.

Lilith: 300 years ago. There was a happy family that is living far from anyone. The parents have 2 daughters. One is a bright and Innocent child and the other one is a newborn baby. The first daughter asks her parents, why they need to live far from anyone and why only her father's brother knows where they are? Her mother said, because their love is forbidden and they must be natural enemies so they must keep it a secret from everyone. And Her father also told Her that, there is only one that he can trust in his family. That one is his brother. Except for him, his other relatives of him look after his crown because he is a crown prince of a demonic kingdom. but he leaves that opportunity because of her mother. Her mother is a younger sister of a supreme deity that also leaves her duty to start a family. Making an affair with the natural enemy means the same as treason and it is punishable by death. And the fruit of that affair must be killed as well because they are a stain of natural order and they are called irregular. A few months have passed the brother of Her father whom he trust the most came to their house afraid and worried, telling them to leave the house as soon as possible because the demon king found them. But, Her parents told him to take the first child instead, to stay with him for a few days. Her Uncle asks them one more time to leave the place before it is too late. Her parents smiled and said, "Thank you". Her uncle and she leaves immediately as soon he heard it. His face looks pale, sad, and gloomy with tears in his eyes.

Lilith: 3 days later the first child is still in Her uncle's house. Her uncle comes to her room really sad and he hugged Her tight while crying telling her " I'm sorry that I only managed to save, is you" after She heard it a tear come out of Her eyes and She suddenly wanted to go home. But Her uncle did not let her. 5 days of her stay and she can't hold Her worries anymore so She decided to escape to Her uncle's house and go home hoping to see Her family again. But when She gets back, She saw countless corpses laying on the ground along with Her parents. She felt shocked that She can't able to cry. She keeps waking up Her parents while telling funny jokes hoping that they were going to laugh while pretending to be dead. Hours later She still got no response from her parents. Her tears started to leak into Her eyes and She started to beg Her parents to wake up while She was smiling. As She noticed that it is getting dark outside, She tried to find a shelter and She saw their house, not from afar that is not harmed due to the battle that has happened. She remembers Her little sister and She runs towards it to check if Her sister is safe, but She can not find Her sister everywhere. As she kept looking for Her sister, She sensed a divine magic from her sister's bed that is similar to Her mother. And She also found a note underneath the blanket of her sister's bed saying " Dear Lilith, I know that time you were reading this message, we are already dead and I'm really sorry about that. But it is for you and your sister's sake. Because we don't want to put your lives in danger as well. The enemies don't know that we have children so you two are safe for now. But remember Lilith, You know how to use both demonic magic and divine magic, don't use any divine magic in front of anyone there, or else it will put you in danger as well. I sent your sister to my parents in the heavenly realm and I told them to teach her only divine arts. I know you will meet again someday. Do your best to find a place where you can live happily. From: Mother and Father"

"Ps. There is a chance that I can live again but as your enemy don't hesitate to finish me if you or your sister's life is in danger"

Lilith: After She read that message She took Her parent's corpses to their house and buried them together.

Lilith: She sealed her divine powers for her safety

Lilith: In the morning Her worried uncle came to pick her up. While he is in the doorway he saw two graveyards in the front of their house. When he gently opened the door and he saw his niece sitting in the living room with a serious and terrifying aura, at that time She never seen smiled again. She asked Her uncle who did this to Her family and her uncle told Her everything She needs to know. At that time the Girl is so calm and decided to join the demonic soldiers under the demon king's command, the one who ordered to kill Her parents.

Lilith: She worked harder than anyone to get her revenge by killing the demon king. As She gain merritts She finally gets the title of Hero.

Lilith: In Her lead, the demonic army gets a huge advantage in holy war because of Her genius tactics, they almost win a war.

Lilith: But before that happened She surpassed the power of a demon king and killed him in one fatal blow in front of everyone.

Lilith: And it leads the holy war to ends

Lilith: From the title of a Hero, it was changed into a Betrayer

"End of back story"

Lilith: As for now my beloved uncle was currently sitting on the throne

Lilith: And I vanished instead in there

Veronica: Isn't it a light punishment

Veronica: For killing a king?

Veronica: You should be executed

Lilith: I don't think they can do that

Treya: Is it because of the current king

Lilith: Nope...

Lilith: I got vanished because I am too dangerous for them to abduct and execute

Veronica: Makes sense...

Veronica: How about you Treya?

Veronica: Why did you decide to come with us?

Treya: Well...I want to see the world changes

Treya: Along with my friends

Treya: Isn't it more exciting than being alone?

Lilith: *Smile* perhaps I judged you too early nee-chan

Treya: Huh what do you mean being judged?

Veronica: *Laughs* Don't mind it now...

They didn't noticed the time that they about to leave the forest

Shuun: Ah look the village

Lilith: Ohoohh

Lilith: Yosh lets's rent inn and rest

Lilith: Ahhh I haven't take a bath for days

Veronica: But you don't look dirty at all

Lilith: Purifying Magic is the one that keeps me look fresh but I want a decent bath tho

Treya: Finally we can rest now for a long walk

Lilith: Yosh! let's relax for now and lets decide our next route tomorrow!

To be continued.....