
Absolute Villain [Rewrite]

After dying inside a mining site, Sed woke up inside a baby’s crib. “Eh? Where am I?” After pondering about his situation, he realized he was a baby again. After accepting the fact that he was reincarnated as a baby, Sed bowed to become an absolute villain in this life, contrasting his former life in which he lives his life afraid of committing a sin. But despite that, the world never been fair to him. He lived a life full of suffering. But with this new life that was granted to him, there was only one dream he had. To become an absolute villain. A villain that won’t get defeated by anyone. Disclaimer: Cover photo not mine [Please don’t forget to support this novel by sending Powerstones if you like it. More stones means more chapters.]

StickySlime · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

The progressing thief — eh?

Everyone turned around to find the owner of the infuriating laugh.

"Coward! Show yourself!"

The guard captain raised his voice.

"That's right, if you're really brave, don't hide! Face us like a man!"

One of his fellow guards proposed a challenge.


Hearing that, the laugh disappeared and silence permitted. But then, a few seconds later: Buwahahaha! A much louder laughter came up.


The guard captain gritted his teeth and his curly beard was twitching. They couldn't figure out where the laugh came from because his voice echoed all over the forest. It seemed like the bastard was making fun with them.

"Ahem! What are you useless people talking about? I've been here behind you for a while now." Suddenly, they heard those insulting words. The voice came from…

…..from behind them!

Everyone quickly looked behind at the same time. They saw a silhouette leisurely resting on a tree branch with its back leaning against the trunk. They couldn't see his face because it was covered by the hood.

"Lousy Dark Thief!" shouted guard captain.

His mouth curved upward to show a toothy grin.


"Everyone! Catch him!" With bloodshot eyes, the captain ordered his men.


They were about to rush towards the tree but… everyone looked puzzled. Why did none of them take a step forward?

Noticing that none of his men heeded his command, the captain looked around while yelling.

"You fools! What are you waiting fo— eh? What are you doing?"


One of his men called out in a trembling voice.

When the guard captain looked at him, "That—", he looked shocked with his brows turned V-shaped.

He glanced around him and saw all his men were in the same situation. They could not move. Their hands, feet, and neck were entangled in super thin jet-black silk. No need to ask who did this to them as there was only one person who fitted the criteria. The guard captain angrily turned his gaze back at the annoying enemy.


He shot a strong glare toward the tree. That was the glare that cowered all his subordinates, but anyhow, that person just casually hopped down the tree.

He took a leisurely step towards them. Seeing him approach them, the clashing teeth of the guard captain opened wide: "Thief, you finally decided to come at me. Now face the consequences of your action!"


Replying to the guard captain with a mocking grin, he continued approaching him.


Seeing his casual gait, the guard captain erupted in anger. He rushed forward and attacked the Lousy Dark Thief by thrusting his spear at him.

—Swoosh —fwoosh! —Swiss!

It was a quick three consecutive strikes. The first two strikes were strong thrusts and the last one was a 180-degree horizontal swing.

Even though all his attacks hit their mark, the result widened the guard captains' eyes.

"What? Y-You're unhurt?!"

The guard captain let out a disgruntled utterance.

Although his attack wasn't meant to kill his opponent, it was still enough to decapitate him, at least.

Yet, the opponent showed no sign of receiving any damage. He was even provoking him to attack more.

Tsk… this bastard.

Grinning at the bewildered guard captain, he opened his mouth and said: "Hehehe. I'm not sure whether your attack power wasn't strong enough to penetrate my silk armor, or your weapon is not sharp enough to penetrate my armor. Which do you think is the reason?"

He heard the Lousy Dark Thief ask that casually.

"Shut Up!"

Growling in anger, the guard captain attacked once again. This time he would make sure the opponent regretted it provoking him.

It was a simple straightforward strike, but the power behind it was on another level than earlier.

"Now! Take this!"

"Go captain! You can do it!"

Some of his men cheered up. They saw the head of their captain's spear glowing in bluish color. It was an indication that prana was being applied to the weapon.

"Wow! I knew it! The captain is really a Blade Mage!"

Blade Mage were talented people who could wield blades and prana. They are highly regarded and treated as talented individuals. However, it was still based on the level of their ability, the recognition they could get.

At this point, everyone believed that their captain was unbeatable. They were sure that his spear could penetrate even a chunk of stone at this point, so what was a flimsier silk armor could do?

With the help of prana, the blade tore up the space as wind spiraled around it. A combination of whipping and gushing sounds reached their ears at that instant of attack.


A moment of silence enveloped the place when his attack was successfully executed. But, everyone's smile froze when they noticed the result.

"Oh my… h-he caught it!?"

One of the guards exclaimed in disbelief.

That's right. They saw the Lousy Dark Thief catch the wooden shaft of the spear.

"You bastard! Release it!" With bloodshot eyes, the guard Captain demanded angrily. He tried to pull the spear but to no avail.

Although the stature of the Lousy Dark Thief was comparable to a kid, he was unbelievably strong.

The guard captain could not budge him.

"Hehe. Playtime is over. Now, sweet dreams everyone!" After saying that, he smacked their heads one by one.

Peng! Pow! Pow!

The next morning, a sad rumor proliferated in the Elde Village.

Two people were found talking on the farm.

"What? Are you sure about that?" Asked a 40 plus years old woman who was carrying a basket of vegetables to a seemingly of the same age man.

Taking off his straw hat, the man replied: "Yes, the guard captain and his men were found unconscious in the woods this morning. All their equipment could not be seen."

The woman frowned.

"That news is really depressing. Who did this to them?"

"Do you really have to ask that?"

The woman touched her chin. "So the Lousy Dark Thief again, huh."

The man looked down and pondered: "It has already been a few years since he showed up. That time he only stole milk. Then in the following years, he began stealing cows. And now… tsk! I don't even want to imagine what he will do next."

The woman looked worried. "Yeah. That's a very worrisome matter."

"Indeed. I think I should take my leave now", said the man.

"Where are you going?"

"Everyone is gathering in the village square. They are asking the village chief to take action."

"I see. That's indeed the right thing to do. You be careful, Chris."

"Okay, Nena, please send my regards to Sed and Sheila."


After Chris left, Nena looked to the sky. It was still early and the sun was still young.

"I think I need to hurry as well. I must warn those two kids not to wander away", said Nena as she started moving toward the hill.