
Absolute Villain [Rewrite]

After dying inside a mining site, Sed woke up inside a baby’s crib. “Eh? Where am I?” After pondering about his situation, he realized he was a baby again. After accepting the fact that he was reincarnated as a baby, Sed bowed to become an absolute villain in this life, contrasting his former life in which he lives his life afraid of committing a sin. But despite that, the world never been fair to him. He lived a life full of suffering. But with this new life that was granted to him, there was only one dream he had. To become an absolute villain. A villain that won’t get defeated by anyone. Disclaimer: Cover photo not mine [Please don’t forget to support this novel by sending Powerstones if you like it. More stones means more chapters.]

StickySlime · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

The new world - What!?

I tried to close my eyes because maybe it was just a dream. When I opened my eyes again, the same thing appeared before me.

As much as I could, I tried to pinch my cheek harder. However, since I was just a humble baby at this moment, I couldn't pinch as hard as I wanted it to be. My control over my body seems flimsy.

But anyway, I am close to one hundred percent sure that it was not a dream. I was reborn as a child with memories of my former self.

Although I always thought how fun it would be if such a thing happened to me, I never expected it would happen to me one day.

In my days of recuperating, I became so fascinated with watching anime and reading fantasy novels. Well, at first it was only to kill my boredom, but it got me addicted to it as time went by.

So I can say that I am a bit knowledgeable of my current situation. Accepting it was debatable. But thinking about it, there's nothing even worth regretting in my previous life, no?

Honestly, death was the best thing that happened to me. It was just a miracle that I didn't commit suicide even after those torturous experiences.

Ah, never mind. Escaping your problems through suicide doesn't set well on me.

I would rather target first those authors who for some unknown reason stopped producing new chapters for so many months already and leaving us readers on a cliff.

However, I wonder if it's a good thing that I reincarnated as a baby.

Urgh, I have to start all over again. Days of suffering will repeat and….. Hm… wait! Isn't it my chance too? I can become the person I want to be in this life.

I grinned mentally. An absolute villain is what I must become.

I will stand above the others! A man who can't be bullied by bullies.

Erm, wait!

In my thoughts, my eyes suddenly shook after something came across my mind. Right, this is a very serious matter!

Speaking of man… What is my gender now?


My eyes instinctively looked below, to the lower part of my body. Uhm, I was wrapped in a white cloth.

Well, it can't be helped. But if it turns out that I'm a girl in this life, it will not set well to my morality as a former male in my previous life.

Anyway, there's a way to know about it right away.

"Uwaaah! Uwaaaah!"

I cried. But to me, it was just a scream. Suddenly, I heard hurried footsteps coming closer and closer.

There you go… I grinned.

"S—? W—-— w——? A— y— h——-?"


That entered my ears. The words are clearer now. However, I don't know what the speaker meant by that as it was a language I never heard in my previous life.

At school, we discussed about the languages ​​of other countries. But this one… I don't remember hearing it once. This one is just so so weird.

While thinking about what I heard, a creaking sound reached my ears. Afterward, a figure entered my field of vision.

She's wearing a yellow house dress under her brown apron. She has a pair of sky-colored beautiful round eyes. Her long black hair was straight.

But wait! How should I tell this? I mean she looks so young and familiar. I think she's not even in her 20's. Most probably in her 14 or 15.


After a moment of pondering, I came to remember. She looks like my upperclassman in high school.


Indeed. She looks exactly like her.

Is she my mother now?

"Erm, what should I do? I'm not good with babies," she mumbled.

Hearing that, the me in my mind slipped away the moment I heard what she said. I'm done for. What the heck is she talking about? After creating me, now is not the right time to complain about that, you know!

Or so I wanted to yell that, but a baby's cry was what came out of my mouth again.

Uwaaaaah! Uwaaaaaaah!

"Uh, eh~" She was panicking and was forced to lift me up. "Yush, yush," while carrying me in her arms, she tried to calm me by swaying me in the air.

Girl… be careful, one drop is equal to my death.


"C-Come on, Baby Sed. Don't cry."

You could at least check first whether my diaper cloth is wet or not so that I can check what weapon I have down there.

Regardless, she said "Sed". That is probably my name. It's not bad. It also sounded like a male name. That made me feel relieved somehow.

Oops, wait!!! I just noticed. Did I hear her correctly? I did understand her language this time!

Uwah! Uwah!

"Oh-Uh, sorry, perhaps you're hungry."

She did. She really did. She spoke the language I know!

Later that day, more normal days came by.

I came to learn many things. Especially about the world.

This world is not the world I used to live in. It is not earth. This world is a different world. The reason why I am so certain about that is because of that event one time.

One day, my temperature reached 40 degrees. I didn't know what happened, but mother mentioned about "Prana Overdose".

I gawked.

Both Prana and Mana have something to do with magical energies.

Is this mother of mine also a fan of fantasy stories?, that was what I thought at first. But after what she did after that, I came to realize one thing.

A flustered mother came to the rescue. Guess what she did. It shocked me even more.

She used healing magic! Right! It's Magic! Her hands were enveloped in brilliant magical energies at that time.

This world is a freaking fantasy world! My dream world!

I wasn't only reincarnated as a baby again, I also reincarnated in a different world where magic existed.

Viva! Allelujah!

After that, using the free time that all babies are blessed with, I trained and trained. I don't want the same fate to happen to me in this life. I needed to become strong as soon as possible.

Not only trained my physical strength, but I also tried sensing magic. I wanted to become a person who is not a wimpy mob, nor a chivalrous MC. I wanted to become the most villainous guy the world has ever known.