
Absolute Villain [Rewrite]

After dying inside a mining site, Sed woke up inside a baby’s crib. “Eh? Where am I?” After pondering about his situation, he realized he was a baby again. After accepting the fact that he was reincarnated as a baby, Sed bowed to become an absolute villain in this life, contrasting his former life in which he lives his life afraid of committing a sin. But despite that, the world never been fair to him. He lived a life full of suffering. But with this new life that was granted to him, there was only one dream he had. To become an absolute villain. A villain that won’t get defeated by anyone. Disclaimer: Cover photo not mine [Please don’t forget to support this novel by sending Powerstones if you like it. More stones means more chapters.]

StickySlime · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Mental-image battle - I swear I am super fine.

Good thing I'm swift enough to hide, though I don't know if it noticed me or not.

I wanted to observe it a little longer but I guess it's a very dangerous idea so I have to go against that.

I left there and continued searching around. I didn't try to look at it again because the chance of getting discovered by it was very high. Also, it was very dangerous if it discovered me. I don't know if it can climb but, oh well let's just assume that it can.

I'll better continue my search.

As I was walking, a thought crossed my mind. I wondered what it was doing there. The monster I mean.

Honestly, that monster looked like it was just wandering below. My guess is that it was looking for 'something to eat'.

Something to eat, huh?

Thinking that, I suddenly fell into deep thought.


Let's say that my guess is right, then what kind of food does that monster eat? I pondered for a few seconds before an answer appeared in my head.


Yes, perhaps. But if it's meat... then the possibility for it to also eat….. human flesh is high… right?


I gawked.

If that is the case, then it's possible that…..

Suddenly, I thought of the most scary thing that could be the cause of Mother Elena's disappearance. Of course, I didn't want to believe it but let's be real. The possibility for that to happen wasn't zero, right?

I subconsciously narrowed my eyes.

Anyway, since it was a worm, there was also the possibility that it wasn't a carnivorous creature, but rather, an herbivore.

As I circled around the area, I did not find any clues that could help me pinpoint the whereabouts of Mother Elena.

Unexpectedly, I stumbled on something.

"Wait! That's…!"

I exclaimed and walked towards it…..




Time passed quickly and I finally returned to our invisible house. It's right to say that my search was a failure this time. I failed to find her.

However, my search is not totally a failure. I found something important. Right, I learned that there's no way to advance farther without climbing down the cliff.

I found out that this house is located on the top of a plateau.

Although I saw a bridge near where I saw the giant worm creature, I found out the bridge was broken. The bridge is connected to the nearby plateau. However, because it is broken, it is impassable.

When I checked it, I discovered that it hadn't been that long since it was broken. Assumingly, Mother Elena went over there and fell, then was eaten by it wholly.

Err... that was the saddest fate that could have befallen her.

Anyway, all of that is just my speculation that may have actually happened.

I also found out that this plateau is quite vast. And beside me, the birds, insects, plants, grasses, and trees, I also notice some animals around. We're the only living inhabitants here.

Those animals are less scarier compared to the giant worm below.

In conclusion, my only way to continue my search is by going down this plateau. But, the problem is the giant worm below. It would be nice if it left there.


I stretched my sore limbs to feel comfortable.

Since I don't need physical training this time, I just trained 'Prana Sensing'.

After a while of sitting on the floor, the same result was the result for this time as well, just like the past results on the past days. Nothing happened and I still couldn't sense the prana that Mother Elena was talking about.

At night, I trained all my senses in the dark. It was to sharpen them much sharper than the sharpest blade in the world.

If I think carefully about what I said, I realized that what I said was meaningless. But for me, it wasn't. I am serious about it.

I also did not forget to shadow fight in the dark.

Pah pah pah!

Using my bare hands, I executed some combo of attacks against my self-created mental-image enemy.

Zing zing zing!

I slashed it a few times using the knife in my hand.

Despite that, the enemy was not an easy opponent.

Using a divine sword, a superb downward vertical strike is coming!


A blinding light from heaven merged into his sword?!

Emblazoned by its brilliance, my eyes shook at that moment. Contrary to mine, my enemy's pair of golden eyes were gallantly shining like the sun.

"That's e-excalib—" my voice trembled. However, before I could finish my words, I bit my lip and…

"Hehe…" I grinned. Then, darkness overshadowed my face at that moment.


Rang! Rang! Rang!

A BGM for boss appearance suddenly rockin' rolled in my ears.

Hearing that, my mouth arched upward.

Showing a toothy grin, I stuck out my tongue and middle-fingered the enemy as I said in a fearless voice: "Fool… An absolute villain can never be defeated! Hahaha!"

Rang! Rang! Rang!

The strumming of guitars and rumbling of drums give a good chill into my soul. Along with melodic sound of the piano, I feel buffed.

I am unbeatable!


I heard the enemy muttered the word 'Begone'.

Using my palms, I caught the blade: "Bring it on!" I screamed.

Rang! Rang! Rang!

Brrr… whoosh!!! Darkness and light collided which caused a supernova explosion that shook heaven and earth.

And then, to my surprise, my whole existence was exterminated completely. Blinding lights showered in the world.

While breathing heavily, I found myself lying on the floor with sweat trailing all over me.

Having a mental conversation with yourself and now a mental battle was truly exhausting.

I stared in the dark.

"I don't like how the fight ended. I need to become stronger so that even the strongest heavenly attack could not obliterate and hurt me."

The next morning, I woke up late.

Anyway, I came to the cliff where I saw the giant worm yesterday.

"Oh, it's not here…"

I could not see it.

"Perhaps it has already left for good."

Hopefully. I said.

I approached the wood poles where the broken bridge was tied.

As I was tying up another rope on it, I suddenly noticed a sudden commotion.


Twerp twerp twerp!

"Eh? What was that?" Reflexively, I looked behind.

The trees were shaking furiously. It was as if a gang of mischievous monkeys was swaying them wildly. And from those trees, countless birds flew at once.

A second after that, the ground shook and I heard rumbling noises coming closer and closer to me.


The tall bushes not far from me made gushing noises as they trembled all over. I instinctively focused my eyes there. Already anticipating that something will come out.

As I thought…