
Absolute Villain [Rewrite]

After dying inside a mining site, Sed woke up inside a baby’s crib. “Eh? Where am I?” After pondering about his situation, he realized he was a baby again. After accepting the fact that he was reincarnated as a baby, Sed bowed to become an absolute villain in this life, contrasting his former life in which he lives his life afraid of committing a sin. But despite that, the world never been fair to him. He lived a life full of suffering. But with this new life that was granted to him, there was only one dream he had. To become an absolute villain. A villain that won’t get defeated by anyone. Disclaimer: Cover photo not mine [Please don’t forget to support this novel by sending Powerstones if you like it. More stones means more chapters.]

StickySlime · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Lousy Dark Thief - okay

The giant worm blinks its eyes. Its ferociousness a while ago couldn't be seen and now it looked like a docile puppy in front of me.

For real?

Was I wrong in what I thought earlier? But it looks like it was about to swallow me earlier. I can't stop myself from thinking about it.

I touched my chin and thought, 'Perhaps my cheat ability frightened it?'

Chances that that's the reason for its change of behavior were of course not impossible. In any case, I can't let this thing roam freely around this area. So, I must get rid of it.

Hehe, I grinned. Right, as I am an absolute villain, empathy towards it is not in my vocabulary.

I cast my hand towards it and whispered in my thoughts the word 'Disappear!' —Woosh!

Seconds later, I looked in a daze and whispered: "Eh? What the hell?" Unfortunately, still no results.

Nothing happened again.

I noticed some question marks floating above the monster's head, but maybe I was just hallucinating.

While facing my palm in disbelief, I asked myself: 'Do I really have an overpowered cheat ability? So how still nothing happened? If I have none, then how did the crib disappear without a trace and how did I float earlier as though gravity around me suddenly disappeared at that moment of landing?'

I looked at the monster. I saw no sign that it wanted to attack me. Come to think of it, this monster looks like good company. It looks fit to be a companion of an absolute villain.

I grinned as I thought about it. That's right, I need a companion with a scary figure that even just its appearance alone will scare everyone. Hehe. With that in my mind, I touched my chin and nodded, then I slowly moved my hand toward the monster's head.

Even though I touched it, it still had no bad reaction against me.

Moreover, I noticed something. I didn't expect its skin to be this smooth and tough. It was as if I was touching some kind of metal. Now that I think about it, I think it was a big mystery how it was able to wriggle its huge body despite having this metal-like skin.

Anyway, it doesn't seem to be hostile to me. I could not imagine that despite its scary appearance, its behavior was the opposite.

Suddenly, it bowed lower than before.

"Hm…" I pondered. "Do you want me to ride you?" I asked though I'm pretty sure this worm could not understand me.

Gr! Gr!

Said the worm.

Obviously, I didn't understand what it was saying either. But because it kept its head down, maybe that was indeed what it wanted to convey. It permitted me to ride it.

"Oh, okay."

To see if my understanding was right or wrong, I crawled up behind it. After reaching the top, I immediately noticed that the back was quite wide and it felt like a comfortable seat. I can also hold on to the spikes on its back so I don't fall.

Just then, it lifted its head.

So… I am right, huh, I thought.

I didn't expect it to be this submissive, to be honest. It was very submissive to the point that I started to doubt this worm.

I saw it tilted its head. Maybe it wanted to ask me where we were going, I suppose. Well. I'm not sure but I have a strong hunch that that's what the movement of its head was trying to say.

To find out if my suspicion was correct or wrong, I pointed in the direction ahead of us.

"Let's go there!"

After saying that, the giant worm started moving in the direction I pointed.

"Oh… so I am right again, huh."

Eventually, I gained a wonderful companion. Thanks to it, I was able to move around faster. Moreover, no wild animals came to hurt me. Everyone seemed to be afraid of my companion. It looked like I did the right thing. It's really good to have a very intimidating companion.

With the help of the giant worm, it was no longer difficult for me to go down and up the steep cliff,

I didn't quite think that this fearsome monster would be of any use to me.

Again, the sun returned to its hiding place and the surroundings began to darken. Unfortunately, even though I have wandered into a more distant area this time, I still haven't seen Mother Elena's shadow.

Looks like I'll have to retire from looking for her today too. I will continue my search tomorrow.

Riding on the back of the giant worm, we traveled the area back to my invisible house.

If you think about it, there must be a big reason why the house was made invisible. If it's true that Mother Elena did that, then I'm sure she's trying to prevent something from happening.


I fell silent and pondered. Right, that must be the reason.

After I returned home, I rested after consuming a bottle of milk. It's not good. Soon I will surely run out of milk supply! I need to find a source as soon as possible.

After resting, I started my training again.

I have to become super strong because I don't know what kind of strong creatures I may encounter on the way. I can't just rely on the giant worm all the time.

Well, speaking of it, that fella is currently roaming around. I also gave it a name, it is now called Diablo.

I also did not forget to explore my hax. Maybe its activation had something to do with distance.

I called out to Diablo and asked it to catch some animals. I need them as test subjects for my experiments. After a day that I'm with Diablo, we started to understand each other through little gestures.

Diablo followed my order without hesitation. Soon it returned with several wild animals all bound in jet black silks. My suspicion seems to be correct. This Diablo is a giant silkworm.

"Good job, Diablo! Because of that, you've got this!" I said with a grin while flashing a thumbs up.


I saw Diablo's head tilted side-to-side. Maybe it's wondering about my reaction. Probably.

Without wasting time I immediately started seeking the truth behind my hax. I need to be enlightened on how to use it properly.


Few years later…

In the Elde Village, few people in the village guard's outfit were chasing a figure whose body was wrapped in a lousy black cloth.

"Where is he?!"

"I saw him running towards the woods earlier!"

"Let's go! We must catch it this time!"

About twenty guards arrived in the nearby forest.

Using torches as a source of light and wooden spears as weapons, they immediately explored the forest.

"You, take some of our men and search there. We will search here on the other hand", said the guard with a higher rank to one of his fellow guards.

"Yes, sir!"

They immediately separated into two groups.

"This Lousy Dark Thief is really a coward. He only attacks at night", a guard couldn't help but growl in anger.

As they scrutinized the forest, they suddenly heard a shout from one of their men.

"Here! The Lousy Dark Thief is here!"

In front of him, was a figure wrapped in a lousy dark cloth.

Hearing his shout, the others immediately run towards him. However, when they arrived there, they could not find the Lousy Dark Thief.

The torch was dying on the ground and they could not find their comrade either.

"Where? Where is the Lousy Dark Thief?" Asked the guard captain as he looked around.

"Captain, look!"

One of his men pointed above while lifting the torch higher to illuminate something above them.

Their eyes widened when they saw what was there. It was the guard who shouted earlier. Now it's bound in jet black silk and is hanging upside-down on one of the branches.


They suddenly heard a reverberating laugh.