
Absolute Villain [Rewrite]

After dying inside a mining site, Sed woke up inside a baby’s crib. “Eh? Where am I?” After pondering about his situation, he realized he was a baby again. After accepting the fact that he was reincarnated as a baby, Sed bowed to become an absolute villain in this life, contrasting his former life in which he lives his life afraid of committing a sin. But despite that, the world never been fair to him. He lived a life full of suffering. But with this new life that was granted to him, there was only one dream he had. To become an absolute villain. A villain that won’t get defeated by anyone. Disclaimer: Cover photo not mine [Please don’t forget to support this novel by sending Powerstones if you like it. More stones means more chapters.]

StickySlime · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Birthday wish

<p>"Sed, goodluck!"<br/><br/>Sheila shouted as I was standing in front of Uncle Hern who was also standing there like an immovable statue while staring at me without blinking his eyes.<br/><br/>What's up with him? I thought as I waited. I could feel a bead of sweat trailing down my face. After a few seconds, he finally opened his mouth.<br/><br/>"Ahem!"<br/><br/>Uncle Hern cleared his throat and then started saying something.<br/><br/>"Sed, today you're ten years old. It's time for you to learn how to protect yourself so that in the near future when you are old enough, you will have many options available to you. You have to learn to defend yourself because there is not always someone at your side to defend you. Take it."<br/><br/>Uncle Hern handed me a wooden sword after a stern speech.<br/><br/>"Ohh~" I mumbled upon receiving it.<br/><br/>It was only a wooden sword, but it was quite heavy. It was the first time I touched it so it was a bit of a shock.<br/><br/>Although I always watch whenever they train, I am never allowed to join their training. Not because Uncle Hern didn't want to train me, but because Aunt Nena didn't allow it especially since I'm just an ordinary person who can't manipulate prana unlike these two.<br/><br/>Perhaps it was normal in this world that the training regime of Mages and Blade Mages was deadly for normal humans.<br/><br/>That's right. Until now, I still don't know how to manipulate prana.<br/><br/>It's frustrating to think that someone like me with such lofty dreams has no connection to prana!<br/><br/>Dammit!<br/><br/>But don't worry, even though I can't manipulate prana, I do have an awesome ability. I can produce silk and control it at will. <br/><br/>With Diablo's help, I was able to manipulate it. After many years of practice, I improved its uses on another level.<br/><br/>"Ho-ho!"<br/><br/>While I was busy musing, I suddenly heard Uncle Hern's amused laugh.<br/><br/>"Even though it's heavier than a normal sword, it's surprising that you don't seem affected by its weight, Sed."<br/><br/>Eh?<br/><br/>T-That's right. Since in the eyes of others I am just an ordinary kid, it is natural that they will be surprised to see that I'm not affected by the sword's weight.<br/><br/>"Now that you said that! Urgh!"<br/><br/>Thud!<br/><br/>The sword suddenly slipped from my hands and fell to the ground.<br/><br/>I suddenly let go of the sword as though I just realized that it was heavy. I didn't know whether my acting could sell or not, but I still peeked at Uncle Hern's reaction as I tried to rub my hands.<br/><br/>I noticed Uncle Hern's silence before he burst out laughing louder.<br/><br/>"Bwahaha! Maybe that's what they call a delayed reaction! Hahaha!"<br/><br/>"Haha. Sed, are you okay?!" I also heard the giggles of Sheila who was currently watching us.<br/><br/>Ahaha. Sigh.<br/><br/>I just let out a sigh because somehow they believed in my cheap acting.<br/><br/>At least I am safe for now.<br/><br/>"But Uncle Hern, Aunt Nena wants me to become a kingdom scholar", I said.<br/><br/>"Brat, I know you're intelligent enough to achieve that, but you can't tell what lies ahead. This is just to open other options in the list of your choices in case something unfavorable happens to your first pick. No?"<br/><br/>"Ah, I see. That sounds very convincing."<br/><br/>Not gonna lie, Uncle Hern's way of speaking was… how should I say this… he seemed like a philosopher.<br/><br/>"Okay. Pick up your sword, so we can start your training."<br/><br/>"Yessir."<br/><br/>I followed his command. Of course, I didn't forget to act this time. I tried to act as though I was struggling to lift it.<br/><br/>After a bit of acting, I finally chose to lift it higher.<br/><br/>"Good, you finally did it. Now, for your next assignment. Learn how to swing the sword like this. HAH!"<br/><br/>So saying that, Uncle Hern demonstrated a short vertical strike to me. His strike was quick and passionate. You could see that he was proficient in wielding it. <br/><br/>"Okay, sir! H-Hah! Ugh!" I stumbled.<br/><br/>"Hahaha! Sed, are you okay?!" I heard Sheila's laughter. <br/><br/>I knew it.<br/><br/>She wasn't there to cheer me, but to make fun of me whenever I messed up. This brat, well… never mind.<br/><br/>Of course, this training wasn't about me learning swordsmanship, rather, about me learning how to become an actor. <br/><br/>Kukuku. I laughed deep inside.<br/><br/>"Ugh. Uncle Hern. This is kind of difficult", I said.<br/><br/>"That's fine. You're just starting. Setbacks like that are common, you know. Come on. Do it again and again until you learn to do it right."<br/><br/>The swordsmanship of Uncle Hern followed the kingdom's swordsmanship style, the Troyer 777-Slash Sword Style or also called Troyer 777-SSS. It was an artistic word swing with up to 7 stages, 7 formations, and up to 7 strikes combo.<br/><br/>A newbie like me could not hope to learn it quickly. Mastering it is a big question either. The Troyer 777-SSS is a complicated sword technique. To master it, you need to sacrifice many years for extensive training.<br/><br/>Uncle Hern once told me that most Kingdom's knights only managed to achieve the second stage of it. That's how difficult it is to master it. However, once you master it you'll be invincible, that's what he said.<br/><br/>I honestly can't fully agree with him. I mean, there's no perfect swordsmanship.<br/><br/>Anyway, our training finally ended when Aunt Nena arrived. Later that day, we celebrated my birthday with a happy meal along with the Straus.<br/><br/>It wasn't the first time I celebrated my birthday with them. But then again, I only experienced this kind of thing in this world. I truly appreciate this family. <br/><br/>Before blowing out the candles on the three layers milk cake, Aunt Nena told me to wish.<br/><br/>Honestly, I didn't believe in wishes because until now, none of my wishes had come true. Last year and a couple of years way back then, I kept on wishing to become the absolute villain. But till now, it's still not happening.<br/><br/>I looked at everyone. Aunt Nena was looking at me warmly. Beside her, Uncle Hern had his eyes closed while waiting for me to blow the candle.<br/><br/>"Come on, Sed. Make a wish", Sheila, who was sitting beside me, urged me to make a wish.<br/><br/>Well. I guess I will have to. Maybe I'll have a normal wish this time.<br/><br/>"Okay."<br/><br/>I smiled at them and nodded.<br/><br/>Hopefully, everyone has a bright future ahead of them. <br/><br/>It was a normal celebration with only us celebrating, no visitors.<br/><br/>After drinking enough liquor, Uncle Hern once again started telling us about his glorious days. It was when he was younger. He was a captain of a group of knight. They exterminated a group of bandit who was feared by many.<br/><br/>I don't know how many times we heard of this story but seeing him very proud about it, not me or Shiela or even Aunt Nena could interrupt him.<br/><br/>"Speaking of bandits…" Aunt Nena suddenly opened up. "I heard that the guard captain and his men were found unconscious in the forest. All were stripped naked."<br/><br/>"The Lousy Dark Thief, huh?" Uncle Hern muttered with a frown. "If that bastard shows up in front of me, I'm going to catch him!" He declared.<br/><br/>"Shiela, Sed, be careful not to wonder far okay, especially at night," Aunt Nena told us.<br/><br/>"Alright, mama," Shiela nodded and I nodded as well.</p>

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