
Absolute Villain [Rewrite]

After dying inside a mining site, Sed woke up inside a baby’s crib. “Eh? Where am I?” After pondering about his situation, he realized he was a baby again. After accepting the fact that he was reincarnated as a baby, Sed bowed to become an absolute villain in this life, contrasting his former life in which he lives his life afraid of committing a sin. But despite that, the world never been fair to him. He lived a life full of suffering. But with this new life that was granted to him, there was only one dream he had. To become an absolute villain. A villain that won’t get defeated by anyone. Disclaimer: Cover photo not mine [Please don’t forget to support this novel by sending Powerstones if you like it. More stones means more chapters.]

StickySlime · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Are they that great? No, they are the real deal!

<p>In the evening of that day, after wrapping my body in jet-black silk, my attire suddenly changed. The casual blue pajama I was wearing earlier, was replaced by a loose black cloth that wrapped my body from head to toe.<br/><br/>I immediately opened the window of my light-out room. Outside the window, it can be seen that everything has been enveloped in darkness.<br/><br/>Hehe, I grinned.<br/><br/>Without wasting my time, I jumped down. I have to sneak out of the house again.<br/><br/>My actions were silent like a veteran ninja. You would not hear even the slightest noise from my footsteps. The few years of my arduous training since I was just a baby really yielded good results.<br/><br/>Even the darkness is no longer an obstacle for me. I can perceive my surroundings through my keen senses as though everything is under my watchful eyes. <br/><br/>After leaving the yard, I walked directly to the forest that was a kilometer away to the east of the Straus mansion.<br/><br/>Arriving in the forest, I immediately went to the place where I hid the things I had collected or things that I stole from the villagers and the village guards.<br/><br/>--kush!<br/><br/>"There you go", I mumbled when I saw the two big black sacks after I brushed away the tall grasses in front of me. <br/><br/>These sacks are made of jet-black silk itself.<br/><br/>I checked the contents of each one. After realizing that nothing was gone, I closed them again. The moment I finished tying them, I felt a presence from behind. However, I didn't need to look behind to find out who it was.<br/><br/>Not far from my back, there was a pair of large oval circles that were very attractive to look at especially in the darkness of the surroundings. They glow slightly in red color as if some energy is the source of their glow.<br/><br/>I turned back and called it: "Diablo."<br/><br/>Grr…<br/><br/>After hearing my call, Diablo responded a growl. Then after that, Diablo's entire body was completely illuminated.<br/><br/>It was still a giant worm, but it was a bit bigger than before. Because of the energy it absorbed from the monsters we encountered since then, it grew to that extent.<br/><br/>Standing a few steps away from me, Diablo's body suddenly released a lot of jet-black silk. Then those silks wrapped its whole body.<br/><br/>What happened next was shocking. Some purple-colored light came out like short beams. And after almost an instant, it could be seen that its size was gradually sinking.<br/><br/>Along with a 'whooshing' sound, smoke could be seen scattered around. And where Diablo was standing earlier, a cute girl was standing there now. She has long grey hair and a pair of red eyes and two small black horns on her head. She wore a jet-black gown that matched her look.<br/><br/>It was hard to believe, but the girl was none other than Diablo herself.<br/><br/>I was not the only one who improved in using black silk. Even Diablo had become good at using it.<br/><br/>Now she could take a human form. But if I was asked how and where she copied that form, my answer was… I have no idea.<br/><br/>"Dark, welcome back", she said as she approached me. <br/><br/>You see, it's not just her appearance that changed. In her human form, she could also speak human language. But don't expect human emotions from her though. Even her voice was cold and lacked emotion.<br/><br/>"Yeah!" I just nodded in response to Diablo's greeting to me. "Let's go? We have to sell them so that I can start my dream of causing terror to humanity as soon as possible." I said that in an icy voice and one of my eyes gleamed purple.<br/><br/>Honestly, I don't think my dream of becoming an absolute villain will come true that easily if I don't have enough wealth.<br/><br/>No matter how strong I am, if I don't have enough resources at hand, it will be difficult for me to achieve what I want to become, so I need to save a lot of money first to create my faction, I suppose.<br/><br/>"Alright, let's go!"<br/><br/>After saying that, her body reverted to the form of a giant worm.<br/><br/><><><><br/><br/>Riding on Diablo's back in her giant worm form, they were heading towards the northern outskirts of the Elde Village. There was a secret bandit group camping nearby. They called themselves as Keine Angst bandits, but since they were not a famous group, no one knew of that name.<br/><br/>The villagers in Elde Village were unaware of their existence there, but that's not the case for Sed and Diablo.<br/><br/>Arriving at the camp entrance, one of the two bandit guards who were guarding it raised a torch to illuminate the large shadow approaching them.<br/><br/>"Hehe! Who are you?!"<br/><br/>One of the bandit guards raised a question while grinning. So haughty. He must have thought that some stupid creature had wandered into their camp without knowing the danger that lies ahead.<br/><br/>Whoever it was and no matter how big it was, coming here in this place was akin to suicide. Inside here, thousands of bandits were camping inside. It was impossible for anyone to survive against them.<br/><br/>Sed did not bother replying to them and just continued approaching the entrance. The two bandit guards raised their brows.<br/><br/>But when they finally could see their appearance, one of the two bandit guards trembled.<br/><br/>"I-It's Lord Dark and Diablo!" He exclaimed. "It's good to say you here, Lord Dark! Please come in!"<br/><br/>One of the two bandit guards suddenly became as docile as a dog. His companion fell silent and watched with a dumbfounded expression as Dark and Diablo passed the entrance leisurely.<br/><br/>Passing them, Dark just sent a silent nod at them.<br/><br/>When Dark and Diablo were far enough, the other bandit guard asked his companion: "Who the hell are they?"<br/><br/>"Idiot! That's Lord Dark and his partner Diablo. Ah! You are a newbie so you don't know about them."<br/><br/>"Hmm… are they that great?"<br/><br/>"Holy f*ck! Dude, if you value your life, don't ever get on those two's bad sides. I'm telling you, they are not just great. They're the real deal!"<br/><br/>Seeing Dark and Diablo in their camp, the bandits looked like they were in an uproar.<br/><br/>"Wai— that!"<br/><br/>"It's Lord Dark and Diablo!"<br/><br/>"Fast! Tell the chief that Lord Dark and Diablo are here!"<br/><br/></p>

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