
Absolute Villain [Rewrite]

After dying inside a mining site, Sed woke up inside a baby’s crib. “Eh? Where am I?” After pondering about his situation, he realized he was a baby again. After accepting the fact that he was reincarnated as a baby, Sed bowed to become an absolute villain in this life, contrasting his former life in which he lives his life afraid of committing a sin. But despite that, the world never been fair to him. He lived a life full of suffering. But with this new life that was granted to him, there was only one dream he had. To become an absolute villain. A villain that won’t get defeated by anyone. Disclaimer: Cover photo not mine [Please don’t forget to support this novel by sending Powerstones if you like it. More stones means more chapters.]

StickySlime · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Abandoned Child - (sad)


My revolting stomach woke me up.


After a short yawn, I rubbed my eyes. It looks like I fell asleep after getting exhausted from my training.

Looking around, I noticed the room is kinda dark.

Oh, it's dusk… Did I sleep that long? No wonder I fell so hungry.

I'm sure Mother Elena has already come back. Glancing around me, I could not sense her presence.

Where is Mother Elena? The house also seems quiet. Did she go out again?


I will just stay lying here for a little longer. It would be difficult if she suddenly showed up and found me strolling around, though I honestly feel very hungry.

Minutes went by.


This is not good for me. Please hold on. I am sure Mother Elena will come later to bring my bottle of milk.

Or so I thought she would, however, even after an hour of waiting, Mother Elena did not come to visit me in my room or even at least take a peek at me.

This is unusual, honestly. Whenever she was at home, she would come to check on me from time to time. I also noticed the house's unusual silence.

Aside from that, the room is completely dark now.


Alright, calm down. I've decided. I need to check the house. Perhaps Mother Elena went somewhere or perhaps she fell asleep inside her room.

Although there were times she snored loudly in her sleep, there were also times she didn't. Perhaps she was soundlessly sleeping right now.


Suddenly, darkness wafted away as the light from the lamp came on. When I watched it, I felt a pain in my heart. I don't like the idea that the dark looks weaker than the light.

Light represents goodness and is also a great symbol of heroes. On the contrary, darkness is a symbol of villains.

Since I am someone who dreams of becoming an absolute villain, I want darkness to be superior to light.

So obviously, I am biased toward darkness. I won't lie, I love dark powers. Since coming here, I envisioned many scenarios on how to get dark powers.

But until now, I still had no clue how to get it.

Maybe I need to sharpen my senses by training in the dark.

With that in mind, I blew the fire to turn off the light again.

Suddenly, the darkness returned. I noticed something when I turned off the light. Something I enjoyed at least.

I think darkness returns faster than how the light appeared earlier.

Well. Perhaps not everyone is convinced of me. It's also possible that I'm just overthinking it. But anyway, that's what I think and I'm happy about it.

When darkness returned, I could no longer see my surroundings. Haha. I chuckled to myself. Well, this is what I want.

I at least found another way to train myself.

After exploring the house through hard work, I still could not find Mother Elena.

I sat on the table with a bottle of milk in front of me.

Gulp~ gulp~ Ahhh~

After gulping some of it, I came to ponder the possible reason for Mother Elena's absence.

It never happened that she was late to come home ever since.

Could it be that she left me because she was tired of taking care of me? Well. The chance for that to happen was not zero.

I'm not new to this scene so I know it can happen. My past can prove that.

However, because of the smell of food being cooked in the kitchen, there was no doubt that she had come home earlier.

In my successful analysis, I found out that those foods were not fully cooked yet, so she might have left before she finished cooking them.

What is the reason why she left it then?

Well, whatever it is, it's definitely an important thing that she needed to prioritize over what she was cooking. And that may be the reason why she didn't come home yet.

Normally, she would come back before noon, so I assume she did this time as well.

Judging the current time, I concluded that it was several hours already after she left again.

So that means… Something bad happened to her!

I frowned.

Mother Elena was the first person who cared for me. So, despite what I wanted to be, I at least wanted her goodness as the only person who showed a good treatment to me. Also, if Mother Elena would not come back, I have to raise myself all alone.

No, I didn't mean I can't. But honestly, it would be so very difficult for me.


Even if I wanted to look for her outside, I couldn't.

These are dangerous times for someone like me to wander outside, especially since I haven't gotten used to this place yet.

I don't know what dangerous element is roaming around outside. It would be okay if I had the power of darkness.

Unfortunately, I don't have any.

Just because I aspire to be an absolute villain doesn't mean I have nothing to worry about.

For me, such thinking is not worthy to be called an absolute villain.

The absolute villain I aspire to is someone cunning. He knows when to take risks and when not to.

It's also possible that Mother Elena was just distracted by something, which is why she could not return right away. Maybe later she will come back.

So I better wait for now.

Again, morning came and Mother Elena still did not return.

This time, for the first time, I felt a sense of worry.

After drinking a bottle of milk that morning, I decided to take a walk around the house to find a clue about Mother Elena's disappearance.

As soon as I stepped out of the house, I immediately discovered something amazing.

I can't see the house I came out of just now!

I hurried back, hoping that I'm just hallucinating. When I stepped back, I noticed that I was inside our house again.

"As I thought, I truly just hallucinated earlier", I said to myself.

But, when I went out again, I couldn't see our house again.

"Wait... could it be... our house is invisible from outside?!" I exclaimed.

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