
Known Entity

Ah, it's morning already.

I enjoyed that part of my sleep, somehow it feels comfortable and safe. I don't have to be constantly alerted if someone might attack or something.

My eyes still have that tired look in them, as if I'm annoyed by everyone and everything. But I don't specifically think that makes me unattractive.

Seren is still sleeping, the birds are singing, and the sun is rising.

I guess I woke up too early.

Hmph! I slapped my face when I realized what I had almost done yesterday night.

I approached the mirror that was straight ahead from the floor bed. I rested my hands on the furniture and looked at myself from up close.

Staring at me on the other side of the mirror was the most disgusting and annoying man I've ever come to know. Me.

I don't even know why I'm staying with these guys. I gave my compensation for letting me stay in. Now, I can just run and try to find a way home.

I turned back to look at the being I seemed to have fallen in 'Love' with. "Sorry, Seren," I whispered…

"Huh… good morning, Elias. Quite an early bird, aren't you?" She said while yawning.

"Ah… good morning," I looked down to the ground, ashamed to face her after what I was about to do.

"Well, should we go by the mall today?" she said with a grin.

"The Mall?" I repeated, confused.

"Hmmm, how do I explain it? Yes, it is like a shopping district inside a whooolee castle!" She explained exaggeratedly, widening her arms while swaying on the bed.

"I see, let's do so. It is surely going to be fun." I said quietly, with a disappointing smile on my face.

"Something's up?" She asked tilting her head to the left.

I looked at her, my lips bobbing up to a small smirk, "No, not really. Sean wanted to apologize yesterday, but since you were asleep he couldn't do so. You better make up with him."

"Yes, yes…" She sulked.

"It is still early," I looked out the window, attracting her gaze towards the orange into the blue sky.

"Whoaa~" Seren gasped at the beauty.

"Is it your first time seeing the sunrise?" I asked her.

"Well, I guess this might be it. The sunrise is beautiful, isn't it?" She voiced, and let out a relieved breath.

"It sure is. I can never get tired of this sight." I agreed.


It has now been over three hours and twenty-four minutes since we woke up.

We went out for a walk so I could get used to the vicinity. Seren guided me through every street around their house.

She also directed me towards her school too. It was a twelve-minute walk from their home.

"Somehow, it seems really lonely here," I said looking at the schoolyard from beyond the gates.

"It is. But don't worry, it will be full of students who hate it in a few weeks. Me being one of them hehe…" She trailed off.

I decided not to ask anything,


Back to the current time. We are ready to go out. Sean and Luke were also coming with us.

Ah… hanging out with friends like this, what a bliss. I didn't think to myself, since I've mostly been used to being alone. But this isn't half bad either.


Whoa, this building is massive as hell?! Seren was right.

We approached the automatic doors and got in.

Wah? Seren was right, this definitely looks like a shopping district that was in my world. Compared to the former, this one was beautiful, had multiple floors, lights spread around, and every store had, what I could call an emblem on top of the automatic doors.

"Hehe, surprised?" Seren grinned at my ears mischievously.

"Ahem, no not really. It is beautiful instead."

She voiced with a sigh, "Yes yes, you're not honest with yourself, are you? You Tsundere."

"Pff…" Sean guffawed at it.

"What's that?! I don't know what it means but it isn't something nice!" I frowned.

"It means you're a maiden at heart."

"Tch, what type of reply do you expect when u say the most random stuff then?" I uttered my true thoughts.


After that, we went to different stores, they bought me some clothes. Luke specifically just threw shirts in the shopping cart or what it was called.

They had gotten me five shirts and three pairs of pants. The shirts were quite large actually, I didn't think they looked good on me.

"Fyu, fyu~" Seren whistled, "Aren't you looking cool." She said teasingly.

"Am I?" I raised my brows unconsciously.

"Ah… yes you are. Really cool…" She whispered, looked away, and yelled, "W-well then, guys, l-lets go get ice cream," And led the way.


We ate 'Ice creams', I didn't know what they were but Luke assured me that I would like them. And after the waiter brought them, three scoops with chocolate, strawberry, and banana taste were in a kind of cup. When I first tasted it…

It felt as if a new world opened up to me. The cold and sweet sensation melting in my mouth with the taste of chocolate was something I never tried in my world, nothing came close to this.


We are going back home right now. Just from seeing the looks on Luke's and Sean's faces, I can already guess we spent tons of money today.

"Huh?" Jade's Antique Shop. I looked across the road. Sending mana to my eyes so I could see more clearly.

"That's!?" I said, shocked.

"Is something up?" Sean asked.

"I see something familiar," I said and broke for a run towards the shop, soon after, everyone followed suit.

I opened the door and went in.

The place was full of wooden shelves, and at the window was the teapot I used to drink from.

How did I know that it was mine?

I knew because back then, I chose a style that wasn't usually used around my world.

It was equally black in its round form, it didn't have a lid, and had cyan cursive lines around the top of its body.

"Ah, welcome, welcome!" A man who seemed to be in his late thirties greeted us from his wooden counter.

I did the same, "Hello, sir."

He clasped his hands, "What may I help you with?"

"I'm here for that teapot. Is it alright if I ask where and when u got it?"

"It is totally fine. Can I know your name and address? Since if something arises I can contact you!" The man said grabbing a piece of paper.

I nodded and gave my identity, "I see, well, my name is Elias Ayla--" I didn't even get to finish my sentence because of the sword that was thrust toward me.

I barely managed to evade it in time. I pushed Seren back behind me so they wouldn't get in my way.

"Geezer, what's up with the sword?" I asked unhinged.

"It's as the rumors say. You don't flinch at a sword even if you're unarmed."

I squinted my eyes and asked, "How do you know about me?"

"Ahaha, it's surprising to see one of the scum nobles in a different world, isn't it?"

"No need for any more words, since it seems you're from Nexus too." I looked at him in indifference.

Seeing how I wasn't nervous at all, the man became irrational and started swinging without thinking.

A swing to my left, I jumped on the right.

Swing to my head, I crouched, trying to immobilize him by kicking his feet. He jumped, avoiding my blow.

The next instant, he raised his weapon. He's open.

In a matter of a second, I struck his wrists which a crack was heard from. I nabbed the sword and threw it away.

I then took a hold of his brown hair and smashed his face down on the wooden ground, making a crater around the surface he crashed into.

No gasps, no screams, no yells were heard. Pure silence overtook the shop as the man seemed to have lost consciousness.


I acted as if I was tired and stressed, "Hah, I almost died, that was scary…" Shit, my tone came off too emotionless.

"Ah, yes, Elias almost died, oh no, me scared, oh no. Shut up, you can't be any more obvious than that, and why did you push me like that?! What if you got injured or something?" Seren yelled in pure anger.

"Eh… sorry, I had to." Sweat trickled down my face from her nagging.

After that, I tied his whole body up with ropes and threw a bucket of cold water on his distorted face now.

Let the interrogation begin.

Another guy from Nexus?! Also, creation is hard, cheer me up!

and if you like it ? Add to library!

ItsHashicreators' thoughts