
Absolute Immersion

"I will get the best ending." says Yohan Rivensua. A man who plays single player story driven games, with the goal of achieving the most satisfying conclusion it could offer. One day, he was offered money to complete the story inside a game that is a 'different experience' from the normal game. He agrees and was transported into the world of the game. Knowing this, he will do what he does best.

dazi_dazi2 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

The Game World pt. 2

Terrence made dinner, we had to call Pearl before starting to eat.

She came in with her hair a bit wrinkled and wiping her right eye. She wore her one piece dress without her apron, revealing her white legs and arms.

Terrence shot a wary glare at me. I glared back, not liking what he was implying.

We ate Terrence's delicious food. Now I know where Pearl learned her cooking skills.

After having dinner, I was about to be on my way, but they insisted that I sleep here.

Pearl gave me an extra pillow and a blanket. Terrence then showed me a place to sleep. That place would be the long wooden chair.

I wasn't going to complain though, in fact, the firm surface made me sleep just as comfortably as my 10 year old bed back home.


The next morning came, I woke up just when a bit of the morning sun shone through the window onto my face.

Unlike other mornings, I didn't have post wake sluggishness. Instead, I shot my eyelids open, sat up straight from my lying position and stretched.

There aren't any clocks. So I couldn't tell the exact time. However, looking at the mild sunlight coming through the window, I'd say it's around 6 in the morning.

I basked in the silence. This moment reminds me of my time in my apartment.

Serenity, all I could say about it.

I looked around, all the doors were shut except the dining room doorway, which had no door.

A moment after my observation, the door next to the bookshelf opened. Terrence was the one who came through.

"Oh, hey. Good Morning Yohan."

"Good morning."

"How was your sleep?"

"Great. Thanks for letting me sleep here."

"Ha-ha-ha, I won't be able to live if someone who doesn't know where he is goes out at night." He joked.

"You're right." I laughed.

It was then I realized that it's time for me to plan my next move.

My goal is to 'finish' this game but I wasn't even given a tutorial. I don't even know how to access the menu - if one actually exists.

I have absolutely no information, regarding everything. As a person who acts according to what they know, being in the state of zero knowledge is making me panic.

"What's wrong? You're staring into space.." Terrence called, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh… nothing, just thinking about what I would do next." I replied.

Terrence laughed and walked towards the door in front of me, the one I believed to be a toilet.

He opened the door and sunlight entered the room. I made a mistake thinking it was the toilet, it was actually the backdoor.

Before he went outside, he stood there, keeping the door open and turned his head around.

"Well, for a start, you can go to town later. I'll leave some money, go buy clothes and shoes, then wash yourself." He ordered. A moment later, he looked away and bowed a bit. "I-I'm sorry for assuming, but you've been wearing the same clothes since I met you. I just thought you might be feeling a bit uncomfortable."

I shook my head, "N-no, no, I'm sorry you had to worry about me. But giving me money? I don't think I can accept that much help."

Terrence's face softened at my reply.

"You're right, so after you're done, come help me carry some logs here." He said lifting his free arm in a way that flexes his biceps.

Even under those clothes, I can see the toned muscles that came from years of doing his job.

"I'm at the place yesterday, you remember right?" He lowered his arm and further opened the door, enough for him to pass through.

"As clear as day." I replied. I stood up lifting my blanket.

Helping him is the least I can do.

Terrence smiled and left, closing the door behind him.

I turned around and folded my blanket, placed it on top of the pillow and stretched again. It just feels too good.

I scratched my hair out of habit. I noticed that my hairs stuck to each other and felt oily.

My uncertainty led me to smell my armpits.

The odor that pierced through my nose made me want to apologize to Terrence and Pearl for having to deal with it.

I'd suck up my shame and go to wash myself. Unfortunately my sticky and sweaty body affected my clothes as well, and I don't have any spare clothes.

I'll hold off showering and just clean up the places where it smells the most.

I walked towards the door, but just as I reached my hand out to it, the door bolted open. If my hand was a bit further in front, it wouldn't end up unscathed.

"Oh shoot I for-" Terrence spoke in urgency, much to my surprise. His face seemed like he was panicking, when our eyes met, he spoke to me with a grave tone. "Yohan, when are you planning to go?"

I don't know why he's so worked up about that. I answered honestly, "After I wash my face, wait for you to give me the money, then I'll go."

"There's no helping it is there?" He sighed. "Come on, I'll show you the place where we wash ourselves."

Terrence closed the door behind him. In confusion, I went after him, pulling open the door to go outside.

The backyard wasn't that different from the front. There is a porch with the same size as the front one and fences with the same design and height as the front.

There are only two differences between the front and back. One of them is that the back had no windows, and the second one is that the steps leading to the ground are on the far right, not the center.

Terrence had already gone down the steps when I opened the door. I followed behind him.

When I went down the stairs, I could see a small house around 10 meters from here. That must be their bathhouse.

Having the feeling that the walk is going to take a while, I continued our conversation earlier, "There is no helping what?"

Terrence glanced back, shooting me a look that would translate to "None of your business." or "Why do you care?"

But once again, Terrence proved he isn't like that.

"I made a mistake. I already gave all the money to Pearl. I didn't foresee someone with your circumstances coming here." He sighed with the reply. He continued, "Today is the day of the week she'll be buying groceries."

If it's just that, why did he open the door like it was urgent? I spoke without thinking much, "I don't see any problem."

"Of course you don't." Terrence glared at me. The same pair of eyes he glared at me with last night. "Her having the money means you'll be going with her."

His tone had a little uncertainty. Based on last night, it's probably because some stranger is going to town alone with her younger sister.

There isn't any problem really, if anything, it's a good thing. I don't know the path to town, or the residents, or what they sell.

However Terrence had other thoughts, based on his reactions.

I had to place my fist under my mouth to prevent a grin leaking out. Is this the glare and speech of a man being wary of her younger sister?

The dangerous eyes staring daggers at me, accusing me of what I'm not made my palms sweaty. I thought as hard as I could, as quickly as I could, to ease him. "I-I'll just ask her for enough money for what I need."

"That won't work, I tried last night after you slept and she refused. She said that she'll finally have someone to carry things home for her."

Well that's awful smart of her. I'll be glad to help, but her brother over here is concerned.

I'd be too. We're strangers to each other after all. I'm only here because Terrence was kind enough to invite me.

I didn't want to complicate things, so I brushed him off with my hand, "Don't worry I won't do anything, you can trust me."

He looked back in front and sighed, the tenseness in the atmosphere softened.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried for her."

"If you're so worried, can't you come?"

"No, I still haven't reached enough logs for this week." He said, reminding me of the logs piled in front of the house.

"Like I said, you can trust me." I assured him, maybe having his worries eased a bit.

"You're right… I'm sorry for being like this." He said returning to his usual manner.

If anything I should be apologizing for freeloading.

I don't want to be ungrateful but in the real world, putting your trust in some stranger is a very unintelligent decision.

Of course, I won't do anything… but how kind- or stupid- of a person would he be easily give out trust.

As if to defend me as a person, or to reinforce his belief in me, he spoke, "You're not like that aren't you?… if you were, you would have already stolen something when we're sleeping and ran off."

He has a point, that sword would've sold for a hefty price.

I shook my head. Let's not think of that, I've been playing too many games centering around crime.

"I think it's better if I go with her, I don't know the path." I said, laying out a point I thought of earlier.

"Oh I forgot about that." He laughed.

Yeah, you forgot because you were busy thinking of the 100 possible things that would happen if I were to go with Pearl.

The bathhouse was only a few steps away. I think I heard a noise, like water flowing.

But before I could confirm, Terrence's voice directed my attention to him. "In that case… alright. But if you try anything-"

He stood still saying that, trying to make eye contact with me.

I shook my head and my hands as well. "I won't, I won't… when I'm with her, assume that I am her second older brother."

That should be enough to convince him, I think.

Yet the reaction I was given was a conflicted look. I couldn't discern if it was leaning towards relief or sorrow.

"That… makes me happy… and sad." He said. His tone was first relieved, then melancholic.

I had to look away for a second just so I could refrain myself from calling him a drama queen.

Without realizing it, I'm in front of Terrence. The bath house door is within my grasp.

"Oh, sorry." I stepped back and gestured at Terrence to the door, "You first."

"No, no. You can go first. You're only washing the places that smell right?" Terrence did the same gesture I did.

"How did you know?"

"I've been in your situation before." He laughed.

I smiled at his reply. I guess we're both men after all.

I placed my hand on the horizontal door handle and pulled, but there was a resistance to it, preventing me from opening it.

"The door's pretty stuck."

"Try pushing."

I twisted my hand and pushed.

"It's still not working."

"Huh… Weird. It was fine when I used it yesterday."

"I guess I'll have to force it open." I said as I placed my entire right shoulder and my left hand on the door.

"Heiya!" I screamed and applied pressure on the door.

Terrence didn't object at first, then suddenly his face turned pale and he leaped towards me, trying to reach for my arms.

"Wait, Yohan no-!"

He was too late.

The door's resistance gave away. The hinges no longer tried to resist the force. A loud noise of something breaking erupted as the door swung open inside.


I couldn't keep my balance. I fell forward at the same exact time the door burst open.

Since my arms were forced forward, I couldn't lessen the pain of impact with them. My shoulder and face took the blow instead.

"Yohan!... Oh no…"

"I'm fine…"

Fortunately, instead of a solid floor, some liquid saved my face from the full impact.

Wait, liquid?

The liquid had a smooth texture, it was colorless and odorless as well.

This is… Water.


Terrence did not say anything back to me. Instead, I saw him stand up straight and take two uniform steps back.

I didn't need to ask to know what's wrong with him.

His warning to stop me earlier, I should've been bright enough to think for myself.

A light metallic rod in the shape of an 'L' fell on the ground next to me. I didn't need further examination to know that the object was a lock.

I shook my head and beheld what lay in my vision.

Wood walls, with no windows, the closest features to being soundproof. A big wooden tub, above it was running water from what seems to be a faucet.

A wooden water dipper fell from above. It hit the ground and splashed water onto my face.

Behind the fallen water dipper were a pair of thin white legs.

My heart sped up and my head rose up instinctively

These thin white legs belong to the long haired brunette. Her hair stuck to each other and her white skin.

Her slim flat chested figure, covered by the droplets of water and fresh odor.

And not a single piece of cloth.

Even from down here, I can see her beet red face.

"Aah…" She uttered, the shock from this would probably put anyone in the same place as her.

And as the perpetrator, all I could do was say, "Hello… Pearl."

"Uh… Aaaaaaaaaah!"

What started as a simple desire to wash off the stink of yesterday, had turned into a brutal assault stemming from a misunderstanding.

The damage has been done however.

That moment I looked up, I saw… everything.


"I can't believe you!"

Pearl, now fully clothed, in a white and red blouse with a black knee height skirt, berated me.

"I'm sorry."

Me who sat on the long chair I slept last night, kept my head locked in a bowing position.

That three syllable word is all I could say after what happened.

She woke up earlier than me and Terrence because she planned to cook breakfast before leaving to buy the groceries.

She decided to do so, after taking a morning bath.

In my defense, the windowless and soundproof bath space did not help at all.

That doesn't matter. The point still stands that I'm at major fault here for breaking the lock.

"When you pushed that door, didn't you even think for a second that someone was in there?"

I looked away and spoke in a low volume, "I thought you were still asleep."

"See what assuming things get you?" She screamed.

"I'm sorry."

The consequences of my carelessness is this event now. Even as a stranger, she scolds me like a teacher, and just as intense as the one Terrence got yesterday.

Speaking of Terrence...

"And you!"

"Yes ma'am!"

The moment Pearl's wrath directed itself onto the man next to me - who was looking down with both his hands on his knees - his body stiffened.

Pearl's angered expression was more apparent with Terrence, maybe it's because he's a family member?

Anyhow, I pity him.

"Did you by any chance or reason decide to cooperate with him?"

"No I didn't ma'am! I swear on my life!"

Terrence's face paled. Even with his stiffness, cold sweat trickled through his face.

I almost snorted with laughter but when Pearl's gaze traveled to me I froze on the spot.

"You're still at fault, you should've stopped him before he broke the lock!"

Terrence lifted his head and raised his arm and hand to object, "I-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses!"

His objection was shut down as soon as it started.

Women are scary.

He had to go through that because of me. It's all my fault, so I have to take responsibility.

"Pearl, Terrence tried to stop me, but I couldn't stop in time and broke the lock" I bowed my head as low as this sitting position would respectfully let me and continued, "I'm sorry for what I did."

The room went silent for a moment, until Pearl heaved a sigh.

"It's…fine." She said, she then sat down on the table in front of us, making a calm expression, "We should've made the lock more sturdy, or maybe we should've had at least one window."

She stood up and walked into the room next to Terrence's door. A moment later, she brought out a tote basket about the size of her entire forearm.

"Looks like that's one more thing to add on our list." She spoke in usual demeanor now, her mood must've improved.

The both of us are greatly impacted by her rage, but with some magic of her manner, it all melted away.

Terrence, whose features had regained color, stood up, "I'm sorry, Pearl."

Pearl had a brief sullen look on her face before replying. "I'm sorry too brother, I… I shouldn't have overreacted."

"No, you have every right to be mad." Terrence shook his head as he bowed once more.

Pearl made a wry smile with her brother's actions, which I would describe as 'overly formal'. She then looked at me determined yet her voice filled with eccentricity, "Yohan, you already washed yourself right? Come on, We're already behind schedule!"

She ran outside the entrance to put on her shoes.

I walked outside to catch up to her but Terrence grabbed my arm and leaned to my ear.

"If you try anything…" Terrence whispered with a grave voice.

I leaned back and replied in a whisper as well, "I'm sure that she'll beat the life out of me if I did."

The girl we were talking about had grown suspicious of our whispering. She turned around with her scolding expression and called out, "What was that!?"

""Absolutely nothing madam!"" We said in unison.

Pearl laughed and looked at me again, this time from top to bottom. Unsurprisingly, she saw me barefoot, "Oh! Yohan! We'll have to buy you some shoes too! You can wear Terrence's spare for now."

"I'm coming."

"Wait! What about my spare?" Terrence objected with a teary eyed look.

His grip onto my hand weakened enough for me to just walk away.

Pearl raised both her fists to perform some kind of fist pump but towards her chin.

"Be extra careful this time!"

As I tried to maintain a stoic expression, I have to admit that her display was… adorable. I stiffened my right hand to suppress any urges.

"Well…Thanks." Terrence resigned to his younger sister's encouragement. He lifted his right hand to wave at us, "You too, be careful!"

"We will!" Pearl replied.

She walked down the stairs and stopped a few steps away from them.

Pearl had already prepared Terrence's spare shoes on the porch near the stairs.

I sat and put them on, they were comfortable.

When I finished putting on the second shoe, something happened.

All of a sudden, tiny black square bits appeared in front of me. Not more than a second, a square blackish brown screen appeared out of thin air with a virtual popping sound.

The sound of whenever I opened a menu in the many games I had played before.

It had a yellow line around the edges. Flower and sword decorations following the line.

In the vast center of the screen, a few sentences sentence written on it.

[Crude Leather Shoes equipped.]

[Armor +1]

[Movement speed +5]

I stared at the screen, my mind blank.

This is a concrete reminder that…That I'm inside a game.


This is all just something… someone out there made.


I… I…


"Huh! Oh…"

Pearl had been calling out to me. My attention wasn't with her, so I stood up and apologized, "I'm... sorry… I was thinking of something."

"You definitely looked like you were! You were staring into the void." She berated me, with both her hands on her hips. "Did you get your memories back or something?"

"Huh… oh, no, not really."

"Hmm… So what was it?"

"It's nothing, sorry to worry you." I smiled to lighten the mood.

Pearl's eyes had a light of concern in them, but I tried to make the most genuine smile I could to ease her. It worked, she also smiled back at me and turned her body towards the path.

"Well then, let's go!" She raced on the path, not towards the left -where me and Terrence came from yesterday- but straight ahead.

"Hey wait up!" I ran after her.

My steps felt a lot lighter, and the speed I'm going at isn't the running speed I remembered I had in the real world.

Not long after, I matched Pearl's distance.

"Woah! You're fast!" Pearl remarked, laughing.

I didn't answer, because unlike her, who thought it was my natural speed, it was because I knew… the true source of it all was.

Pearl and I raced until we were tired. She panted, but not as much as I thought, she has better stamina than me.

She told me that the town was still a long way from here. I said I didn't mind and I'm helping her out of my own will.

The entire time I ran, since the screen appeared, I have never stopped thinking of it.

No. It's time to focus, because now I'm going to town, the next place in my plan of gathering information.