

Richard a mafia is on a mission to avenge the death of his parents, Getting encounter with the princess, Richard abducted her for his revenge. Along the line he found her attractive, letting go of his resentment for her, he protected her from the king who is hellbent on killing her . *Excerpt* Richard just go back to the quiet life you were living, No Jessie I've never been living a quiet life since the death of my parents,all I've felt was anger and hatred, I've been a criminal,a terrorist. But something also changed since the day I met you,I've been happy, somehow that feeling of anger and hatred was alleviated. Raising her chin up,I am not living you now and in the future Richard, Jessie called out,I want to ask you a question. Sure,go ahead. Why did you abducted me? *End of Excerpt* Seems Richard parents had some dealings with the king during the past. Getting to know the real identity of Richard, the king embarked on a mission to get rid of him along side the princess.

Joan_maco · สมัยใหม่
35 Chs


Roland was on his way back to his room when he met Evelyn standing at the doorway.

Roland did not intend to tell her the reason no one was living the house.

He didn't want to tell Evelyn about Jessie situation,

Looking at Evelyn face,he could tell she was annoyed.

Hey Evelyn, what are you doing here.

What I need from you is an explanation Rolly.

Is it forbidden to step out from this house, Evelyn retorted bluntly.

Roland sighed looking away frustratingly.

Evelyn there is no problem, I don't feel like going out, you can go if you feel like.

Come on Evelyn, stop being like this, okay fine tomorrow will be fun for us.

We will be riding a horse.

Rolly,riding a horse is not my problem right now,

Infact what's the need of talking to you,get out of my way.

Evelyn turned to walk away when she heard Roland voice from behind.

Really, you don't want to ride a horse, Richard will be there to ride with us,

After much silence she walked back to Roland.

Fine I'll ride, but I'm stepping out now,I just received a call,I would love to handle some few things at my shop.

Okay Evelyn, see you later, Roland said while giving her a smile.

Let me see you off, let's go Evelyn.

Giving Roland a glare she turned walking away.

Roland breathed out heavily before walking after Evelyn.

Getting outside, Evelyn entered her car looking at Roland standing close to the car.

Rolly I feel like running you over,she scoffed

Bye Evelyn, please take care and come back safe,

Chuckling at Evelyn angry face,he waved her.

Evelyn started the car, turning to Roland,

Don't forget you haven't given me an answer to my question, I'll kill you when I get back,

Roland smiled looking at her,

Sure Evelyn,he replied.

Evelyn zoomed off, leaving Roland standing alone outside.

Looking at the car departing, Roland sighed heavily,

Evelyn is really something else,he thought.

Walking back inside,he saw Jessie sitting on a couch with a book on her hands.

Her eyes was fixed firmly on the book,her long lashes covered her eyes which made her extremely beautiful, Jessie slender fingers held the book upward as she flipped through the pages.

Roland stood staring at her, for a moment he found her extremely beautiful.

I wonder what my princess is reading.

On hearing Roland voice, she raised her head upward.

Oh, Roland when did you get here.

Since forever, only you didn't notice, Roland replied.

What are you reading? Roland asked.

Uh this, just a book,I was just feeling bored,so I decided to go through this.

Okay, you wanna do something more fun compare to this .

And what's that, Jessie asked curiously.

Wanna go cycling with me

Really,do you have a bicycle here.

Of course, come see for yourself, Roland responded running outside.

Wow that's cool, Jessie said running after him.

Running after Roland to the park

They were two bicycles resting on the wall.

Jessie try this, while I take this one.

Roland, too bad cause I don't know how to ride a bicycle.

That's not an issue Jessie,I mean that is why I'm here I'll teach you okay.

Now hop in Jessie, Roland said rolling the bicycle towards her.

Jessie, always remember to keep your legs straight and firm .

Following Roland instructions she placed her legs on the pedals

But couldn't ride it well.

Walking to Jessie,he held her hands, your hands should be placed firmly on the grips

Don't forget to roll your legs after placing them on the pedals

Jessie you got this, Richard said trying to cheer her up.

Jessie took a deep breath and decided to give it a try again.

Though she wasn't stable but she was able to ride on the bicycle for some time.

Whoa, Jessie that's amazing , you're so smart, you're doing great.

Really Jessie replied excitedly.

Yeah, keep going, keep going don't stop , Roland cheered.

Come on Jessie you deserve an applaud and an high five.

Jessie clapped her hands with Roland smiling happily.

Come Jessie would you like me to give you ride,

Jessie hopped on back sit of the bicycle.

You're ready , Jessie asked.

Sure, Roland let's roll she shouted excitedly.

Roland was riding so fast,they could feel the cold breeze on their skin.

Roland this is so cool, faster, faster go faster Jessie shouted.

You like it Jessie

Yeah,I love it, she shouted.

Meanwhile Roland gaze was fixed on Jessie smiling face.He was watching them from the view of his room

I haven't seen her that happy in so long,he thought.

After hurting her emotions last time I wonder if Jessie would forgive me.

Jessie let's rest for a bit, I'm tired.

Alright, Roland let's rest for a bit.

Let me get you some water, just wait here, Roland ran inside to get some water.

Jessie was smiling happily,she hopped on the bicycle again , trying to practice riding.

She rode the bicycle close to the swimming pool, unknowing to her she was heading close to the pool.

By the time she realize she tried to hold a brake, but she wasn't stable 

Trying hard to stop the bicycle,she fell on the pool..

Ah, Roland she shouted.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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