
About a Certain Vampire Girl

2:51 AM, the vampire hour. For days now, Dawn Riftwalker, a teenage girl student at Eve's Anathema, has quite the problem. A strange girl with glasses breaks into her room every night without any warnings. That would be one big problem by itself, but the girl in question just had to be a vampire too. Nonsensical, forceful, flirty, that girl is just the kind of person the introverted Dawn has hardest time to deal with. But under all that, she discover someone she enjoys being around as well as a new side of herself. That being said, the world around them is not exactly the most logical place there is and the vampire girl she knows might hide a past and a mind too alien for her to even hope to understand. Amidst all of this, can Dawn finally realize her feelings and convey them properly? Thus begins an heartwarming – albeit slightly twisted and nonsensical – love story about a certain socially awkward girl, and a certain vampire. *** There will be about 4 to 5 chapters per weeks starting on Wednesday or Thursday.

FalSe_sMile · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

About the Seaside Bedroom

"It is the sea!!!"

Yelling that, a certain glass-wearing dark-haired girl ran towards the black waters like a child. The sea winds made her long braid dance as she raised the sand under her feet.

Yes, this was indeed the sea…

It was the sea, but I couldn't enjoy it at all…

You know it by now but it doesn't hurt to say it again. The name is Dawn Riftwalker. Sixteen and an introvert. That is to say, I don't talk to people when I don't feel like I absolutely need to, and mostly stay at home unless I need to be elsewhere. Things like going out on weekends are almost like foreign concepts to me. I don't mind going but nobody invites me because they assume I will say no. Or something like that.

So you might understand why I wasn't against it when the vampire girl asked me if I could go to the beach with her.

Every conditions were reunited. No school the whole week… no school the whole week. That was enough of a reason I think. Besides, if the girl you are in love with asked you to accompany her to the beach, refusing would definitely make you lose points, right?! I know I am thinking in videogames terms, but common! Reality isn't THAT much different, right?!


Maybe I should explain how all of this happened in the first place. It is really simple: three days ago, the vampire girl offered me a cat out of nowhere.

"I found him on the road. Can you take care of him?" she said, not elaborating any further.

"Him? Is it a male?"

"Unknown. I didn't verify."

"Let's do it now then."

"Eh~, you didn't get angry this time…" she said, her mouth taking an 'o' shape.

"Oh, it is true… Well, if I still got angry at you for something like that, we couldn't live together."

"Live together, huh?"

Of course, she would be hung up on the ambiguous part. She was probably trying to embarrass me like usual, but clearly, she was underestimating all my anti-embarrassment training.

"You are here every day so you might as well be living here at this point."

Hmhmhm, admire my 10/10 answer! What do you say to that, vampire?!

She stared at me for a few seconds and smiled, "That is an interesting idea but I can't do that."

"Hm? I didn't really mean it," Ah no, I didn't want to say that, "No, you can stay if you want, but I am not asking you to… Urgh…"

"I will have a lot of free time next week. What about going to my mother's seaside house together?"


And so she asked that out of nowhere. In the end, I accepted both the cat and the travel. But, as usual, I didn't foresee some relatively obvious things.

First, the cat she offered me didn't like me. He – because yes, he was a male – clawed and even bit me as soon as I tried to catch him. Three days later, he was still staying under my bed meowing as if to call for help while only eating whenever I wasn't home.

"Patience. He will like you eventually!" she said but I honestly felt like I was kidnapping the poor cat. Was she trying to make me invoke Stockholm syndrome on him?

Wait… Now that I think about it, wasn't that exactly what she did with me?

Huh, anyway…

We agreed to go there the next week but what I didn't foresee was that she would pick me up in the middle of the night in a classy car with a real driver and then bring me to some house on the outskirts of the town. The other thing I didn't foresee was that she would wear her swimsuit and jersey before running towards the sea as soon as we arrived.

I repeat, it was 4 AM and she was going to jump into the cold water. Why was I even surprised?

"It is the sea!!!"

And so, here we were.

"Milady!!! You can't go there now!!! Wait for daytime at least!!!" yelled a silver-haired young woman in a maid uniform.

She was the "driver" that brought us there. The vampire girl called her Blue Bridge and no, I have no idea whether or not that is her real name. Like all the vampires I met so far she was good looking with her curly silver hair tied in a ponytail. From her green eyes and white slit white pupils, I guessed she must have been of the beast type just like Iovanna. I couldn't really get a good look at her, but I felt her gaze all over me during the trip. Well, I could understand why.

"Daytime is overrated!!!" the vampire girl yelled back. "I am sure Dawn agrees with me, isn't that right Dawn?!!"

Honestly, I wanted to say yes. I mean, I usually only do what I want at night because I am tired during the day so my nights are usually more enjoyable for me. Yes, I know that this is insomnia but let me enjoy my denial a bit longer, please.

Anyway, getting into the water now seemed like an awful idea. Aside from the fact that the maid was looking at it in a creepy way, there was also the fact that the nightly seaside wind was too cold and the waves made a deafening sound. Oh, and I couldn't even see the vampire girl's swimsuit clearly because it was too dark… That was definitely worthy of a red card!

"Let's wait for morning!" I said, nodding gravely.

"Ah!!! Treason!!! You are a traitor, Dawn!!!"

Again, she heard me this well even with all of the noises around her. What a ridiculously good hearing. Finally, the girl returned to us, pouting.

"Hmph. Traitor," she repeated as soon as she was close to me.

"Don't be like that. We can't just get into the water at night. We might drown you know?" That or your maid might poison me.

"You better sleep the rest of the night then," she said, her hands on her hips.

Or rather, she warned as I learned later. As soon as we reached the house, she personally pushed me into a room.

"Don't disturb us," she said to Miss Blue Bridge before closing the door behind her.



Correction, she locked the door behind her.

"Huh, what are you doing?"

"You are going to sleep here today," she said.

"O… kay???"

Still wearing her red jersey, she laid down on the bed and stared at me.





"What are you waiting for?!" she asked, flailing her arms.

"Well, aren't you going… into your room?"

"Hm? But this is my room?"


I turned to the door but before I could touch the door knob, someone held my shoulders. Of course, it was her.



She held my shoulders tighter, and her face loomed over my right shoulder. Her glasses reflected the dimmed orange light of the room in a creepy way and her smile looked unusually large and empty.

"Question. Where do you think you are going?"

"To… my room?"

"But there is no room for you here! Only me!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Hmhmhm. Explanation. I need you to be in top form tomorrow to enjoy the beach with me."


"But I know it! I do know it! You won't sleep until 8 AM because you will stay on your phone all night doing absolutely pointless research on that web thing!!!"

"A-And so what? Learning things is useful, you know?"

"Question. In which situation knowing there is a metallic asteroid shaped like a dog bone named 'Kleopatra' can be qualified as being useful?"

Well… I am sure… Yes, it is probably…

"L-Leave me alone, would you?! And why do you even know that?! Anyway, buy yourself a phone already!!! I am sure you too will see the light!!!"

Ignoring my preachings about the glory of the Internet, she pressed her body against me and caught me from behind.

"Negative. We can't have you sleeping all day. Impossible."

"E-Eh?! W-Wait…"

"You will have to sleep with me! In my bed!! All night!!!"


"... Hm?"

Don't get me wrong, the way she said all of this was probably supposed to be ominous and yes, it was ominous all things considered.

But think about it. A well-endowed girl was pressing her assets against my back in a dimly lit room while saying into my ears that I had to sleep with her. Now, add to this that said girl is your crush and you are mostly alone in a remote residence. Now add to this that she is only wearing a red jersey over a black two-piece swimsuit that I could already write as the sexiest thing I ever saw IRL even though I didn't see it in full yet.

This was definitely bad for my mental health. I was afraid I would do something quite inappropriate if this continued.

Like fondling her chest.

Or grabbing her butt.

Or blowing her ears.

Or licking her neck.

Or burying my face in her jersey.

Okay, I was getting a bit too horny there. Honestly, I think I would have done at least one of those things if I hadn't taken a deep breath and calmed myself like the responsible girl I— I saw the maid looking at me with disgust through the picture window facing the sea. That sure cools the mind.

That damn maid!!!