
About a Certain Vampire Girl

2:51 AM, the vampire hour. For days now, Dawn Riftwalker, a teenage girl student at Eve's Anathema, has quite the problem. A strange girl with glasses breaks into her room every night without any warnings. That would be one big problem by itself, but the girl in question just had to be a vampire too. Nonsensical, forceful, flirty, that girl is just the kind of person the introverted Dawn has hardest time to deal with. But under all that, she discover someone she enjoys being around as well as a new side of herself. That being said, the world around them is not exactly the most logical place there is and the vampire girl she knows might hide a past and a mind too alien for her to even hope to understand. Amidst all of this, can Dawn finally realize her feelings and convey them properly? Thus begins an heartwarming – albeit slightly twisted and nonsensical – love story about a certain socially awkward girl, and a certain vampire. *** There will be about 4 to 5 chapters per weeks starting on Wednesday or Thursday.

FalSe_sMile · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

About Dinner Time – Part 2

"Here, a steak. I left it a bit uncooked. Hope I did it, right."


Sitting in a chair in my kitchen, Lua looked at the steak lying on the plate before her with round eyes. It was as if she never saw something like that before.

"... What? I know I can't cook as well as like your personal cook or those in the great restaurants but—"

"No. This is not it. I was just a bit surprised."


"This smells good."

"... Eat quickly please. When your eyes are open like that, I don't really feel well."

"Huh, yes. Right away."

Having uttered those words, Lua slowly started cutting her meat and picking it with her fork just like a noble lady would. A bit surprising coming from a vampire of the so-called Beast bloodline.

You see, green-eyed vampires also known as Beasts are a species of vampires whose main ability is to modify the structure of their bodies. They can bend and displace their muscles, change their bone structure, and even grow extra limbs. More often than not, they can turn into werebeast, mostly wolves and they have an easier time doing it on a… night of full moon.

Now, I know what you want to say, but shh. They apparently don't like being called that.

They did have a long conflict with the red-eyed vampires because they were considered inferior mutants for a long time. They were enslaved but eventually got their independence – through violence though – and finally were recognized as one of the Three Great Living Vampire Families… or so I was told…

As for their alimentation, I learned they can eat something else than blood though it was just meat. They don't have a good sense of taste apparently, so they generally eat more spicy and like blood soaked meat which is why I decided to cook mine just like that. From what I could see, she seemed to appreciate it.

"Did you like it?" I asked when she finished.

"... Yes…"

For some reason her face was beat red and she was sweating.

"Did I… put too much spice?"

"No. I like it that way."

"Is that so… Hm, so, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much would I score?"

Taking her usual thinking pose, Lua made a long "hmm~" noise before looking up again.

"Hm… I would say… 6? It is better than everything I ate recently."

Well, 6 is NOT bad for someone who doesn't like cooking in the first place… Huh?

"It was better? How come? You mean this steak is better than what you eat in the dormitory?"

"I do not know. I do not eat there."



"Is it… that bad?"

"You should not underestimate your talent for cooking but I am not really in a position allowing me to judge that objectively. Back at the matter at hand, it is just that I do not like eating with my eyes closed so eating in the dormitory is inconvenient for me and the other students."


Those eyes of hers were quite troublesome indeed. I heard from her sister that her idea of evil was frightening people but now I was really asking myself if she chose that because she really found it evil or because she didn't have the choice.

"Why don't you eat in your room then?" I proposed.

"You would not be happy if I broke the school's rules for my own interest."

"No, no, I really don't care about what you do."

"How harsh…" she said, chuckling. "I know that. I am just trying to not stand out for the wrong reasons."

I am not sure I follow…

"So you actually go there to eat? Everyday?"


Now, that is a good opportunity…

"Why don't you eat here then?"

"... Here?"

"You wouldn't bother anyone that way. Well, if you think it is too far away—"

"No, distance isn't a problem but… why are you doing this? You are strange today, Riftwalker."

"I am in a good mood!" I declared my hands resting on my hips.

"... Ah, I thought something was strange…"

Lua sighed and then crossed her legs in a bossy manner.

"I will change my score. This steak was worth 2 points."


I put my hands on the table and leaned towards her.

"You can't just change your mind like that! What am I supposed to understand here?!"

"Riftwalker, I ask thee, what are your feelings toward my sister?"

I narrowed my eyebrows, "That again?"

"I think it is an important thing to verify."

"... I told you, she is just my friend." Hopefully just for now.

"You kept your calm this time."

I shrugged, "The same attack doesn't works twice on one of Athena's Saints."


"... Forget I said anything."

"Given your confidence can I deduce that you sorted your feelings for her?"

"Well, I told you. We are friends."

"Oh, so you are in love with her. Albeit more consciously this time."

"And where does that come from exactly? You can't read minds, can you? I would appreciate if—"

"While I am clearly asking about your feelings, your answers are always about your relationship. It is as if you are trying to subconsciously avoid saying you do not see Sister as something else than a friend."

"... You are probably reading too much into it."


She wasn't.

I mean, she was the sister of the girl I had feelings for. Since I didn't confess yet, I didn't want her to plant seeds along the lines of "she only sees you as a friend" in the mind of her sister. If she liked me back – and I was under that impression for some reason – hearing something like that would lower my chances to… what exactly? No matter, I didn't want that to happen.

That is why I was a little happy that she understood the unconscious nuance in my answers though I didn't need her to point it out. Just like I didn't need to point out the rest.

"Still, inviting me today because you wanted to score some points with your dearest's family. How cold and calculated."

"It… wasn't calculated," I said half offended, half uneasy. "I just saw you and felt like inviting you."

"If you say so."

"It is the truth!"

"Regardless, I must warn you. You really should not grow any fonder of Sister. You will regret it."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "That again? I think we had a conversation about that. Stop projecting yourself onto others, you remember?"

"That time I backed off because of an incorrect assumption," she said, intertwining her fingers. "Now that the misunderstanding died down and I had the time to think about what to say, I think I can hold my position better this time."

Why did I get the distinct feeling she invested too much to prepare this comeback?

"Riftwalker, my sister might look normal to you, something which I am more grateful than you might think, but…"

She paused for a second staring right at me.

"My sister has no concept of love at all. Whether we are talking about friendly love, filial love, or romantic love, her mind simply cannot grasp what it means to care about someone like that. For too long, she only felt interest towards things and people. Her definition of love is as twisted as you had expected coming from… that woman's daughter."

Her voice was filled with thinly hidden bitterness. Did she hate her sister's mother that much? The amount of rage I could feel from her prevented me from asking. But I couldn't just shut up and let her say whatever she wanted though. I didn't know much about her mother, but the vampire girl I knew wasn't the unfeeling monster she was describing.

"Is... Is your opinion of your sister so low? Do you not like her or something?"

"Not… like her?" she asked, with a hint of surprise in her voice. "Quite the contrary. If anything, I love her."

"Then… why do you have such a bad opinion of her?"

"I am afraid you are misunderstanding me, little spider." Little spider? "I have the greatest opinion of her. I am probably more aware of her greatness than you ever will. But that means I also know how twisted she became after all those years. I know for a fact that simply cannot love me back and that is fine by me. I just have to love her enough for both of us."


Well, this sounded like… well, better not mention it. It is probably not that… probably…

I sighed and dropped my shoulders, "This is just a hunch but… does it bother you that your sister talks to me?"

"... No."

"Ah, what was that pause for?!"

"There was no pause. It does not bother me," she said, her eyes sliding away.

"... Wait, you said all of this just because you were jealous?"

"Jea—*cough**cough*– Jealous? No, I am not. Why–*cough**cough*– would I be?"

"Miss Tru'nembra said you weren't really straightforward but to think it was to that extent…"

"I am not jealous. I am simply trying to make you understand that—"

"So you have a cute and childish side too. Not wanting your beloved sister to slip away. Don't worry, she will still play with you from time to time."

"Do not treat me like a child. While I do love my sister, I do not—"

"Now, now. I am sure you will find the right person too."

"Listen to me!"

"Here, how about becoming one of my ladies in waiting?"

I approached her and patted her head like I would for a child. That got me some hellishly creepy glare from her, a glare so strong that my window broke at the same moment… BUT I REGRET NOTHING.

Strangely enough, I noticed that it wasn't her eyes that frightened me this time but how she twisted her face in an inhumane manner. I guess I really made her angry there.

"I will take my leave now."

A few minutes later, Lua decided to go back to the dormitory. She seemed unusually moody.

"You can come back whenever you want. For a steak that is," I said with a smile.

"Trying to buy me with food. How low."

"Don't be like that. I can't afford buying a steak for you everyday so if you want to eat here, buy one one the road beforehand. I would be happy to cook it for you, sister-in-law."



For at least a minute straight, Lua couldn't stop coughing.

"Do*cough*– do not call me that," she managed to say through the handkerchief covering her mouth.

"Is that a reason to break my window?"

"Ahem... Ah~~... Ahem…"


"It… It has nothing to do with me," she said, wiping her mouth.

"If I remember right, you said you would buy me my house, right, sister-in-law?"

"Why... bringing that up now?"

"So you lied, sister-in-law."

"Riftwalker, I would really advise against taunting me. I am a powerful vampire and—"

"You should call me Dawn otherwise it is too formal. Don't you think, sister-in-law?"


"...My window again?"

The corner of Lua's mouth wrinkled as she continued glaring at me to no avail.

"... Lua, I have a high resistance to the uncanny. If I understand what is going on, I can easily negate most mental manipulation skills like your eyes."

Though I wasn't expecting to adapt so quickly. Guess her eyes weren't that powerful.


The red-headed girl stared at me even more menacingly in a desperate attempt to frighten me. An attempt that failed miserably.

"... I… I understand," she said, bowing. "Please, just stop calling me that. I will do... whatever you want."

"You shouldn't say things like that. I might take your word for it."

"I am serious. You can ask me anything but please, just stop saying that word."

"... Okay. You will have to do anything I say though!"

"Only once," she added, straightening herself.

"Hey! You don't have the right to add that part!"

"That is why you should read the fine print in every contract."

"Which one? You—"

"I will send it to you later.."

"Pff, you scammer of a sister-in-law," I said, crossing my hands and shaking my head. "My darling would be devastated to know how you operate."

"Wait, did we not agree that—"

"I will stop. When I receive the contract, that is."


Again, Lua's noble-like air was replaced by a mildly frustrated expression.

"Oh, I get how it is. You win this time but do not grow used to that. I was not myself today."

"Of course, of course…"

Her frustration became more apparent.

"Take my warning to heart, Riftwalker! I will not listen to you when you come crying to me!"

I nodded, "As long as you are here that is good enough."


"So? How much points was that worth, sister-in-law?"

"... I will go back to the dormitory. See you tomorrow, Riftwalker."

And so, Lua left almost like a thief. Guess that I embarrassed her too much but seeing her grow so flustered yet trying to keep her calm was too stimulating.


"What is wrong, Dawn?"

The night was already well engaged when the glass-wearing red-eyed girl standing next to me noticed that I was distracted.



"I think I might be a sadist."

She tilted her head, "Hm? Why mention it now? It is not as if I didn't know. Do you perhaps wish to tie me up and spank me?"

"Why is that the first thing you think about?!"

She looked at me for a few seconds then turned her head left and right.

"I know I don't want to have the answer but… what are you looking for?"

"I was looking for a rope. As you might know, I can't be restrained by usual means but I can play along with your little fetish. Do you want me to bring one next time? Or maybe do you prefer handcuffs? I don't mind either way."

"... If I spanked you now, you probably wouldn't be able to sit anywhere for about a week."

"Ah, that isn't really a problem! Though you will have to wait tomorrow for that!"

"Sarcasm. That was sarcasm."

Sorry for the delay. I had some networks problems the past few days.

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