

Hellloooo every one . How are you doing . I'm very very happy that more 1k people have read previous chapter of my story ABHI. So please show you love in the same way gyes. Love you my readers from the pieces. ❤️❤️

So let's move ahead without wasting your time.

Teacher Aparna called me to in the library after the class gets over . I didn't go because I was afraid and ashamed for what I did. But she had one more class today. So I waited to see what she gonna do .


We all came out . Scarlett was watching me continuously. It was creating a feeling of uncomfortably little. I said her to finish her lunch. She smiled. I was happy to see this smile in her face because of me. Jordan was playing football . He kicked the ball but unfortunately the ball hits the hip of a female teacher . Aparna mam was also there. She was fire at Jordan. Jordan also got mess with her. It was like a debate session. Mam got extremely angry . But she had thrown her anger not only to Jordan and his friends, she included me also for not coming to the library. She advised us to call our fathers. I was trembled completely. My dad was very strict person . When he will come to know that I kissed one girl in school then he surely gonna kill me.

She moved ahead by saying...

" Father means father, not any other guardian understood. And if you don't obey my order then 27 sticks on your back . Remember my words. "

I saw Jordan coming to me .

" What happened" ? I said.

" Amm so are you gonna call your dad in the school or have you thought anything else because you know my dad is very strict person and he freely scolds or slaps me in the class . If he came to know that I have thrown the football on Mam' buttocks though by mistake only but he will not understand and I don't know what gonna happen then. Yah by the way why mam has called your father too."?

he asked.

"Nothing special , just ... " I said.

"No, it's okay if you don't want to tell . So .. are you gonna call your dad because we also know that your dad is also very strict. " he asked.

"No way , " . Listen I have a plan , what if we all bring our guardian like brothers, sister etc. No one brings their father then you know it will act like strength in unity and it will boosts us also because we all will be standing with our brothers rather than father. What say " I said

" Really it's fabulous. " They agreed.

" Yah but one more thing she had said 24 sticks also so I can't say what will be her mood tommorow so it's risky also and ya don't blame me if get punished because no matter it's my idea , if you're agree then only follow what I'm saying okay. " I said.

" Don't worry we won't blame you..

As the school got over , driver came and I reached home. After having food and finishing my homework it turns evening. I went on the roof where my el.br. was already present. It was around 7 : 10 'O' clock.

" Hey Abhi"

''Hay Bhai , actually I have to say you something " .

"Yah please go ahead I'm listening" he said.

" Bhai actually you know yesterday I told you about the tattoo. " I said.

" Yah then ". he asked .

"Actually today Scarlett said that she wants to see the tattoo in the school time only ." .... interrupted

"What the f**k I mean how can you show the tattoo to her in school , for that you have to take off your shirt. " he said.

"Yah exactly I told her but she stubbornly started so I have to show her ." I said.

"You took off your shirt then ?"

"No I just opened some buttons to make her watch but as she started to crawl her fingers on my chest I ..."(interrupted)

"What I. !!!!! listen don't say that you have kissed her or ....

" I smooched her ". I said.

" Wtf ... , Wait one minute you are not that much fool to say me all these without any matter , has anyone watched you both " he asked .

" Yes , Aparna mam . I said.

" Oh, now I got it then she has called your parents and you can't dare to take parents with you in this case so you want me to come with you right"? he said.

" Aahhhhhmmmm. yes. Please don't say no Bhai please please please." I requested him .

" Okay okay I will be there don't worry but ya remember that it's only for this time , I won't protect you always okay. " he said.

" Yes Bhai I promise you it won't be repeated again . So can I consider that you are coming with me " I said.

" Yes " he said.

" Thank you Thank you so much Bhai . You are best bro . Love you bro . " I said.

We went down . I was feeling relaxed.


I reached college . Class started. As Aparna mam was our class teacher . She called me , Jordan and his friends infront of the class and asked about our father. We told her that they are waiting in the club house of the school.

She took us there .

" Where is your father " she asked us .

We told them that our father is busy so we called...... ( interrupted)

" Sorry for wasting your time sir I have called their father not brothers so I have nothing to say to you all gentleman . You may please go "

She stood up from there and went forward towards the class. We all have a staring look to each other and our brothers went back wishing us Best of luck. We all went to class where mam was standing with anger and a stick in her hand.

She called Jordan first .

"Turn back Jordan. " mam said.

" Why... aaammm.... back mam ! " Jordan asked.

" 27 sticks on your back " She said.

By saying this only she turned Jordan's face towards white board and hit him 27 sticks continuously on his bum . I was swallowing. Then after that she sent all his friends to their respective seats . I also thought that hsssshhh may be I will also be forgiven.

" Abhi turn back ". she said.

" I'm sorry mam . " I said in a gentle tone.

" 54 sticks , quietly turn back " she ordered.

" But it was of 27 sticks, not 54. " I requested her.

" You are school leader and this type of irresponsibility is not acceptable , not atleast from school leader. You have to be responsible enough. If you don't obey teachers then, what your juniors will learn from you . Now don't waste mine as well as class time turn back . ". she said.

I requested her a lot but it was all useless. I got beat up badly . Instead of 27 she bursted on me with 54.

I was literally frustrated of Scarlett because she was responsible for all these.

..........TO BE CONTINUED.........



Instagram-Nidhishashwat . So please suggest me character face , height etc. as per your thinking. You are mostly welcome on my Instagram.

New story is coming on ...

I hope you like this chapter. SO UNTILL THEN STAY SAFE .

LOVE YOU ❤️❤️♥️😘❣️😘❣️😘❤️😘