
Head Cut Off

บรรณาธิการ: Exodus Tales

Andariel held the captain's body and smashed it towards the ground. But since the spirit guardian knight captain was a skeleton, and the spirit wolf was only a transparent being, this kind of physical damage did not impact it that much.

Abel jumped on Black Wind and began charging again. Although Black Wind and he worked very well together, Andariel still dodged them with a gentle twist.

It was perfect.

After Andariel realized her smash did not do much to the captain, she continued to hold it down and began to attack it with her other hand. The spirit guardian knight captain tried to block with its shield, but could not withstand her force.

Abel followed up with a strike with his Jade Tan Do, but no matter how many times he tried, Andariel could always avoid him with a gentle twist, all while attacking the spirit guardian knight captain. Abel almost wanted to facepalm himself.