
Abducted : Beautiful Nightmare

"I can't fall in love,Natasha." "Why not?Are you scared?" "Of course not, I'm not scared of anything." "Then you shouldn't be scared of loving" "I can't be scared of doing something when I can't even do it." "I'll teach you. Let me teach you to love. Let me love you,I dare you." ...... "Natasha,get off me." "But why?This is so comfortable." "Natasha,get off me or else.." "Or else what? I'm not scared of you anymore ,diavolo. I know you'd never hurt me." "Why aren't you scared of me? Every sensible person is ." "Well, being sensible is overrated. The crazy things we do make life worth living." "Isn't it better to survive? Shouldn't you be trying to kill me,instead? Haven't I been your worst nightmare?" "Yes,you have but you have been my beautiful nightmare." Natasha is kidnapped on her wedding day by a very dangerous man.So, dangerous he was named after the devil,himself. Natasha becomes his prisoner on his thirst for revenge against her father. What happens when she finds out a secret he's hidden from the world? What happens when he begins to treat her differently from his other prioners?

Olawole_Edore · แอคชั่น
13 Chs

Off limits

Waking up next to Diavolo gave Natasha a fright. She screamed ,waking Diavolo in the process.

"Please don't tell me you're screaming because you saw a spider or something." Diavolo was clearly annoyed that she woke him up.

"What are you doing here?"She asked.

"What do you mean? This is my room. "

"Then,why am I here?"

"You tell me. "Diavolo said.

"Forget it." She huffed.

She tried to get out of bed but he pulled her back.

"Do you really not remember what happened yesterday?"

"It's all blank after he punched me."


Natasha tried to get up but he stopped her once again.

He pulled her to himself and towered over her. Natasha felt her heart beating wildly. What was he doing anyway? Why was he so close to her? They were in his bed. He was on top of her in his freaking bed! She hoped he wasn't getting any funny ideas or she swore to God she'd give him a nice kick where the sun doesn't shine.

Diavolo also wondered what the hell it was he was doing. He had never been this close to a woman, voluntrily. It had always been forced. Be tried to keep the memories of that horrid place right where they should be; buried.

Diavolo stared at her and wondered what made her so different. He wondered why it was easier to touch her. It wasn't completely easy though,he felt like he was going to have a panic attack soon.

'Breathe in..breathe out.' He did as his therapist told him to.

"Are you okay?"She asked.

Diavolo didn't have to answer as his phone suddenly started ringing.

He had been saved by the bell.

"I have to get this." He said.

He wondered why he even did that. He could have just left. It's not like he needed her permission or something.

He picked the call. He was informed her father had caused them some trouble. He laughed. He had finally got under his skin.

John,who was at the other end of the phone, informing him was surprised. He thought Diavalo would be mad but his reaction was odd. It wasn't even his dark laughter. He sounded genuinely happy.

Diavolo was genuinely happy. It was time. It was time for him to have his sweet sweet revenge.

He cut the call and went back to Natasha. She was trying to get out of bed.

"Stubborn woman." He said under his breath.

"I heard that."

"You were supposed to." He lied

"You are not supposed to be out of bed yet. You are supposed to be having some rest."

"Why do you even care?"

"I don't." Diavolo said and left.

She wondered what that was all about. Why was he suddenly being so caring? He probably still needed her because of her father. Yes,that was it. He didn't really care about her. He couldn't. He had made it very clear anyway.


Diavolo went to the dungeons and called out for the guards. He asked who had hurt Natasha but nobody replied. He already knew who did it because of the security footage.

"I can't believe you aren't confident enough to tell me what you did. I have a reward for you but your lack of confidence is so dissapointing." He pretended to leave but he halted when the culprit stopped him.

He smirked. Mind games always worked, every Damm time. It got him every thing he wanted.

"Wait! It was- it was me." A guy probably in his mid or early twenties said. He looked at the floor like it was the most interesting thing. He was terrified. He didn't know what the reward was but be had some ideas and they weren't good at all.

"Come here."Diavolo ordered calmly.

"So, it's you. What's your name?"

"It's Kyle,sir."He shivered.

" You are the one who thinks he can break the rules and get away with it. You are not to touch the prisoners unless asked to." This had been a rule for a while now but it had never really been enforced.

He had made the rule because they needed some prisoners in one piece and sometimes they would eventually realise their prisoners but this rule hadn't been enforced because Diavolo really didn't care about anyone and if he ever had to return the prisoner the person should be happy he got out alive and that should be more than enough.

"I'm sorry but she was being so noisy and you always say you dislike noise."

He was a smart one, Diavolo would give him that but this wasn't just some prisoner. No,there was something different about her.

"So,you were trying to help me?"Diavolo said.

"Yes sir!"Kyle said. He thought he was off the hook.

"So you think I'm incapable of helping myself."

"No, Diavolo. I never said that."

"Are you saying I'm lying?"

"No sir, I would never say that." Kyle got on bus knees. He thought he was going to die. Diavolo was going to kill him. Diavolo was popular for his mind games. He mostly did this right before he killed his prey.

"What part of your body did you use to hurt her and don't even think about lying?" Diavolo thought he should just get his punishment over with. He decided not to kill him. He looked quite genuine with his apology.

"My right hand."Kyle thought the question was absurd but he answered. Before he could understand anything he felt immense pain in his arm. He looked and saw that it had been cut off.

He yelled in pain.

"To the rest of you. Natasha is offlimits. Anyone lay a finger on her and I'll be chopping off more than an arm."Diavolo said.