
Aahva's trio

Aahva's life is full of adventure. She met a lot of people. Every time her luck fail to get perfect loved one. She always feel lack of love. She met nik and prans. Both are in love with her. Will she get into love or will she into a huge trouble? Will her life get some turning point?

EktaMehta · สมัยใหม่
52 Chs

chapter -26

Aahva" Thank you Mr. Nik."

Nik" your welcome Miss beautiful."

Aahva" Ok then i have to go now. contact Miss Bella when you start the project."

Nik" why? You don't wanna give me your contact number?"

Aahva smiled" i just happened to lose my phone so now i have to purchase a new one."

Nik" Wait a moment."

Nik call his assistant and ask her to give him a brand new phone in 10 minutes.

within seconds Ruhi come and give him a brand new iPhone 14 Pro and left from there.

Nik give this phone to Aahva.

Aahva" Mr. Nik no need of this i will buy myself."

Nik" it's ok. it's just a small gift from me. take it."

Aahva take it as she know he is a billionaire so he don't care about this things.

Aahva" Thank you so much for this."

Nik " Let's open it now and start the phone."

Aahva" But i don't have any number."

Nik " Don't worry just open it i will fix it for you."

Aahva open the box and a brand new iPhone take it outside.

Nik use some codes and phone started.

Nik dial his number using her phone.

Nik" take it. Now you have my number. save it."