

DISCLAIMER: Despite the category, this story doesn't focus on romance. A world where both magic users and normal humans co-exist... In that world, a family in Tokyo experiences the hardships of living with magic. Yuiko, a high-schooler focused on living a normal life, transfers to Nagareboshi Academy, a magic school; unaware of the events awaiting her. Heartache. Anger. Happiness. Hope. All in this story, that will live on for all eternity.

ProjectShinohara · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

CHAPTER ONE: The Reason I'm Here

When I was younger, I used to play around with my older sister and one of my cousins a lot. The thing is, this world has magic in it, meaning we could all get into all sorts of trouble. That was the only fun thing about magic for me.

All of that fun stuff is gone now. Long gone. All I have left are the memories, but they're enough for me anyway. My family didn't agree though.

I glared up at the tall doors in front of me. They're meant to be the doors to get into the school, but they were way bigger than they needed to be. To make the academy look fancy? Probably. They were also apparently hard to open.

"Are you going to open the doors or what?"

Hearing an annoyed voice, I turned around to the source. Well, their face matched their annoyed voice; they looked pissed off, too. I glared back at them.

"You can literally ask me to move. Politely." I sighed as I stepped to my left, letting them pass me, "You could benefit from being nice."

In response, they STILL shoved past me, opening the doors to the building before walking in. I could swear that I heard them cursing at me underneath their breath.

Since my only hope of getting inside was by following them in, I went with it; making sure that I was far enough away from them. I only needed to get into the building, but those doors wouldn't open no matter what I did. Not even pushing or pulling, which y'know, you'd usually try first.

Now that I could actually see the inside of the school, it looked more modern than I'd expect. I was expecting something more old-fashioned, since it's an old building. It's a shame I didn't really want to study here; the place seems nice. Apart from that one person I came across.

"So… where's Kisara?"

My sister, Kisara, was meant to be greeting me as I entered the school, but while I was looking around I couldn't see her. She'd be really hard to miss with the color of her hair… It's green. It meant I was left in a random hall, holding a suitcase, all by myself.

"... I should Just ask for help."

Is what I thought, but the only other person in the hall right now was the one from earlier. The door person… I was NOT about to ask them for help, so I found a seat by one of the walls, and sat down; now deciding to wait for my sister to eventually turn up. Phone in hand, I started to scroll through my social media.

There's never anything interesting going on, everything is so boring. I tapped on my messages, seeing if any of my online friends had messaged me. Not surprising, but there was nothing in the group chat. Annoyed, I huffed a little.


I heard a familiar voice call my name, causing me to raise my head to the source of the sound. I put my phone away, as I locked eyes with my sister.

In terms of appearance, she hadn't changed too much. Her hair was slightly longer, but that's the only thing I could see was different… Unless the shade of green got darker? She still held herself with confidence, but in a calm way.

Kisara was finally standing in front of me, smiling gently. I couldn't show the same smile, and just nodded towards her, to show I'm not ignoring her, "you got here okay?"

I chuckled, shrugging my shoulders, "well I'm here, aren't I?"

I couldn't tell how she was feeling, but she smiled nonetheless, grabbing the suitcase that was beside me, "I'll help. Let's go to your dorm."

Walking away in front of me, I followed Kisara. Frowning to myself slightly, still not believing that I gave into her nagging to attend this school.

"Yuiko, I know you don't like magic, but…"

I was on the phone to Kisara; she wanted to talk to me about something important. However, I didn't expect her to mention magic of all things. I gave up on that last year.

"But what?" Annoyed, I urged Kisara to finish her sentence.

"Could you attend Nagareboshi Academy?"

In disbelief, I sighed. No matter how much I tell people I don't want anything to do with magic, they don't seem to listen.


"Why not? We need you here."

"No, you really don't."

I felt like the conversation wasn't going anyway, so I placed my free hand by my face, resting my cheek against it. I huffed.

"Yuiko… we're family. I don't ask much of you, so PLEASE do this for me."

I stayed silent for a moment, before replying, "... what am I needed for?"

"We're all struggling. I think though, if you're here, you'll be able to help us."

"Okay, but help with what?"

"... coming to terms with our grief."

"Welcome to your new room for the year," Kisara opened the door in front of me, motioning for me to go inside first. So I did.

There was a desk right in front of the window, catching any light that was coming from outside. Not far from the desk, to the right, was a single bed that was probably gonna be extremely dusty. My nose wrinkled in disgust at the thought.

"It's not much… but I made sure you didn't have a roommate!" I turned my attention to my sister once more, who was standing in the doorway, "That's good, right?"

I let my arms be free from the extra luggage I was carrying, and I shrugged my shoulders in response to Kisara, "It wouldn't change much, but I guess I'm grateful."

Turning to face my new desk, I got lost in my own thoughts. Most of those thoughts were escape plans if I ever decided being here was too much.

"You'll probably have to find the Weapons Teacher: Hiragi-sensei." Kisara broke the silence.

"Hiragi-sensei? And… where would they be?"

"I'd show you, but…" Kisara paused for a brief moment before continuing, "I can't walk you there, I have Student Council responsibilities to attend to."

'Showing a new student around isn't one of them?'

I clicked my tongue and nodded to what she said. Finding my way around this huge school shouldn't be a problem at all. Heh.

"I'll be fine," I sighed slightly, "probably."

Hearing the door close behind me, my expression became cold, almost stoic-like. I'm about to spend the rest of my education years in this academy full of magic-users, my second most-hated people in the world. First being people who willingly delve into relationships.

"This is gonna be such a pain in the ass…" I mumbled to myself, gearing up and getting ready to go outside and begin my search for the Weapons classroom.

People playing with fire.

People playing with electricity.

People playing with water.

Stepping outside, there was so much magic around me. Different people talking and casually walking with magical pets.

It felt… a little too much.

I took a few steps down the stairs leading to the female dorms, and sighed as I looked at the scenery surrounding me.

'So much for a peaceful life.'

From the corner of my eye, I could see a small jellyfish gliding over to me. It was slow, but eventually reached my location.


The small jellyfish waved a tentacle at me, almost as if it was telling me to follow it.

I raised an eyebrow.

'There's no logic in following a jellyfish. No.'

I shook my head, raising my hands slightly as I backed away from the sentient being. I already have enough magic surrounding me, I don't need this.

Anger was the only expression I could make out from whatever this jellyfish had as a face. Slowly, it floated closer towards me, one tentacle raised and aiming for me. My eyes widened, and I stumbled backwards; catching myself before I fell.

"Sheesh, why can't I catch a—"


I'm not quite sure how someone should explain what an electric shock is like. Especially a magic one. If I had to put it into words, imagine getting burnt by something REALLY hot, but instead of just that one area, it spreads through your body.

It was a pain I never had to describe until now.

Finally feeling my arm after that shock, I glared at the jellyfish, before sighing in defeat.

"Fine. I'll follow you."

"Well done, jellyfish, you got me lost."

Crossing my arms in disappointment as the jellyfish began 'blobbing' in panic, I couldn't help but feel like I'd wasted my time. I watched for a while longer, as the jellyfish crossed its own 'arms' in thought.

Somehow, this jellyfish looped around, making us end right back where we started. I think.


A voice, one that I found familiar, came from behind me; causing me to turn around and focus my attention on them.

A purple haired girl stood there, her expression empty and cold. Violet eyes I could never forget pierced into me.


Tsuki Shinohara, my cousin. The cousin I was closest to; we shared similar hobbies and just… ended up spending so much time together that we became great friends, too.

That was before…

"How have you been?"

Her voice was clear, and still held that subtle gentleness that always appeared whilst she was talking to family. Even despite her empty looking demeanor.

"Me? Great. You look like you've had… experiences." I tried to respond as kindly as I could, whilst noting her complete overhaul in the personality department. Although Tsuki has always been the silent type, she's never looked dead on the inside.


"Yeah. You look dead."

"Oh, I see."

Silence washed over us, and it was a rather awkward one, too. Probably because we haven't seen each other or spoken for a whole year.

Awkwardly looking around me at anything other than my cousin, I remembered the reason I was here: the stupid jellyfish. Turning to the blob of blue, it was now pointing its tentacles towards each other as if it was currently feeling shy.

"I, uh, have to see some Weapons Teacher about something?" Still feeling awkward, my statement came out as a question instead.

"Hiragi-sensei? I can take you to them."

"Ah, that'd be appreciated." I chuckled, allowing Tsuki to take the lead. For some reason, the jellyfish continued to follow us, too.

As we made our way through the remains of the garden, students that passed us by would often stop and stare at us. Gossiping, probably.

"They're all staring at us." I commented, walking a few steps behind Tsuki, who shook her head in disagreement.

"No, they're looking at me."

"Oh? Are you the most important person in the world, then?"

Though it was mixed in with my sarcasm, my curiosity was definitely there and asking to be fulfilled.

"I don't usually help people except for Hina."

"... Who's Hina?"

Tsuki stopped in her tracks, and I almost walked into her. Very slowly, she turned to face me, a look of confusion mixed with amazement took over her features.

"Did you ever listen to what I said?"

"Regarding magic school? Yeah, sorry, no," I let out a quiet laugh, now playing with the ends of my school sweater, "I was never interested in this place."


Tsuki's eyes never left me, almost as if she was examining my whole being.

She turned back round, picking up her pace; walking faster than before. Silence engulfed the two of us, but it wasn't uncomfortable like before.

"You're wearing her sweater."

My breathing hitched, and I winced at the mention of the sweater I was wearing.

"Only thing available."

My attention drifted to the multiple flower beds around us. Different colors, flowers, and people looking after them. I always thought the school looked after the gardens, not the students.

But one student in particular seemed way too familiar to me, and that's because I had met them before.

They looked my way, as Tsuki and I walked closer, and whatever smile they had disappeared once they recognised me. Walking into the middle of the path, they stopped Tsuki and I in our tracks.

"It's you."

Tsuki seemed to be curious, but didn't ask anything; instead turning to look at me to see how I'd react.

"We meet again, door asshole!" I grinned at the student from earlier in the day, who for some reason, couldn't share my enthusiasm, "How's your day going?"

"Good until I saw you again." They deadpanned with a small groan, as they raised their hands to massage the temples of their head, "Just my luck."

"Yuiko, care to explain?" Tsuki jumped into the conversation, her arms crossed as she kept her eyes on me.

"Oh, I met this guy earlier," I pointed at the student in front of us, and smiled nonchalantly, "They're an asshole."

"Says you! I could be kinder? Check yourself." They retorted, almost grinning as if they'd won this little conversation.


"I do, daily! I'm pretty nice, don't you think, Tsuki?" I nudged my cousin slightly, who could only nod, before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the student.

"Excuse us, we have places to be."

"I wish I didn't…" I mumbled, yet allowed Tsuki to guide me to wherever I needed to be.

'Even speaking to that person felt more normal than anything magic-related… Ugh.'

"Open this door, and Hiragi-sensei should be there."

The two of us were now standing by a classroom door, with Tsuki pointing towards it.

"Do you need anything else?"

"Other than help escaping? No."

"I'll be leaving, then." Tsuki, with a very small smile, waved at me, before turning on her heels and walking back the way from which we came.

"Not one for small talk?" I mumbled to myself, as I turned to look at the classroom door, before letting myself smile slightly, "Heh, fine by me."

I reached for the door, opening it; sliding it to my right. When I poked my head into the classroom, I immediately locked eyes with the person I was here to see.

Well, I assumed so, anyway.

"You must be Yuiko Shinohara?"

"No, I'm a ghost."

Rolling my eyes, I walked towards the front of the classroom, where the teacher was standing by a chalkboard.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?"

"Alright. Before we let you choose your weapon, the class president must be present." Hiragi-sensei snapped their fingers once, for some strange reason.

"Won't I meet her in class? I can't be bothered meeting her no—"

"Pleasure to meet you!" A blue twin tailed girl popped up in front of me, holding her hand out in order for me to shake it.

I managed to jump back in shock; my eyes glanced back and forth between the girl's face and her hand, and I couldn't help but feel confused. Who? Why? From where—?

The jellyfish from earlier suddenly wrapped its tentacle around my hand, lifting it up to touch the blue haired girl's open one. Its goal was most likely to force me to shake her hand.

Well, it succeeded.

I raised an eyebrow, yet remained uninterested as I looked back to Hiragi-sensei. They were shuffling around, placing different weapons on the desk in front of them.

Scythe, sword, bow, staff, book, and so many more…

"I'm your class president by the way," the girl whose hand I was forced to shake spoke again, turning my attention to her, "I'm Ami! Ami Fujiwara!"

"... Yuiko Shinohara." Mentally rolling my eyes at her enthusiasm, I responded with my own name. So this is the class president. Lord help me.

I looked back at the teacher, who was ready to speak, and explain what was going on.

"Now, Shinohara-san, look at the weapons before you, and choose whichever you desire."

Straight away, I laid my eyes on the book. It was colored with different shades of blue, gray, and white, and the patterns decorating it were elegant swirls.

'Heh, imagine thwacking someone with knowledge mid-battle.'

"I take it you're fond of the book?"

'I hate how obvious that is.'

I gave no response other than nodding my head in agreement; crossing my arms as I did so. On the other hand, Hiragi-sensei grinned, laughing for a reason unbeknownst to me. They reached down for the book, picking it up and examining it.

"It's about time someone paid attention to you, you poor thing," I thought this couldn't get any weirder, but Hiragi-sensei spoke to the book briefly, before looking back at me. With a swift move, they threw the book towards me, which I somehow caught, "here. Take good care of her."

"Of her? How does the book have a gender?"

"You'll see."


I walked closer to the book, taking it with one hand and holding it by my side. Then I turned back to the hyperactive duo in the room.

"Let me walk you back to your dorm, Shinohara-chan!" Ami cheered, fist-pumping the air slightly as she stepped closer to me, "Shall we go?"

"It's not like I have a choice, is it?" I sighed and turned on my heels, walking to the classroom door, followed closely by the class president and the same jellyfish from earlier today.

'I was right. This is a huge pain in the ass.'

"Oh, this is it?"

Before I knew it, I was back at my dorm, standing outside the door. I was now waiting for Ami to leave, so I could be alone.

I glanced at the jellyfish that refused to leave my side.

'Somewhat alone.'

"I guess I can leave you now…" For a moment, Ami's enthusiasm died down, but returned quickly. Her head turned to me in a flash, and her eyes lit up, "Unless you want to hang out?"

"No, I don't wanna hang out…" I awkwardly responded, "You can go. In fact, please do leave."

"Y-yeah," Ami seemed taken aback, and she stuttered, "I'll see you in class tomorrow, then!"

The class president waved to me as she started taking steps backwards, eventually turning around and walking away properly.

But something wasn't moving.




I raised my hand and covered my face with a sigh. The jellyfish stayed with me. Again.

"If I'm stuck with you," I lowered my hand and reached for the door handle, twisting it and pushing my room's door open. I motioned for the jellyfish to go inside, "Get in."


It floated into the room happily making even more weird sounds. Before stepping into the room myself, I watched the jellyfish place itself on my desk. Like it was laying down to nap.

Taking small steps into the room, I closed the door behind me, and sat down at the desk; placing the book from earlier next to the jellyfish. From the window, different shades of orange and red trickled in, reminding me of my once normal days just staring at the sunset with my friend. I preferred that normal life of mine…

It made me regret coming here, but I guess it's not hard to make me regret doing something related to magic. Yet, the fact that even the sunset could make me regret this is honestly pathetic.

'What even made me agree to this? What's my reason?'

"The reason I'm here…" I mumbled under my breath, glancing down at the book on my desk. I lifted my hand in a lazy manner, and started stroking the blue-like gray spine of the book. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find a logical explanation as to why I agreed to this.

I let out a groan, and leaned back in my seat, letting my hands fall to my side.

"Man, I don't even know anymore."