
His Stare

He'd been staring at me all of class and To be honest I was getting a little annoyed. I could feel his eyes in the back of my neck. What was he doing? I looked over at him but the second I did he looked away. Like nothing had ever happened. But why? Probably that my mom made me wear black pants with my school uniform instead of the regular blue plaid skirt. I blushed and looked away.

Maybe he thought I was pretty! No. He couldn't have. My mother says I'm too ugly for a boy to like me. The teacher called on me randomly and asked me answer his question. And like always, I answered all of them correctly. He gave me a questioned look and went back to teaching. I felt Joey's eyes staring at me again.

I looked over, but he still didn't stop staring. I waved my hand to make sure he was alright, and he just waved back. Strange. Then he raised his hand and asked the teacher, "May I go to the restroom?" And the teacher said yes. But as he was walking by my desk, he dropped a piece of paper on it, I opened it, knowing it was for me. It read,

"Dear Addy,

I need to speak with you. It's an emergency. I need help. Meet me in this room during lunch time. You can bring your lunch. Don't worry, Mr. A isn't going to be in here. Don't bring anyone. See you there!



It was strange that he would ask me to meet him. He haven't talked to me for 5 years, and now all of a sudden he want to secretly meet up? But I have to go. I gotta know what's going on. I guess I'll see him there!?