
A Writer Beneath

Aurora Pearl Vance "Stunned by sex and some would say stupid from too much love" I decided to write my own book about the protagonist not falling in love but quite the opposite. ________________ This book is about an anonymous author who is greatly questioned of her actions and reasons. Aurora Pearl Vance is an introvert, having few friends, hides everything within and proudly against all love stories been made. Having a great fear of being exposed to the public, not wanting to risk her secured private life. Her so called rival "Nathan Wagner" surprisingly and unwantedly showed up in her life. An author who have a different view of love and life, how will he positively impact the world of our protagonist. And how will Aurora handle this situation? Find out more about the Protagonist resenting the word 'love', strongly believe it doesn't exist, more conflict, beliefs, action, backstory, laws, culture, suspense, decision making and romance in the story. The most important question asked "Why". Stay tuned for more discovery. ______________________

Triplepreme · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs


Aurora Pearl Vance

"Stunned by sex and some would say stupid from too much love" I decided to write my own book about the protagonist not stupidly falling in love but quite the opposite.


SHE smiled as she recited her favourite lines to the audience who were present there and took a deep heavy breath carefully closing the book in her hands.

A loud thunderous applaud resounded in the auditorium praising unto her name. A brisk smile waltzed upon her lips accepting their acknowledgement.

She slightly waved to the audience as her attention was drawn back to the event coordinator.

"Kate, how does it feel to be the Youngest Pulitzer Prize- winning author?",the coordinator professionally questioned with the best smile implanted on her.

She chuckled a little, not quite surprised of the questions being asked. She heard it so many times and gave the same answer. "It has been a great honor to be given this splendid award, I was shocked and contented being nominated for the categories talk less of actually winning. My vote of thanks goes out to my fans who supported me through my years and everyone of you who were involved in creating such book, Thanks once more". Her gentle voice echoed through the hall, earning a loud acknowledgement from her fans.

"Yeah, your fans are really great supporter"

"Yes, they are!"

"I'll continue with the questions and I hope you'll have no trouble answering them". The coordinator gave a soft smile not wanting the star of the show to be offended.

She returned the gestures with her best posture "No problem".

"How did publishing your first successful book change your process of writing?".

"I don't think it did much in the aspect of change though I'm grateful, but all I can say is I've improved in process of my writing".

"That's one great answer,kate!!"

She responded with a smile at the coordinator's compliment.

"If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?".

"Stay focused, be yourself and we made it 'eventually'". She joked and the entire auditorium laughed at her remark.

"Yes, you did!"

"Have you heard of the Author of Book 'Hidden'?"

"Nathan Wagner!!".

"Yes, do you have anything to say about him, I heard he was also nominated for the same category but you won by a slight chance?", The event coordinator spilled out in hatred, guessed she is one of Nathan Wagner's fan.

Kate was shocked by the hatred not trying to hide from how she sounded. Her politeness was a fake and a cover up scheme.

She instantly composed herself and answered honestly. "He is a great author, one of the best known and I'll be forever grateful for winning the award".

The coordinator hummed not accepting her honest respond.

"The roaring final question spreading widely among the fans, the internet and people is for how long do you want to have this mask on and why do you intend to stay as an anonymous author. Kate is just your pseudonym name, right?".

She has been excepting the question to be asked since the recent boost of suspicious rumour.


This book is about an anonymous author who is greatly questioned of her actions and reasons. Aurora Pearl Vance is an introvert, having few friends, hides everything within and proudly against all love stories been made. Having a great fear of being exposed to the public and not wanting to risk her secured private life.

Her so called rival "Nathan Wagner" surprisingly and unwantedly showed up in her life. An author who have a different view of love and life, how will he positively impact the world of our protagonist.

And how will Aurora handle this situation?

Find out more about the Protagonist resenting the word 'love', strongly believe it doesn't exist, more conflict, beliefs, action, backstory, laws, culture, suspense, decision making and romance in the story. The most important question asked "Why". Stay tuned for more discovery.
