
A Writer Beneath

Aurora Pearl Vance "Stunned by sex and some would say stupid from too much love" I decided to write my own book about the protagonist not falling in love but quite the opposite. ________________ This book is about an anonymous author who is greatly questioned of her actions and reasons. Aurora Pearl Vance is an introvert, having few friends, hides everything within and proudly against all love stories been made. Having a great fear of being exposed to the public, not wanting to risk her secured private life. Her so called rival "Nathan Wagner" surprisingly and unwantedly showed up in her life. An author who have a different view of love and life, how will he positively impact the world of our protagonist. And how will Aurora handle this situation? Find out more about the Protagonist resenting the word 'love', strongly believe it doesn't exist, more conflict, beliefs, action, backstory, laws, culture, suspense, decision making and romance in the story. The most important question asked "Why". Stay tuned for more discovery. ______________________

Triplepreme · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs



"Aurora, where the fuck are you?. You said dinner at 8 now it's almost 9!", Rina angry voice resounded in my ear as I jerked up from my deep tired sleep.

After being dropped off at my apartment, I crumped and stumbled into my room tiredly slumped my body on the bed as I slept off only to be woken by Rina pissed voice over the phone.

Been stressed out lately and my schedule being hectic asf I forgot about the dinner with her.

Oh, she is going to be mad !!

"I'm really sorry Rina, I got tired right after getting home and slept off. So sorry Rina, I'll be right there hmmm what do you think of me taking you out for late night shopping?", I stated as I rushed out of bed, taking a quick shower to meet her at 'Sirius Lucy Diner'.

The line went quiet for a minute until "All bills on you?".

"Yes Rina, all bills on me", I dramatically mimicked her.

"You better!", she said immediately and hanged up, yep she is still mad.

I checked the time on my phone, it's 8:45pm only to discover ten missed calls from her. I sighed knowing it was going to be a long night.

I rushed out of my apartment and took my black porsche hurriedly drove off. I usually don't drive this late at night but ordering an Uber at this hour is going to take some time.

So I have no chose but to drive, arriving at the five star diner in twenty minutes. I hastily walked up to the receptionist and asked for my table reservation under Aurora Vance's name.

I booked a table to enjoy an actual delicacy and I'm also the one coming late for that same dinner. I rubbed my nose, brushing some strand of my hair falling to my eyes as the receptionist was checking to the confirm the reservation.

She smiled at me and lead me to the intended table as I sighted Rina in a black body hugged gown 'Alone' already digging into her food, casually sipping her red wine. I walked up to the table taking the seat in front of her as I said before she could say a word.

"Before you say anything, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry rina okay", I pouted in attempt for her to let me go.

"Okay"she said poking her steak with her fork.

"Just okay", I stated shocked while arching an eyebrows at her actions.

"Yeah, I know you're really busy and everything. I'm not mad but pissed and also worried bitch I called your phone for like a thousand times or more and you didn't pick. I was starting to get worried", as she stated down as she still sliced her steak and munched on the piece.

"So sorry Rina"

"It's fine babe. I know you didn't intend for this!!", she gave me a soft smile and continue to dig into her food.

"I can see you've ordered", I said wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"Yeah, the minute you said you were on your way I had to order right away I was already starving bitch", she replied slapping my hand across the table in annoyance.

I chuckled lifting in my hands surrending "I'm sorry".

"You're gonna order or not?. You're getting thin Aura you need to eat more, I can literally see your bone almost popping out", she demanded as her mom instinct emerged.

"Stop being so dramatic Rina and I'm fine".

"I'm only looking out for you Aura. Don't forget to always call me whenever and wherever you need me okay, I'll be there".

I smiled at her utmost concerned

"And bitch, don't you dare forget about the night shopping you promised me", she yelled gaining some customers attention in the diner.

"Rina, stop shouting. I did not forget, we are going after our dinner", I assured and called for a waitress.

I ordered for a chicken-fried steak and gravy with a white champagne.

"So how's everything Rina?", I asked after the waitress left. Sabrina is one of top ten best model in the fashion industry as she recently started her own beauty line. With the help of her supportive parent, she was able to bring her company to it's highest peak at an early stage.

"The company is running smoothly and I have a runway event to attend tomorrow, you will come right?".

"Yes I will. I'll surely be there don't worry".

"How's mom and dad, it has been long since I heard from both of them?".

"Bitch how would I know?. I haven't heard from them in a while too!!", we both busted into laughter at her statement.

"We should visit them soon, don't you think so?", We struggled to control our laughter as I mentioned.

"Yeah, I missed them though"

We were chatting about our memories and moment in our a'dventurous life' which was mainly Rina's til we suddenly went silent hearing some coercion between a drunk customer and a worker. We weren't able to hear and see their conversations clearly as the people in the diner obstructed our views, he was obviously drunk as he was yelling at the poor worker.

Rina and I tried to focus more on our food than the yells of the drunk rude man and the pleads of the waitress till we heard a reverberatingly sound.

We both looked at the other after the resounding noise giving a very well known reaction 'Did he just lay his filthy hands on her?'.

Oh Lord, shit is about to go down !!

We stood at once from our seat and walked to the crime of scene as we spotted the rude uncivilized man lifting his hand in the air attempting to slap the poor waitress again.

The poor girl was already crying on the floor shield her face from anymore harassment.

Rina treaded over to the man held his hand before he could act on his disgustingly action as people watched in distress but they weren't able to do anything, typical human.

"Who the fuck are you?", The drunk man questioned trying to free his hand from Rina's tight gripped. As I rushed over the poor girl, helping her up only to realized she is our waitress for the night. She had a red swollen cheek indicating the slap on her face.

She was still in trance, murmuring soft apologies. She was so scared, her body was trembling in my arms as my heart instantly broke at the situation of the girl.

I whispered some reassuringly word to her, taking her to the other side carefully asked for her take a seat at the corner of the room with her fellow co-worker at her side.

"It's okay...Viviane", I said remembering her name.

Her friend handed her a bottle of water gently patting her back hugging her sideway. "You did nothing wrong, after this you can file a complaint against him he is drunk as hell but that doesn't give him a single fuck to raise his hand on a woman", I squatted lifting Viviane's head giving her a reassuring smile.

"Will you do that for me?. Stay calm and strong, don't let other others walk over you just because you're less privileged. Okay?", she nodded in response sniffing.

'Take care of her, I'll be back', I mouthed to Viviane's friend and left.

Where are the fucking authorities or a freaking manager in this desperate situation??.

I marched over to the crowded scene to find Rina throwing the man on the floor, his back harshly hit the floor as he screamed in pain.

"Rina, you shouldn't have done that!!", I yelled pushing people aside to walk up to her.

"He punched me first, and what did they say about a fight. Never throw the first punch" I chuckled in my mind forgotten we both have experiences in protecting ourself, she has a black belt in boxing and I have one in taekwondo, Rina's parent insisted for us to get a protective skill and it's worked out pretty well

"That's my girl!", I laughed at the man groaning in pain. "And that's what you'll get for hitting a woman asshole".

We asked the frightened manager to call the police as we locked our hand in the other sauntered out of the scene with people clapping in awe till I was harshly pulled by the hair and thrown over the tables. 

"Fucking bitch"

I hissed the pain realizing the asshole was the one who dragged me and threw me across the room "You fucking imbecile", I heard before I hit my head on the floor severely as Rina's voice rang in my ear, my vision was slowly getting fuzzy.

I tried to stand but I couldn't until a middle aged woman helped me, holding onto the bar of iron as I thanked the unknown woman for her help later registering that Rina was throwing punches to the man who was trying to fight back.

He might not be as drunk as I thought. Rina is definitely going to beat his ass, a small smile crawled to my lips as I noticed him trying to dodge the punch.

She must have been caught off guard as the asshole pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed her in her rib, she whimpered in pain as she fell off him.

I froze in place, watching as Rina slumped to the floor pressing her bleeding wound. All I saw was red as I was raging in anger, I blew a puff of aggravated breath from my lung, strode over to the man, dragged him by his collar and brutally flung him across the room.

"You fucking scumbag", I panted heavily in a laboured manner as I got infuriated at the sight of Rina wincing in pain.

"You are fucking dead, you underbred animal", I hiked toward him, as he was desperately trying to crawl his way of out the crowd not knowing what's next to come.

Ugh, I was angry I could picture steam coming out my ears, and he was going to feel my wrath.

Just wanted to have a good dinner with my best friend but only for her to be stabbed by a freaking bastard how did that even happen?. I dragged him by his hair and kicked him at his rib the exact place he stabbed Sabrina.

"You don't dare mess with an hungry furious woman you imbecile, you dared to hurt my best friend thinking you were going to walk out scot-free, think twice my dear friend and now that you are going to learn the lesson of your lifetime to never mess with a woman, you will fear to even raise your disgusting hands to anyone", I screamed at his face, pulling him by his hair, punched him right his nose, next his jaw, kicked him right in his rib before he was pulled away from my torture and handing him over to policemen that just arrived.

He coughed out some blood, maybe from his vile damaged lungs. "You slut, you fucking whore I'm going to make you pay, you're going to regret this. I will haunt you down even if it's the last thing I do". He tried to escaped from the policeman reaching for my neck.

"Oh bastard, is that the best you could do?. You're going to haunt me down really, dream on", I laughed sarcastically as the police officer held him down and cuffed his hand "Have a nice time in jail", I waved at him with a brisk smirk upon my lips.

I turned to discovered that the man messing with my head, mind and day was watching me the whole time. He stood in shock, his eyes almost bulging out of his socket, his eyes showing a glint of being shocked and proud.

I don't give a damn fuck right now, all I care about is my friend getting treated.

"Aurora", he tried to call as I walked over to Rina crumbled on a chair.

"Rina are you okay?", I questioned concerned at her displeasure and pain.

"Way to go Aura", she tried to give me a thumbs up but failed as her face was scrunched in pain.

"We need to go to the hospital Rina", I said worried as my hand was fidgeting scared of going to happen next. I pulled her up wanting to walk out of room till I heard a winced and stopped, her face looked so pale and sweaty. I felt something liquid on my hand, to realize it's blood, she's bleeding furiously.

Way to go Aurora, great you're just finding that out.....

I got scared, stepping back away from the her vulnerable sight. "I'm fine Aurora, it's okay", she tried to reassure me but...

The haunted memories flashed in my mind as my body felt so heavy, people whispers rang loudly in my ear, I got nauseous as the voice echoed in my head.

"What did you do you bitch?. You killed her,you fucking killed her, you murder"

"You're a curse, a child that should not have born. A bastard, let's my curse and agony rain upon you".

"Get out, I said you should get the fuck out of here, you cursed bastard"

The words mocked my entire existence, those sick words implanted in my brain, my dear mind and system. Tried so hard to run away from the past but still couldn't escape my nightmares.

Why me ????



"Aurora?", An acquainted masculine voice called as I slowly turned to see Nathan softly watching me, my body still shaking as I tried to hold my hand from getting wrung nervously. 

"Are you okay?", He asked concerned holding me up.

"Y-yes I am...Rina!", I ran to her side pulling her to my side away from a strange unknown man as I eyed him suspiciously he immediately let go off her hand lifting his own in the air indicating he meant no harm

Watching her in brute pain, I got more protective of her.

"It's alright princess, I mean no harm I'm a doctor-", he brought his hospital work id card from his wallet showing me as I took it confirming if it was real "I have a medical kit in my office I could bring it over, her wound is not that deep", he convinced.


Thirty minutes later Rina have been stitched and patched, I still don't trust the suspicious doctor his dubious action are very strange after finding he is the owner of the diner we are in, Lucas Potter the only son of the top five best hospital in the world, as the heritage of doctors reigned his family he also became one but his passion for cooking consisted him to open a diner for him to cook for people after work. He is also Nathan Wagner's childhood friend as they claimed they went to the same preschool and follows right after.

"Thank you for stitching me up and for the prescription", Rina thanked him for his help.

He is actually good looking, a raven black haired guy with blue eyes soft looking eyes innocent but a dangerous player. That was the vibe he was giving and it seems Rina have intrigued by him.

"You're gladly welcomed baby. I'm really for the inconveniences, I apologize on behalf of my incompetent worker and discomfort. What I can do to make up for this night?", He sounded apologetic at least.

"Your number can do", Rina shameless flirted fluttering her eyes to him. They have been shamelessly flirting with the other for over thirty minutes.

Even whilst she was in pain, she still couldn't let go of her flirty ways.

"Well obviously we can't eat anymore", I said sarcastically as he laughed at my comment as he and Rina chatted away while I felt like a rabbit caught in a wolf cage casually waiting for his prey to move, his eyes watched and wandered over me as our eyes met, my heart melted immediately to his captivating smile, his damn dimples.

"Aurora, are you okay?",I turned to Rina who was asking a question only to answer few seconds later obviously distracted by a brown eyed guy observing my every move.


"Okay, we can go home now and one more thing. I hope you deal with this situation and hoping for it t never happen again, treat you workers well as they are deserved"

"Yes I will, Thanks S-sabrina right?".


"I'll text you later, this is my card in case you want to dress your wound again. Don't stress or carry heavy stuff for this week not wanting the cut to open, right? "

"Okay, thanks L-lucas right?", She smirked clearly playing his game.

They are both ridiculous, however I'm seeing a spark between the two. I could actually see them as the model of my main characters for my outline.

Nathan have been quiet since his friend started Rina's stitches. What is going on in his head, he has not said a word since he  inquiring about my well being.

His silence was killing me !!!

"Once more, I'm really sorry for tonight", Lucas bowed apologizing to the both of us

We both glanced at each other but his eyes stayed on me as broke the intense stare, withdrawn my mind from anymore lingering thought.

I helped Sabrina out the diner.

Well, there goes our dinner

Tonight was quite adventurous !!!!

Author's Note

Chapter 7 done and unedited, sorry for that tho 😂.

So what do you guys think of the new added character, what impression is he giving?. There is still a lot to find out, I hope to stay till the end for the climax.

But unfortunately lovelies, I'm not really sure if there's going to be an update on Monday because of my upcoming semester exam but I will try as much as to meet up with the estimated date.

Don't forget to like, comment and follow for more updates.

See you dear reader, next time .