
A Writer Beneath

Aurora Pearl Vance "Stunned by sex and some would say stupid from too much love" I decided to write my own book about the protagonist not falling in love but quite the opposite. ________________ This book is about an anonymous author who is greatly questioned of her actions and reasons. Aurora Pearl Vance is an introvert, having few friends, hides everything within and proudly against all love stories been made. Having a great fear of being exposed to the public, not wanting to risk her secured private life. Her so called rival "Nathan Wagner" surprisingly and unwantedly showed up in her life. An author who have a different view of love and life, how will he positively impact the world of our protagonist. And how will Aurora handle this situation? Find out more about the Protagonist resenting the word 'love', strongly believe it doesn't exist, more conflict, beliefs, action, backstory, laws, culture, suspense, decision making and romance in the story. The most important question asked "Why". Stay tuned for more discovery. ______________________

Triplepreme · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs


Aurora Pearl Vance

"Stunned by sex and some would say stupid from too much love" I decided to write my own book about the protagonist not falling in love but quite the opposite.



"It's all your fault!!"

"She died for you, dad!!'

"You were indeed my father but never a dad to me !!!"

"Never had a good memory of you, not even once father!!. All my life I've watched, wished and prayed for some fatherly love, you might have fulfilled your duty as a father to a child but not a responsibility as a dad"

"I hate you, Father!!!!"


I wish I could say it was my pretty annoying alarm clock that woke me up or the birds chirping in the morning singing beautifully in my balcony. But it seems in life you don't always get what you want.



"Aurora Pearl Vance!!. I'll count till three and I don't see this damn door opened any minute consider your door broken".

I heard a very familiar annoyed voice screaming at my apartment's door disturbing my not so peaceful sleep. I sighed and groaned lazily not wanting to get up and open the door.

I walked out of my room, slumped unto the door unlocked it "You break my door, you buy me a new one!" I demanded.

Her annoyed and furious face displayed in front of my door way "Do you know for how long I've been at your door, I called your phone but you weren't picking. I thought something had happened to you". She said softly and walked into my apartment, angrily dropped her brown designer handbag on the couch.

I rolled my eyes at her statement "Well, good morning to you".

"It's afternoon Aurora, what's wrong with you sweetie?". Her motherly instinct unfolded, though she isn't a mother she still care for me as a really great friend would.

"Rina, I'm fine. Just had a rough night trying to catch up with the deadline". I had to reassure her not wanting another mom lecture this so called "Afternoon".

Sabrina Boone, my best friend, a crazy one in fact. She has always been at my side since middle school when we both stood up for those bullying a less privileged girl. At that moment, we both clicked knowing that we are completely different from each other . She's wild, free, having loving parent, an extrovert, an insane woman, a feminist and me being an complete closed introvert who loves staying indoors hiding from the wicked humanity and cruel world.

But she constantly have one way or the other to drag me into her fun and frisky world. As the saying goes 'Opposite surely attractive'.

"Okay Aura" She stood in the middle of my dinning area, opened the fridge taking out a bottle of water.

"So.....what's the emergency Rina?. You were this close to breaking down my door. You crazy woman, I'm pretty sure the neighbors are already accustomed to having a crazy psycho screaming her lungs out every morning or rather afternoon", I joked, in return she threw her empty bottle of water aiming at my precious head.

"Woah, watch it Rina" I chuckled sitting comfortably on my couch.

"You seem ungrateful brat, I guess you don't need these dear tickets to your favorite author's book-signing"she pulled out two tickets out of her brownish bag waving in the air must I say 'carelessly'.

She does not know how important those tickets are to me, for days I've been trying to get a pass but been really busy trying to meet up with my deadline and missing an deadline, means deduction of my monthly earnings, fuck it.

"Well.....I think it's high time for me to take my leave, seeing no one in the room actually acknowledges my worth", Sabrina said a little bit loud as she picked her bag from the couch.

Jumped right on her, hugged her very tall annoying life out of her. "I love you, love you so much Rina".

She laughed and hugged me back "Hate you too, now get your dirty ass into the bathroom and wear something sexy to get the attention of your man".

"Sabrina, how many freaking times will I tell you I just love his work not him", I groaned opening the door of my room Sabrina right at my back.

"Bitch, he has a very hot ass, girls fall at his feet just to be next to him and now you're telling me you love his work not his body. Girl, you lie", I laughed at her last sentence, God what will I do without her in my life.

"Whatever Rina, whatever!"

"See, you're not even denying it so it's true you love hot asses", she laughed casually laid on my bed, spreading her arm around.

"Stop putting words in my mouth"

"I'm doing nothing girl, it's your conscience doing it all."

I rolled my eyes at her stupid claim. "You know, she's right". My conscience just had to taunt me at this moment. You should know that isn't happening any sooner or ever.

I picked out my towel from my closet, walked into my bathroom.

Minutes later, finally done with my morning routine. I walked back into my room to see Rina in front of my closet, picking out my dresses.

"What are you doing?".

"Choosing out a sexy outfit that you're going to wear meeting your hot ass man".

I groaned, rubbing my nose it became an habit over time. "He isn't my man Rina, please don't pick out any slutty dress cause ain't gonna wear it. You know!".

"Yeah,yeah I know. Aurora, the queen of good girls and book worms", she joked and I chuckled at her comment.


We are patiently waiting in line, we arrived at the avenue few minutes back. The line went slower and aggravating than expected, Rina bothering my entire life at my back got me fed up. I tried to ignore her but she keeps making comments like...

"Aura, I hope you're not nervous about meeting your man?"

"Oh, I hope he likes the dress you're wearing for him"

"Do you think he going to ask for your number?"

I sighed as we got a lot of unwanted attentions, both good and bad. Some looked at us like we were crazy, others courteously snarled at us. I was really getting annoyed of her but I couldn't do anything cause she bought the tickets and I love her so much. I sighed softly, immediately noticing the line is already moving closer to him.

In my head I was like a little child jumping around after receiving her favourite dolls after Christmas dinner. I grasped one of my favorite book of his in my hand, excited about meeting him.

I tried to calm both my heart and mind at once but it isn't working seeing a brief sight of him, sitting gloriously in his seat with his signature smile on his lips.

I don't know what I'm doing here, risking my identity just for a book signing. I must have gone crazy for coming here.

I shouldn't be here !!!!!!


I could get noticed by him, Oh Lord what have I gotten myself into!!.

"Excuse me, Miss!"

"Aurora!!" I was pulled out of my thoughts with the same familiar voice ringing in my ears.

I didn't realize the line had moved and I was the next to be attended. I stood still in the presence of him and people, they all gave me a commonly acquainted looks.

"Miss", I heard the very well-known deep voice, awfully accustomed to it. Meeting his beautiful and perfect smile, blew all doubt I had in me against me attending this book signing.

I gave out a small shy smile as he gestured for me to have my seat with his agents right by his side.

"Good afternoon Miss, I'd like to think everything is alright?", He said softly concerned about my welfare.

That's so sweet !!!!

Taking my seat cautiously, really shy to look up to him. Took hours for me to make up my mind to come to this event before leaving my apartment and now he is right in front of me I lost all courage build up I had in me.

"Y-yes.. I.. I am fine and right, afternoon"

"Ok,that's good and what will your name be Miss?", He politely asked, which of course got my attention as I raised my head and a little blush brushing up my cheeks.

Get your fucking self together, you are not some timid and shy girl meeting her long ever crush for the first time.

"A-aurora Vance" 

Author's Note :

And that's a wrap everyone !!!!!!

For "A Writer Beneath" first chapter, I truly hope you like the introduction of our female lead, side character and a little introduction of our male lead. Thanks for giving my book a chance, it might seem a little bit rushed but I only get better.

Ooh and yeah, I found out that A Book signing event does not charge people like paying for tickets and stuff. Just for you to come early, attend and it's free. So for this Chapter let's just pretend it's real and we all pay for attending a book signing.

P.s : I've never attended a book signing event, so pardon all my unintentional mistakes.

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